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For young Muslims, a crisis of utopia?

Home-grown jihadists

To combat radicalisation, it is crucial to prevent convergence between Salafism and jihadism. But French experts disagree on how far society, a colonising history and Islam itself may contribute to the lethal mix.

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Tributes to a victim killed close by this bench on the Promenade des Anglais, Nice, in July 2016
David Ramos · Getty

There has been heated discussion for years about jihadists born or raised in the West – in France, especially since the 2015 Paris attacks. Every new attack in Europe or the US re-opens the arguments about the origins of this evil, and the most effective way to contain it. The idea that the fault lies with Islam as a religion and culture has poisoned public debate, even though only a minority believes it, especially in the political sphere. While social networks amplify such essentialist ideas, experts in Islam, political science and conflict studies offer more nuanced explanations, though without necessarily reaching any consensus.

Sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar locates the roots of French jihadism not in Islam but in the ‘very deep crisis in western societies.’ He believes the appeal of ISIS (Islamic State) derives from ‘a crisis of utopia: the absence of a political outlet in increasingly unequal societies.’ We no longer have groups like Italy’s Red Brigades or Germany’s Baader-Meinhof gang, which once recruited support for armed struggle. Today, he says, social injustice leads to a ‘double form of radicalisation, both populist and jihadist.’

Laurent Bonelli, a political scientist from the University of Paris X (Nanterre), also highlights how jihadist ideology provides the only political grand narrative that resonates with people who have internalised a sense of subjugation. Bonelli, who is taking part in a field study of French jihadists in jail, says: ‘Jihadist discourse avoids the social question. It emphasises the existence of a system of oppression, but brings it back to the duality of Muslim versus non-Muslim.’

Myriam Benraad of the University of Limerick in Ireland sees jihadism as a political reaction to imbalances in the Arab-Muslim world, and its inhabitants’ resentment of the West, which they hold largely responsible for their situation: ‘Jihadism needs to be treated as a contemporary ideology to be comprehensible. You have to pay (...)

Full article: 3 603 words.

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Akram Belkaïd & Dominique Vidal

Akram Belkaïd is a member of Le Monde diplomatique’s editorial team; Dominique Vidal is a historian, and with Bertrand Badie coedits the annual publication L’Etat du monde (The State of the World), La Découverte, Paris.
Translated by George Miller

(1) Senior research fellow at the EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) and head of the Radicalisation Observatory at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH).

(2) Pierre Puchot, ‘Le combat vous a été prescrit’: Une histoire du jihad en France (You are ordered to fight), co-authored with Romain Caillet, Stock, Paris, 2017.

(3) Professor at the EHESS and president of the FMSH.

(4) In 1995 Khaled Kelkal organised a series of attacks in France for Algeria’s GIA (Armed Islamic Group), including the bombing of the Saint-Michel RER station. He was killed by police on 29 September that year.

(5) François Burgat is a senior research fellow at France’s CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research, Iremam, Aix-en-Provence) and former director of IFPO (the French Institute for the Near East). Gilles Kepel is a professor at Sciences Po, Paris, and holds the chair at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Olivier Roy is a professor at the European University Institute in Florence, where he directs the ReligioWest research project.

(6) Interview in L’Obs, 7 April 2016. Roy was unavailable for interview for this article.

(7) Conversation between Roy and political scientist Haoues Seniguer, La Croix, Paris, 4 April 2016.

(8) Terreur dans l’Hexagone: Genèse du djihad français (Terror in France: the origins of French jihad), Gallimard, Paris, 2015.

(9) See ‘Moi, Khaled Kelkal’ (I, Khaled Kelkal), Le Monde, 7 October 1995. The interview was conducted in October 1992 at Vaulx-en-Velin by German researcher Dietmar Loch.

(10) Farhad Khosrokhavar, Prisons de France: Violence, radicalisation, déshumanisation – surveillants et détenus parlent (France’s Prisons), Robert Laffont, Paris, 2016.

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