Monthly Archives: March 2013

Weaving protest into revolution

It is only when grounded in the ubiquity of resistance that revolution becomes a possibility. John Holloway, Change the World Without Taking Power As the tides of protest swell and subside, in these our interesting times of rebellion, their limits … Continue reading

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A revolution freed

On March the 5th, Hugo Chavez died.  Our silence at his passing was motivated in large part by our ignorance of the complexity of the Revolución Bolivariana and of Venezuela.  Equally, we were silenced by the torrent of media attention … Continue reading

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A timeless spring

(Image from the Ecole de la Montagne Rouge) The Québec student movement of the printemps érable of 2012, which began as a protest movement against proposed increases in university tuition fees, very quickly became a much broader social movement that in its … Continue reading

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Revolution from below: Cooperativa Integral Catalana

In continuity with an earlier post about an initiative that originated in Catalonia calling for the creation of an international network/space for the ideological and practical elaboration of autonomies beyond capitalism (integrarevolució), a return to one of the groups, members … Continue reading

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From factory occupations to revolution?

The occupation of factories, of the industrial fabric of a society, is essential to any broad revolutionary movement against State-Capital.  It is however by no means sufficient.  Occupations can only be a part of a more general effort to create … Continue reading

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A call to revolution

From Catalunia comes a call to create an international network/space for the ideological and practical elaboration of autonomies beyond capitalism (integrarevolució).  Originating among people involved with Radi: Revolució, Acció, Desobediència, Integral and the Cooperativa Integral Catalana, as well as Derecho … Continue reading

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Grândola Vila Morena: 2nd of March

On March the 2nd, a million and a half people in portugal filled the cities’ streets to the music of Zeca Afonso’s Grandola Vila Morena.  The song thus resonates from a historical moment in the country’s imaginary, the Revolution of … Continue reading

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