Author Archives: Julius Gavroche

On friendship and happiness: Reflections on joyful militancy

Yue Minjun But in much of Ionia and elsewhere in the Persian Empire the rule is that love-affairs are wrong.  In Persia, it is because of their tyrannical government that they condemn them, as well as intellectual and athletic activities.  … Continue reading

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Self-Destruction as Insurrection: An essay by Irmgard Emmelhainz

… from Devil’s Freedom by Everardo González  What remains of “revolution” when an absolute capitalism generates profits from the death of superfluous populations?  What “liberal subject” bearer of rights, not to speak of  “revolutionary subject”, persists when the redundant have … Continue reading

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In Notre-Dame-des-Landes: The ZAD defeats an airport

A battle is won; the war continues … In solidarity with the many groups and individuals who have fought for and created the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, we share a common communique issued by the organisations involved:

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With and beyond anti-fascism (3): Georges Bataille and the anarchy of life

Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed… Buenaventura Durruti It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator … Continue reading

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Revolution in the end time (2): A reflection

Our response to the climate crisis has been to rearrange deckchairs on the Titanic — but whatever we do, it isn’t working. It’s time to try something new.   From roarmag, an essay by Kevin Buckland; a further reflection on … Continue reading

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Revolution in the end time: A reflection

We are writing to answer the question we ask and are asked daily: “But really, what should we be doing?” Posted on the anarchist library, and anonymous reflection on radical anti-capitalist politics in our time of permanent crisis.

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With and beyond anti-fascism (2): “The Antifascists”, a documentary film

A second part on our series on anti-fascism, this time, a reflection through film …

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With and beyond anti-fascism (1)

… to make use of the weapons created by fascism, which has been allowed to use the fundamental aspirations of people for affective exultation and fanaticism. But we affirm that the exaltation… must be placed in the service… of a … Continue reading

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Like a thief: Slavoj Žižek and the illusions of hope

Alex Colville, Horse and Train To be contemporary is to respond to the appeal that the darkness of the epoch makes to us. In the expanding Universe, the space that separates us from the furthest galaxies is growing at such … Continue reading

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For Katarina Gogou

… we convalescents still need art, it is another kind of art – a mocking, light, fleeting, divinely untroubled, divinely artificial art that, like a bright flame, blazes into an unclouded sky! Above all: an art for artists, only for artists! Friedrich … Continue reading

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