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Arab nationalist guard versus ISIS

Syria’s rival utopias

Arab like western countries have to deal with returnees from the fighting in Syria, but some of theirs are Arab nationalists who have fought for the Assad regime.

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Centre stage: Arab nationalism’s glory days with Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser hosting Prime Minister Al-Azhari of Sudan in July 1954
Bettmann · Getty

Several hundred volunteers from North Africa and the Middle East have fought beside the Syrian army since May 2013 as part of the Arab Nationalist Guard (ANG). The exact numbers are undisclosed, but the fighters’ spokesman in Aleppo said in February 2017 that 150 Arab Nationalist ‘martyrs’ had been killed in four years. A month later, the ANG announced that one of its commanders, the Iraqi Iyad Jabbouri, had died fighting ISIS (Islamic State) in Palmyra province. The ANG has participated in fighting in Homs and Quneitra (in Syria’s Golan Heights) but its biggest engagement has been in eastern Ghouta, east of Damascus, where it supported the 4th Armoured Division of the Syrian army in clashes with opposition groups.

For all their differences, ANG members and the tens of thousand of foreigners fighting in Syria and Iraq for ISIS and other jihadist groups are all young, strongly influenced by ideology and want to abolish national borders that resulted from the territorial divisions of the 1920s. Each side is pursuing a rival utopia: rather than a new Islamic society, the ANG is promoting (according to its official slogan) ‘resistance, Arab unity and socialism’.

Their methods of politicisation are, however, different and the Syrian crisis is not the first instance of Arab nationalist engagement: they were previously politicised in organisations claiming to be heir to Egypt’s president Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-70). There are clear links between the ANG and the Arab Nationalist Youth (ANY), which was set up in the early 1990s. ANY has branches throughout the Arab world but no official headquarters; it organises annual youth camps, the most recent in Morocco last August.

The ANY draws on an intellectual tradition with direct links to the 1950s and 60s, inspired by the experiences of socialism, and developmentalism by strong state control providing a basis for economic and industrial development. Egyptian Ismat Seif al-Dawla (1923-96), whose writings (...)

Full article: 1 350 words.

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Nicolas Dot-Pouillard

Nicolas Dot-Pouillard is a political scientist based in Beirut.

(1) Ismat Saif Al-Dawla, ‘An al-Uruba wa-l-Islam’ (On Arabness and Islam), Centre d’Etudes pour l’Unité Arabe, Beirut, 1986 (in Arabic).

(2) This has been commemorated every 30 March since 1976 in the occupied territories, as well as in Arab areas of Israel and the diaspora.

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