Category Archives: Athens

Greece: Responsibility Claim from Popular Fighters Group for the Bombing of the Athens Court of Appeals

Received on 16.01.18: Responsibility Claim for the Bomb Attack on the Athens Appeals Court   Bourgeois Justice, a Weapon in the hands of Capital “Justice is like a snake. It bites only the barefooted.” In the years of the memorandum, … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Armed Struggle, Athens, Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Greece, Popular Fighters Group (OLA), Urban Guerrillas

Greece: Powerful Bomb Blast Rocks the Athens Court of Appeals

22.12.17: A powerful bomb blast exploded outside the Athens Appeals Court in the early hours of Friday morning causing extensive damage to the building and forcing the court’s closure for the day with all cases suspended. Nobody was injured in the … Continue reading

Posted in Athens, Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Greece

Athens, Greece: Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner Lisa, Accused of Bank Robbery in Germany

Received on 22.12.17: Today, 21st of December, taking part in the international call for solidarity with the comrade Lisa accused of bank robbery in Aachen, Germany, we decided to hang a banner in the Polytechnic University, in Exarcheia, Athens. The … Continue reading

Posted in Aachen, Aachen Bank Robbery Case, Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Banners, Cologne, Exarcheia, Fire To The Prisons, Free Lisa, Germany, Greece, International Solidarity, Lisa

Greece: ‘Green Nemesis Act 3’ – Christmas Poisoning Campaign by Green-Black Commando

18.12.17: A communique posted on Athens Indymedia by ‘Green-Black Commando’ titled ‘Green Nemesis Act 3’ warns that the group have poisoned several drink products including Coca-Cola with hydrochloric acid and that they will be replacing the items on supermarket shelves … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Consumerism, Antispeciesism, Athens, Direct Action, Greece, Green Nemesis, Green-Black Commando, Sabotage, Thessaloniki

Athens, Greece: Solidarity Fundraiser for an Anarchist Prisoner Arrested on the 6th of December

Received on 17.12.17: On the night of the 6th of December a comrade was arrested during the demo and he is now accused of throwing molotov cocktails at the cops. He is now facing years in prison if he doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Exarcheia, Fundraiser, Greece, International Day of Action Against State Terrorism, International Solidarity, Rosa de Foc Squat, Squatting

Athens, Greece: A Fierce Riot Unfolds 9 Years Since the Murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos by Cops (6/12/2017) [Video]

Footage from the riot that “exploded” in Athens on December 6, 2017, commemorating nine years since 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered in cold blood by a policeman in the Exarchia area of Athens, on December 6, 2008.   … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Alexis Grigoropoulos, Athens, Exarcheia, Fuck The Police, Greece, Riots, Street Clashes, The December Rebellion, The December Revolt, Videos

Athens, Greece: Frontline Footage of the Clashes in Exarcheia on 06.12.17 in Memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos (Video)

Posted in ACAB, Alexis Grigoropoulos, Athens, Combative Memory, Exarcheia, Fuck The Police, Greece, International Day of Action Against State Terrorism, Riots, Street Clashes, Videos