Tag Archives: LGBT

Women’s day and the struggle of every day: María Galindo

A feminist-anarchist voice from the “South”: María Galinda and the critique of “Women’s Day” …

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In praise of a riot: Resonances of the Stonewall Inn insurrection

(Paula Rego, Angel) In memory of the Stonewall Inn insurrection of 1969, in memory of all of those women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans and intersex, queers and men who have been admonished, disciplined, tortured and killed for “deviant” forms of pleasure … Continue reading

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Architecture beyond truth and falsity: Radicalising feminist interventions in the creation of spaces

Better to live in the provisional than in the definitive. Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space All dissidence, rebellion, revolution has a location, a place.  The relationship between the two has been the subject of an ongoing reflection on the … Continue reading

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Infrastructure against borders

What follows is the second of a two part essay from the collective Out of the Woods, posted on Libcom.org, reflecting on refugees-migrants, climate change, the violence of border politics, anti-migrant populisms and no borders politics.

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Struggles for space: Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture (4)

We share an essay below by Carlos Jacques, a friend of Autonomies.  The essay, entitled “Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture” was presented as a paper at the conference, Matrices: 2nd International Congress on Architecture and Gender, Universidade Lusófona … Continue reading

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In Memoriam: For Hande Kader

Amid the violent and often murderous repression in turkey against dissidence, against leftist political militants, ethnic and religious minorities, intellectuals, journalists, academics, LGBT activists also find themselves targeted by public authorities and para-State political and religious groups. On the 8th … Continue reading

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Gender nihilism: An anti-manifesto

Photographs by Christer Strömholm Essays, translations, new postings of already published texts flow with the contingency of events and the chance encounters with persons, ideas, experiences …  The presumption that all flows smoothly from antecedent ideological choices and positions is purely … Continue reading

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Paul B. Preciado: Identity in transit

From Paul B. Preciado (Liberation 27/05/2016 – in translation), reflections on the radicalness of trans and migrant “identities”, identities that must be refused as fixed identities, identities that are rather lines of flight that put into question, contend with, mechanisms … Continue reading

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Transfeminism: The promise of freedom in feminism

Our struggle is every day, we are women and not commodities. Against capital, anal pleasure; Against the vatican, clitoral pleasure; Against patriarchy, pleasure everywhere. I was a saint, I was a witch, I was a whore, but I will did not silence myself. … Continue reading

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For woman’s day … the revolution of everyday

From spain, we share a statement from the spanish anarchist collective Apoyo Mutuo on the occasion of this year’s international women’s day, in solidarity with all of those who struggle against patriarchy, sexism, misogyny, heteronormativity and all of the violence … Continue reading

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