Monthly Archives: March 2015

Operación Piñata: The police hunt for anarchists in spain continues

  Spanish authorities have again targeted anarchists, arresting 13 on the grounds of belonging to criminal organisations with terrorist aims and 25 others for resisting the police.  Early morning, on the 30th of March, on orders from the Juzgado Central … Continue reading

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From student strikes to social strikes: Echoes of a new québec spring

Against austerity, against the savaging of the public-state services, a commons built through decades of popular struggles against Capital, Québec students, workers, the unemployed, have called for an indefinite social strike in the province, beginning on the 21st of March, … Continue reading

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Time, revolution and historical subjectivity

(Photographs by Alexey Titarenko) In revolution, everything happens incredibly quickly, just like in dreams in which people seem to be freed from gravity. Gustave Landauer, Revolution We have merely to tear down the Bastilles of the future, restructure the past … Continue reading

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In solidarity with the occupied factory Vio.Me.

The two years old Vio.Me. factory occupation in Thessaloniki, greece, a radical experiment in workers self-management and community solidarity,  is threatened by a court decision which risks forcing the liquidation of machinery and factory premises.   If the decision goes … Continue reading

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Interrupting capital: Blockupy in Frankfurt

The aim was disruption; not a demonstration as normal event, a weekend affair to idle away one’s idleness.  As Blockupy announced, the March 18th intervention against the inaugural ceremony of the European Central Bank’s new headquarter’s building, was directed at interrupting … Continue reading

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Ferguson and the Criminalization of American Life: David Graeber

We share below an essay by David Graeber on a report by the  the department of justice of the united states on the Ferguson Police Department, originally published on Gawker (19/03/2015).  See also Black Skin White Cops. 

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Okupations and strikes amidst students: Amsterdam and Toronto

With each passing day of the New University/Amsterdam student occupation, the movement resonantes locally and beyond the country’s borders.  The commodification of education is global; if restrained in the past, it is today without leash, and runs amok among the … Continue reading

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Tales of rebellious students: The London school of economics

From the Guardian (18/03/2015), we have learned today that students of the London School of Economics have occupied the central administration room at the university in protest at what they call the marketisation of higher education.

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Disobedience, resistance, okupation: Anti-capitalist movements in Manresa, Catalonia

The revolution takes place in our everyday present … Manresa, a small city of the region of Bages, in Catalonia, is an industrial centre in decline, with numerous industries closed or in a state of terminal crisis.  Like a sort … Continue reading

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Istanbul: Urban renewal as primitive accumulation

(Yuksel Arslan) Capitalism’s need for wealth extraction in an increasingly urbanised human space can only force it to turn upon itself, to consume itself, in gestures of commodity autophagia.  But if cannibalism could once serve as a mode of sacrificial … Continue reading

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