Monthly Archives: August 2016

Struggles for space: Anarchism, architecture and anarchitecture (1)

If there is no art without architecture (for are not most of what we call the “fine arts” housed?) and if architecture is the arkhi-chief-master tekhne-art and the architect the master tekton-artist-artisan-builder, then the anarchist should find little affinity with … Continue reading

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In Memoriam: For Hande Kader

Amid the violent and often murderous repression in turkey against dissidence, against leftist political militants, ethnic and religious minorities, intellectuals, journalists, academics, LGBT activists also find themselves targeted by public authorities and para-State political and religious groups. On the 8th … Continue reading

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Nuit Debout: To live the commune – Interventions by the revolutionary erotic committee

France’s Nuit Debout movement may be the first of the post-2011 “movements of occupation” that dissipates almost entirely due to its own democratic self-delusions.

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An illustrated guide to Guy Debord’s “The Society of the Spectacle”

From Hyperallergic, a brief, illustrated reflection on Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle, authored by Tiernan Morgan and Lauren Purje (10/08/2016) …

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The anarchist critique of democracy (9): CrimethInc.

The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated in the month of May a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections.  What follows is the ninth essay, by Uri Gordon, in which he discusses the attractions and risks of … Continue reading

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Nuit Debout: Where lies the filthy beast?

(Yaya) The State is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of behaviour; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently toward one another… We are the State and we shall continue to be the … Continue reading

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André Laude, anarchist poet

For André Laude (1936-1995), for his poetry, for his fiery beauty … Toute mon expérience poétique s’articule autour de cette perspective : la poésie doit changer la vie. André Laude: Working class family.  Exiled to Paris, will later rejoin his homeland: … Continue reading

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Scenes from the class struggle in greece

To share, from Roarmag (31/07/2016), an essay by Theodoros Karyotis on the “leftist” Syriza government’s attack on the solidarity work with migrants of social movements in greece.

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