GCF Samoa Inception Workshop

Oct 25, 2017

The Government of Samoa through the Ministry of Finance and the United Nations Development Program will be holding an Inception Workshop for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Government of Samoa (GoS) funded project “Integrated Flood Management to Enhance Climate Resilience for the Vaisigano River Catchment” on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 October 2017 at the Tanoa Hotel. 

The objective of the Workshop is for the project team to present the project overview, GCF requirements for the Project; and with Government partners to confirm for the Logical Framework, Multi Year Work Plan, Annual Work Plan and the Implementation and Procurement Plans which will be finalized through detailed technical discussions at the activity level. 

The GCF project is for a duration of 6 years funded with US$57,717,748 from the GCF Trust and co-financing from the GoS of US$8 million. The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in close collaboration with the project Government partners (Responsible Agencies) which includes the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure (MWTI), Land Transport Authority (LTA), Ministry of Health (MoH) Samoa Water Authority (SWA) and Electric Power Corporation (EPC) who are responsible for different project components.

The project represents the GoS’s initial steps in operationalizing a comprehensive flood management solution. It has three major outputs: 

(a)  Assessments and mechanisms in place for an integrated approach to reduce vulnerability towards flood-related risks 

(b)  Infrastructure in the Vaisigano River are flood-proofed to increase resilience to negative effects of excessive water 

(c)  Drainage in downstream areas upgraded for increased regulation of water flows. 

In conjunction with GoS co-financing leveraged for this project, GCF resources will be used to address a number of key technical issues including infrastructure; capacity and information based barriers to enhancing the effectiveness of flood management systems. The primary direct beneficiaries include approximately 26,528 people in the Vaisigano river catchment area and 37,000 people indirect beneficiaries.


Contact information

Litara Taulealo, ACEO CRICD MOF  Tel: (685) 34347  email: Litara.taulealo@mof.gov.ws 

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