Monthly Archives: April 2017

The economics and politics of the rojava revolution

From a distance, and in the absence of a knowledge of the local languages, news about the “rojava revolution” in nothern syria remains fragmentary and often contradictory.  While supportive of the movement, questions and doubts remain which we are unable … Continue reading

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Voices of a revolution: Portugal, 25 of April 1974, Música de intervenção

A people without song are perhaps not a “people”, or at least, they are not more than temporary aggregates of consumers of music.  But consumers do not make up a people and if it is in times of intense and … Continue reading

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Ni dieu ni maitre: A history of anarchism

A documentary film by Tancrède Ramonet tells the story of anarchism from the Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s What is Property? (1840) to the fall of Barcelona at the end of the spanish revolution/civil war (1939).  Whatever historical-political lacunae one may find in … Continue reading

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France: Insurgent Thought in a Fragmented World

From Ill Will editions and anarchist news, a quick and dirty english translation of a review of The Invisible Committee’s Now from yesterday’s Le Monde, along with an interview with Julien Coupat and Mathieu Burnel with Le Monde (20/04/2017) …

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France: Resistance and rebellion under a state of emergency without end

On the eve of the french presidential elections, we share from the Crimethinc collective,  the second of two reflections on french politics, that is, on the only politics that matters, that which comes from below …

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France 2015-2017: Permanent rebellion

On the eve of the french presidential elections, we share from the Crimethinc collective,  the first of two reflections on french politics, that is, on the only politics that matters, that which comes from below …

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In solidarity with of turkey

Since the violent crackdown on the Gezi Park-Taksim Square occupation of 2013, Erdogan and the AKP government of turkey have sought by almost every means to silence dissent in the country: from the persecution of those who participated in the … Continue reading

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For/from Ursula K. Le Guin

A writer speaks above all for themselves.  We thus share the words of the anarchist writer Ursula K. Le Guin, a story, a story of rebellion as departure, self-withdrawal from oppression …

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To be an anarchist: Ruymán Rodríguez

We share once again an essay, in translation, by Ruymán Rodríguez of the FAGC – Federación de Anarquistas Gran Canaria ( 26/03/2017).  What follows is a critical reflection on what it means to be an anarchist, born of Rodríguez’s experience with the FAGC. … Continue reading

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Looking back on the united states prison strike

We have been late in sharing news of the largest prison strike in united states history.  Begun last Fall, on the 45th anniversary of the Attica uprising, the strike spread to 24 states and involved over 20,000 prisoners.  If the … Continue reading

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