Monthly Archives: July 2017

Autonomous well-being: Self-organising health care in Exarcheia

It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has. Hippocrates Revolution begins in the everyday, in the constitution-resistance of autonomous, self-managed social relations in the many spheres of life that make … Continue reading

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The passions of revolution

Society is always pushing you to turn into something other than what you want to be. Society attempts to make you someone else, a copy, a simulacrum. It is necessary to realize that we are not here to fulfill the … Continue reading

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The russian revolution of 1917: Alexander Berkman

It has been asserted by some writers that Bolshevik accession to power in Russia was due to a coup de main, and doubt has been expressed regarding the social nature of the October change. Nothing could be further from the … Continue reading

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The russian revolution of 1917: Emma Goldman

The argument that destruction and terror are part of revolution I do not dispute. I know that in the past every great political and social change necessitated violence. America might still be under the British yoke but for the heroic … Continue reading

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The russian revolution of 1917: The Dada counterpoint

Dada remains within the framework of European weaknesses; its still shit, but from now on we want to shit in different colours to adorn the zoo of art with the flags of every consulate. Tristan Tzara, Manifesto of Monsieur Antipyrine … Continue reading

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Another day under democracy: Hamburg, June 6 – Protesting the G20

The Crimethinc collective is posting continuous live updates of the “Welcome to Hell” protests in Hamburg against the G20 gathering. We share below two such posts, in solidarity we all of those resisting in the city …

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Notes on “the immigrant question”: Guy Debord

Among the functions of borders, political and others, is to stabilise and make possible the exploitation of human populations, against the free flows of capital commodities and commodity spectacles.  If populations were allowed complete freedom of movement, equal to that … Continue reading

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A world without police: Peter Gelderloos

“Violence” is something new in history. We decadents are the first to know this curious thing: violence. Traditional societies knew of theft, blasphemy, parricide, abduction, sacrifice, insults and revenge. Modern States, beyond the dilemma of adjudicating facts, recognized only infractions … Continue reading

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