Monthly Archives: April 2012

15M: A Philosophical Concerto in Three Unfinished Movements

An exercise in philosophical reflection on 15M in spain …

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May Day in the Art of Occupy …  

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15M: A Cartography of the Spanish Revolution 86

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Participatory Economics (Parecon) – An interview with Michael Albert

There is an alternative: participatory economics Roarmag, April 21, 2012 In this interview, Michael Albert — co-founder of Znet — reflects on the vision of participatory economics, and how it could take us beyond capitalism. This interview is part of … Continue reading

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commodity e-fetish-i’sm

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Updates from Greece

  The violence of capitalism in greece continues to show itself  in the lives of its people … the testimonial of a further suicide … Who are, after all, the hoodlums?  Violence is to work for 40 years for … Continue reading

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Updates from Greece

If War is the Health of the State, attacking Immigrants is one of its Psychotic Pleasures: see the scenes of organized hatred through the link: Repressive forces in Athens attack the Exarcheia district Attack on Exarcheia Anarchist Social … Continue reading

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Updates from Greece

The following links to the essay by the Ta Paidia tis Gallaria’s (Children of the Gallery) Collective Burdened by the Debt Crisis one of the most significant analysis of the crisis immediately facing the proletariat (in 2012: the working people … Continue reading

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Updates from Greece  

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Updates from Greece … and elsewhere On the student strikes and other matters:    

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