AWS IoT 1-Click

One click creation of an AWS Lambda trigger for any device

AWS IoT 1-Click is a service that makes it easy for simple devices to trigger AWS Lambda functions that execute a specific action. Some examples of possible actions include calling technical support, reordering goods and services, or locking and unlocking doors and windows. Simple devices are cloud-connected, single-purpose devices like buttons, badge readers, asset trackers, and motion sensors. The AWS IoT Enterprise Button, based on the Amazon Dash Button hardware, is a simple device that you can buy and use with the AWS IoT 1-Click service. You can use the AWS IoT Enterprise Button to capture quick customer feedback without burdening customers with time-consuming questionnaires. For example, in an airport lounge, patrons can press one of five buttons to rate their overall experience on a scale from one to five.  

Creating Lambda triggers for any of your simple devices is easy. You just download the 1-Click mobile app from Google Play or the Apple App Store and choose from the list of devices that are already preconfigured to securely connect to AWS. After selecting your device, you choose the Lambda function you want to run when the device sends the trigger.  You can write Lambda functions to start or stop a machine or remotely control your home appliances.  Once you select the Lambda function you want to use, you can deploy it to your device with a single click.  After your devices are deployed, AWS IoT 1-Click provides reports so you can track the utilization and status of deployed devices.


Easily Create Lambda Triggers for Any Device

With AWS IoT 1-Click, you can choose the action for your device by selecting one of the predefined AWS Lambda functions for common actions like sending emails or SMS messages, or you can select from custom Lambda functions you have created. You can write code to do things like playing a prerecorded message, counting assets, or tracking completion of tasks on an assembly line.

Deploy with a Single Click

Devices listed in the AWS IoT 1-Click mobile app are already pre-configured to connect securely to AWS IoT Core, so you don’t have to create, install, or manage any credentials like certificates. To deploy your devices, you assign an AWS Lambda function to each device, and click a button in the AWS IoT 1-Click mobile app.

Easily Manage Simple Devices

AWS IoT 1-Click provides simple forms for you to specify and update user ID, location, and device name for your devices and group your devices by these attributes, making it easy to organize and manage many different device types. You can also view reports in the AWS IoT 1-Click mobile app to track the utilization and status of your deployed devices, including information about how many Lambda invocations have failed or which devices have low battery life.

How It Works


Use Cases

Facilities Management

Simple devices are used in facilities like hotel conference rooms, offices, airports, and sports venues to improve operations and capture customer feedback. For example, in a luxury box at a stadium, patrons can press an Internet connected button to rate facility cleanliness, either positive or negative. AWS IoT 1-Click makes it easy to capture feedback on facilities such as room temperature, adequate seating space, or even coffee in the breakroom. First, you create an AWS Lambda function built for the specific feedback you would like to receive. Then you associate the Lambda function to different devices and deploy with one click.

Customer Support

AWS IoT 1-Click makes it easy to deploy and configure connected buttons (like the AWS IoT Enterprise Button or the AT&T LTE-M Button) to email or text customer support when help is needed. The AWS IoT Enterprise Button and the AT&T LTE-M Button are cloud-connected devices that execute prescribed actions when they are pressed. To trigger emails and texts, all you need to do is enter sender and recipient contact details into IoT 1-Click's prebuilt Lambda function for calling and texting. You can also build your own Lambda functions for more sophisticated actions like inserting a new case record into your customer service system with relevant information about the request. You can also view reports in AWS IoT 1-Click to understand how your devices are used in the field. You can generate reports for the number of times customer support has been contacted based on users, locations, or any custom-defined parameter.

Reordering Goods and Services

Consumers can use a variety of Amazon Dash buttons to reorder goods like cleaning products or food items. AWS IoT 1-Click makes it easy to deploy and configure Wi-Fi and cellular buttons to automatically reorder goods and services. To set up automatic reordering, you create AWS Lambda functions that execute API calls to place orders with custom procurements systems or online merchants such as With AWS IoT 1-Click, the Lambda functions, which reside in your AWS account, are associated with your devices in one click.

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