Category Archives: Fuck The Police

USA: ‘Become Ungovernable’ – Video Compilation of 2017 Anarchist Street Activity in Solidarity with the J20 Defendants

Received on 25.01.18: A video compilation of anarchist street activity in 2017 throughout so-called america. In solidarity with the J20 defendants.  

Posted in #DisruptJ20, #J20, ACAB, Antifa, Antifascism, Banners, Fuck The Police, Fuck Trump, Graffiti, Riots, Street Art, Street Clashes, USA, Videos

USA: Coordinated Banner Action Against State Terrorism by Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM)

Received on 05.01.18:  RAM Coordinated Banners Against State Terrorism When the video of the cold-blooded execution of Daniel Shaver by a barbaric cop, Philip Brailsford, was released to the public, we all saw yet another case of abuse of the … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Andy Lopez, Antifascism, Banners, California, Connecticut, Daniel Shaver, Direct Action, Dwayne Jeune, Fuck The Police, Inland Empire, Jayson Negron, New York, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), USA, Zoe Dowdell

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Poster & Text Calling for the Freedom of the Anarchist Comrades Detained on December 14th

Text of poster: DIEGO, PILAR AND PABLO TO THE STREET! Arrested on 14/12 at the demonstration against the pre-judicial reform, transferred to the penitentiaries of Marcos Paz, Ezieza and Devoto. The State seeks to pacify the struggles with vigilance, raids, … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Anarchist Prisoners, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Comodoro Py, Diego, Fire To The Judiciary, Fire To The Prisons, Fuck The Police, Insurrection, Pablo, Pilar, Posters, Social Revolt

The Netherlands: ‘No Justice No Peace’ Banner in the Schilderswijk

18.12.17: Today some anarchists hung a banner in the Schildeswijk (a working class district in The Hague City Center) with the message “No Justice No Peace! All Cops Are Bastards”. Leaflets were also distributed in the district that contained an … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Banners, Den Haag, Direct Action, Fuck The Police, Mitch Henriquez, police brutality, Schilderswijk, The Hague, The Netherlands

Berlin, Germany: Rigaer94 – Call for Resistance and Publication of Wanted Posters for Police Officers

Received on 19.12.17: The police state unleashes its full range of possibilities: early this Monday, presumably 100 faces of people, who took part in the events of Hamburg, got published. The state campaign yielded completely its disguise of prosecution and … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Fabio, Fuck The Police, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, No G20, Repression, Rigaer 94

Athens, Greece: A Fierce Riot Unfolds 9 Years Since the Murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos by Cops (6/12/2017) [Video]

Footage from the riot that “exploded” in Athens on December 6, 2017, commemorating nine years since 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered in cold blood by a policeman in the Exarchia area of Athens, on December 6, 2008.   … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Alexis Grigoropoulos, Athens, Exarcheia, Fuck The Police, Greece, Riots, Street Clashes, The December Rebellion, The December Revolt, Videos

Athens, Greece: Frontline Footage of the Clashes in Exarcheia on 06.12.17 in Memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos (Video)

Posted in ACAB, Alexis Grigoropoulos, Athens, Combative Memory, Exarcheia, Fuck The Police, Greece, International Day of Action Against State Terrorism, Riots, Street Clashes, Videos