Tag Archives: Feminism

The shifting territories of the body

But what is a body? … For Spinoza, the individuality of a body is defined by the following: it’s when a certain composite or complex relation (I insist on that point, quite composite, very complex) of movement and rest is … Continue reading

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A wall of exclusion and domination

The actual physical borderland that I’m dealing with … is the Texas-U.S Southwest/Mexican border. The psychological borderlands, the sexual borderlands and the spiritual borderlands are not particular to the Southwest. In fact, the Borderlands are physically present wherever two or … Continue reading

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Radicalising feminism, radicalising pride: The revolution as trans-intersex

(Photograph by Joel-Peter Wilkin) Many questions were troubling the explorer, but at the sight of the prisoner he asked only: “Does he know his sentence?” “No,” said the officer, eager to go on with his exposition, but the explorer interrupted … Continue reading

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In praise of a riot: Resonances of the Stonewall Inn insurrection

(Paula Rego, Angel) In memory of the Stonewall Inn insurrection of 1969, in memory of all of those women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans and intersex, queers and men who have been admonished, disciplined, tortured and killed for “deviant” forms of pleasure … Continue reading

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Iaroslavskaïa, the insurgent: Recuperating lost memories of revolution

The Russian Revolution often reduces itself, in superficial and/or interested narratives, to the seizure of political power in October of 1917 by Lenin’s Bolsheviks.  It was of course far more than that, both before and after.  And if the simple … Continue reading

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Architecture beyond truth and falsity: Radicalising feminist interventions in the creation of spaces

Better to live in the provisional than in the definitive. Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space All dissidence, rebellion, revolution has a location, a place.  The relationship between the two has been the subject of an ongoing reflection on the … Continue reading

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I don’t want to be strong. I want to be vulnerable.

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil “[A]ll public assembly is haunted by the police … Continue reading

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Infrastructure against borders

What follows is the second of a two part essay from the collective Out of the Woods, posted on Libcom.org, reflecting on refugees-migrants, climate change, the violence of border politics, anti-migrant populisms and no borders politics.

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Struggles for space: Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture (4)

We share an essay below by Carlos Jacques, a friend of Autonomies.  The essay, entitled “Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture” was presented as a paper at the conference, Matrices: 2nd International Congress on Architecture and Gender, Universidade Lusófona … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (6)

We have begun to recognize that for our movements to work and thrive, we need to be able to socialize our experiences of grief, illness, pain, death, things that now are often relegated to the margins or the outside of … Continue reading

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