Monthly Archives: October 2016

A revolution remembered: Hungary 1956

Notre heritage n’est précédé d’aucun testament. René Char It is a strange and sad story that remains to be told and remembered. What the councils challenged was the party system as such, in all its forms, and this conflict was … Continue reading

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The illusions/delusions of electoral politics: From Crimethinc

From the CrimethInc collective, a reflection on the pitfalls of electoral politics for radical challenges to Capital and the State, by ret marut … Could there be any better illustration of the shortcomings of representative democracy than this year’s Presidential … Continue reading

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Reading Dario Fo’s Legacy: By Jacopo Fo

Our homeland is the whole world. Our law is liberty. We have but one thought, revolution in our hearts. Dario Fo From the struggles in italy website, the speech by Jacopo Fo at his father’s, Dario Fo’s, funeral … Dario … Continue reading

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Sebastien Faure: “Anarchy”

From Robert Graham’s Anarchism Weblog … Some time ago I posted Sébastien Faure’s definition of “anarchist” from the Encyclopédie Anarchiste. Shawn Wilbur has now translated an excerpt from Faure’s definition of “anarchy”from the Encyclopédie. Faure was a French anarchist who … Continue reading

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Carlos Taibo: Collapse

Photographs by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre from the series Ruins of Detroit 2005-2010 Carlos Taibo’s most recent monograph is a sustained and detailed study of the probable and imminent collapse of contemporary capitalism, its causes and the possible consequences that … Continue reading

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The expropriated bank la canica: The contagion of bank okupations in spain

With the earlier bank occupations of catalonia in 2014 and the struggle for the defense of the Banc Expropiat in the Gràcia neighbourhood of Barcelona in the bankground, and also in Madrid with the occupied La Bankarrota in 2015, the example continues to resonate, … Continue reading

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Francisco Ferrer: Against Rewards and Puishments

To share, from Robert Graham’s Anarchist Weblog … October 13th marks the 113th anniversary of the Spanish state’s execution of the libertarian revolutionary Francisco Ferrer (1859-1909), who tried to establish “Modern Schools” in Spain, for boys and girls, that were rationalist … Continue reading

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A poet of movement: For Pierre Etaix

A clown is a poet in action. He is the story which he enacts. The clown teaches us to laugh at ourselves. Joy is like a river: it flows ceaselessly. It seems to me that this is the message which the … Continue reading

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The passing of a court jester: For Dario Fo

The theater-goer in conventional dramatic theater says: Yes, I’ve felt that way, too. That’s the way I am. That’s life. That’s the way it will always be. The suffering of this or that person grips me because there is no … Continue reading

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Struggles for space: Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture (4)

We share an essay below by Carlos Jacques, a friend of Autonomies.  The essay, entitled “Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture” was presented as a paper at the conference, Matrices: 2nd International Congress on Architecture and Gender, Universidade Lusófona … Continue reading

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