15 Programming Skills Most Coveted By Employers

More than ever, companies need coders. And while tech firms do the bulk of the hiring, the demand for programmers spans industries and only seems to be growing.

From writing basic HTML to building complex logic into mobile applications, the ability to smartly craft lines of code continues to be one of the most in-demand — and often, well-paying — skill sets one can have. web developer skills 2013

(See also: Why This Guy Quit His Sports-Radio Dream Job… To Write Software)

So what skills are the most sought after? That’s an ever-fluctuating, somewhat difficult thing to track. Normally, we’d avoid turning to a single source for such data, but its very nature makes Indeed.com an ideal place to look. The job search site aggregates more than 16 million listings from a wide range of sources, so it’s fairly comprehensive.

15. Ruby
It may be almost 20 years old, but the object-oriented scripting language is still going strong. After existing for years as a general purpose programming language, Ruby got a huge bump from the advent of Ruby on Rails, the hyper-popular Web development framework. Since the rise of Rails, the two have practically become synonymous, but Ruby has plenty of applications as a general scripting language.

Microsoft’s server-side Web development framework is more controversial than many of its peers, in part because it’s a Microsoft product. Still, its ability to build dynamic sites and Web applications is favored by many programmers and, more importantly, the organizations who hire them.


Animated music videos for bands



Your band needs an unusual and eye-catching animation music video production but you do not have a big budget for the script, filming, directing, post-production etc? You want to release a new single but want something more interesting than a standard lyric video? Then you are in the right place.

The music industry is constantly changing, and the trend of simple lyric videos is gradually moving into the background. Lyric videos are still a good option for releasing your singles on YouTube and other video servers but people are already tired of looking at the moving words on the shaking background. Give them something more interesting, without spending too much money for that.

Having a great experience in the development of lyric videos for metal bands, we have taken a step forward and started to develop the high-grade drawn and animated music videos for all musical genres. And we can say that we are proud of the results we got.

whiteboard video pack software

Presently you can have you possess profoundly captivating whiteboard animation free that “Mystically” triggers your groups of onlookers to say “YES” and Take activity inside moment from now !

Change your outcomes from making ‘simply one more video’ to recordings thatconvert up to 200% better utilizing the force of EMOTIONS.

Get 25 30 Full-Colored Video Packs with 500+ accomplished for-you hand attracted things to effortlessly create your story (that offers itself)

Completely draw in your group of onlookers on a profound mental level which triggers them to say “YES” to you!

Not any more costly outsource charges

Not any more questionable sellers

NO additional time taking bothers

Cautioning: This retreats up to $77 once earlybird finishes and cost increments for each duplicate sold.

Whiteboard Video Packs 2.0

Whiteboard Video Packs 2.0 is a gigantic heap of 2530 Emotion Video Packs which contain 500+ professionally hand drawn characters, expressive stances and components. It accompanies 3 workmanship styles: layout, dark and white and full-shading, giving you the favored decision of craftsmanship course and helps you emerge from the group.

Every feeling pack has been painstakingly created to help you include genuine feelings in your presentation and communicate in pretty much every way.

You will have the capacity to effortlessly make intense, high changing over recordings which drive simple transformations, produce more leads, get you more customers, greater benefits and better brand acknowledgment.

London, the best City to start a company

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Open Your BizLondon is among the best cities for you to start a bitcoin recruitment company. There are some factors you need to take into consideration before you start any company, for example, you should take into consideration the availability of market for your products or services. In London you will be assured of great market for your services or products. This is due to the high population of London. There are several companies which have already been established in the area. In order for your business to do well, you should first take your time and check on services and products which are in high demand but the supply is low. This is necessary for you to access ready market for your finished goods. You should also look for ways of making your finished products superior in the market so that you will attract more people to your company. This is necessary because many customers will compare the products in terms of quality before they develop a liking for certain brands. You should also ensure you carry out enough advertising for your products and services so that many people will get to know about them.

London, the best City to start a company

The following are factors which make London the best city for you to start a company

The regulation put in place are easy for you to fulfill

Before you register a company, there are some minimum requirements which you will be required to meet. You can access almost all the necessary information you need after you visit https://www.gov.uk/limited-company-formation/overview. The procedures put in place for you to follow are easy. This makes it even easy for you to start a business which will lead you to making a lot of money. There are many entrepreneurs in London who have started different types of businesses and they lead them to making a lot of money in the long run.

There is ready market in London

The population of London alone is enough for you to access enough customers for your products or services. This even makes the place among the best for you to consider if you will like to start a company which will be offering services to residents. Some of the companies which you can start include those that deal with food stuffs, cleaning services among others. The list is long, you should take your time and assess different types of companies available so that you will decide on the best.

There are good road networks

If you will prefer starting a company which deals with production of products, it will be very easy for you to locate a means of transport which will ensure quick delivery of the products to the market. Even if you will decide to deal with a business which deals with perishable goods, it is very easy for you to get the goods to the market in good time after you decide to start the company in London. There are also readily available skilled people in London. This will make it easy for you to access skilled manpower for your company.

London the Best Place To Work and Play

LondonThere are many activities which will make you decide to live in London. London is a city with a lot for you to do. You will be right after you think of London as the best place to work and play. There are many factors which make it the best place for you to play as well as the best place for you to work. In order to reach your workplace in time, the city has enough road networks and other means of transport which will make it very easy for you to travel any time you will like. People in London are also friendly. In fact you will easily cope with your new place of work if you have been transferred to London. In order to stay safe, you need to live in a place where crime rates are very low. London is among the best places in the UK where you will enjoy your stay while assured of great security.

Factors that make London the best place to work and play

London has enough sporting facilities

As a lover of sports, you need to have enough facilities where you will go and play your favorite sport. London has enough sporting facilities which will make it very easy for you to enjoy your free time while playing. There are also a lot of highly qualified sports trainers who will guide you on how to train for you to become competent in your sporting event. Most of the sporting facilities in London have been well equipped for you to enjoy great out of the facilities.

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Industries that are booming in the UK

BoomingAccording to the recent statistics, UK’S total manufacturing product sales has increased from 3.55 billion pounds to 342 billion pounds in 2012.

What are the sectors attributed to this growth? The following are some of the Industries that are booming in the UK which has enabled the state to become outstanding:

Transport and logistics

This is one of the growing industries in UK. The sector has employed 1.5 million people to do roles ranging from air transport to courier services. UK established nearly 85,000 business logistics in 2011. Recent survey has revealed that more than 50% of the respondents anticipated that there is a significant growth in the transport industry.

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