
Trademark Policy

osCommerce is a registered trademark of Harald Ponce de Leon.


The osCommerce Online Merchant name and osCommerce logo may be used for unmodified distributions of osCommerce Online Merchant as found on the osCommerce website.

Name and Logo

The usage of the osCommerce name must use the correct casing of letters. "osCommerce" is correctly written where "OsCommerce", "OSCommerce", and "OS Commerce" are not.

The usage of the osCommerce name and logo are not allowed to be used in conjunction with organization names, product names, and service titles.


The osCommerce website must be linked or referenced to when using the osCommerce name or logo.

The address of the osCommerce website is:

License Policy

Our software releases are completely licensed under the following licenses:

MIT License
osCommerce Online Merchant v2.4
GNU General Public License v2
osCommerce Online Merchant v2.2MS1 - v2.3.x
The Exchange Project v1.0 - v2.1
BSD (3 Clause) License
osCommerce Online Merchant v3.x
osCommerce Website
osCommerce Library Website
osCommerce Live Sites Website

Copyright Policy

The content of the osCommerce website is under the following copyright:

Copyright © 2000-2018 osCommerce. All rights reserved.

Content provided from community members are owned by their respective owners (for example, add-ons, forum postings, live shop entries, and bug reports) and may not be reproduced without permission from the respective owners. The respective owners grant osCommerce the right to reproduce and publish the content throughout the network of osCommerce websites.


The osCommerce website is operated by:

Harald Ponce de Leon
Remscheider Str. 96
42659 Solingen

We are not responsible for the content of external sites that are linked to from the osCommerce website, nor for the content the community has submited (eg, add-ons, live shops, forum postings, ..).