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MRR Radio #1594 • 1/28/18

Put the kids to bed, folks. This show is all about Pete's rock block. Fun fact: if you play these two ...

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“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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MRR Radio #1593 • 1/21/18

Rotten Ron and Horrible Halitosis try to make America metal again! Intro song: ZEKE - Fight in the Store Room ZEKE - God ...

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KILLED ON JUAREZ (photo by Rob Coons)

MRR Radio #1592• 1/14/18

On this week's Maximum Rocknroll Radio, Rob highlights bands from Indonesia and plays a Rip Off Records set. Time to ...

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Fight No More: The Music and Death of
J.J. Jacobson of Offenders

By David Ensminger As the crushing cold front overtook much of North America, including an unusual swath of the South, and ...

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January 26th, 2018 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:

Date & location formed:
San Diego, CA June 2017.

Reason for forming:
We wanted to start a band that allowed us to play loud, heavy, fast music in the most accessible way possible. Chris moved from Toronto to San Diego and Matt, Sean and Blaine were moving on from another project and we all wanted to do something together other than biking.

What are your lyrics about?
Inequality, isolation, Resilience, community, keep on keeping on.

How would you describe your sound?
Aggressive punk/hardcore.
We’re trying to sound fresh and familiar at the same time.

What’s in the future for this band?
Take part in some exciting stuff that’s happening in San Diego/Tijuana. We’ll have our demo tape out soon followed by some touring!

Links and contact info:






Band name:
MACABRE (pronounced in Spanish).

Date & location formed:
We started jamming early Jan. 2017 in Santa Ana, CA.

Reason for forming:
We’re always hanging out with each other, and we all played different instruments… so we figured “fuck it, why not start jamming?”

What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics vary, but the theme of being possessed, and being trapped in nightmares seems to keep coming up. So, you know… spooky shit.

How would you describe your sound?
That’s really hard to put into words, but if I had to, I’d say: shit you could pogo to whilst burning in hell.

What’s in the future for this band?
Play more shows, probably do a west cost mini tour, put out another tape (hopefully).

Links and contact info:
For booking, email Sal or Kenny:





Band name:


Date & location formed:

Reason for forming:

What are your lyrics about?

How would you describe your sound?

What’s in the future for this band?

Loud Night (photo by Elysia Honey Horn)

Links and contact info:


Band name:

Date & location formed:
Seattle. June 2017.

Reason for forming:
Ken was relearning how to play guitar and wanted to start a rotating lineup to get people who weren’t in bands to learn instruments and play in bands. After a while he asked his spiritual advisor, Laura, to play bass and Jack to drum because they were in GUN AND THE ASBESTOS MEN together (RIP). Jules crawled through an exhaust cloud to sing.

What are your lyrics about?
Jules: Committing crime, masturbating, deep dark secrets.

How would you describe your sound?
A poodle in baby pink heels smokes a cigarette as you hold a still-running car engine in your arms; hot grease drips down your biceps.

What’s in the future for this band?
Absolute spiritual growth, recording another tape, touring in the spring, some of us reaching legal drinking age, some of us reaching middle age.

Cheetah Print (photo by Erin Lemmond)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
Late summer of 2017 in storage unit in Kansas City, Missouri.

Reason for forming:
We were all playing in another band at the time, which was coming to an end, and we all wanted to continue to play music with one another.

What are your lyrics about?
The general thrust or “theme” in the lyrics come from a walk through of pure exasperation with myself, the social political climate, and the status quo blindly followed in all shapes and forms. As many people do, I internalize nearly everything so this band is nothing more than a declaration of outrage.

How would you describe your sound?
Mean, fast, hard, pissed off. We take influence from bands like SSD, Youth Of Today, Agnostic Front, DYS, Confront, etc. We all also like a lot more than punk and hardcore so outside influence always bleeds into our overall sound as well.

What’s in the future for this band?
We will doing a short Midwest run this February with our sister band, Contrast. We’re already writing for a new 7”/EP. Our overall plan is to write music we want to hear, tour and play where ever we want to play. See you in 2018.

Devil’s Den (photo by Erin Lemmond)

Links and contact info:




Band name:

Date & location formed:
Summer 2017 in San Francisco.

Reason for forming:

What are your lyrics about?
Universal enlightenment and human extinction.

How would you describe your sound?

What’s in the future for this band?
Recording EP II in March, west coast tour in April, LP in June.

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


January 11th, 2018 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:


Let’s do a quick round of introductions:
Peyoi – guitar
Pixs – drums
Dean – bass
Azman – vocals

Dean and Peyoi, you’ve both played together in Losst. What led to the four of yo to come together for this project
Yes, we are also in this project. We just try to do something different. And we want to spread our ideas and share them with the world.

I’ll keep this sort of vague- are there any notable motivations behind the effort you put into this demo?
Just to play punk with attitude.

How would you describe your sound?
Hardcore punk + UK82.

What’s rest of the year looking like for all of you?
More shows and maybe a tour.

ss/block (photo by cerapmalto )

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
Vancouver, early 2017.

Reason for forming:
We’ve all played in other bands in Vancouver for years, Spectres, Pura Mania, Fashionism, Haggatha. We wanted to do something dark and include synths. We had a few members filter through until we ended up with a lineup that worked well.

What are your lyrics about?
Love. Death. Doubt. Paranoia. Losing Faith.

How would you describe your sound?
Melodic, synth-touched, post-punk informed punk rock. I think we initially went for something like Wipers mixed with 80’s Cure and ended up somewhere else entirely.

What’s in the future for this band?
Demo 7″ is being released by Deranged Records. Tour? Record a full length.

Night People (photo by JR)

Links and contact info:




Band name:

Date & location formed:
Late January 2017, Brighton, UK.

Reason for forming:
Three of us are the only young people who regularly attend shows in Brighton, and then Ben and Joe had talked about doing a band for a while.

What are your lyrics about?
Hating myself, hating others, hating myself because of other people, generally dealing with life badly.

How would you describe your sound?
Noisy Hardcore Punk for people with funny haircuts.

What’s in the future for this band?
Aiming to record and release a 7″ as soon as possible, as well as we’re doing a weekender with our sibling band Telekinesis at the end of October. Ideally will be doing a larger tour at some point…

Links and contact info:





Band name:
ÉSZELÉS (Perception)

Date & location formed:
Budapest, Hungary, spring of 2017.

Reason for forming:
To start the 4th wave of ska in Hungary, but it sounded too radical so we went back to hardcore.

What are your lyrics about?
Paranormal activity, handshakes, walking on the street, or the feeling of being the last punk in Hungary.

How would you describe your sound?
Beat, groove, noise.

What’s in the future for this band?
Next album, touring, much more alcohol and wind instruments.

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
Early spring 2017 In our drummer Steve’s basement… Windsor, Ontario.

Reason for forming:
To further our creative potential and hopefully do some sick tours/friendship adventures.

What are your lyrics about?
Social awkwardness, good times, bad times, general contempt towards modern life as we know it, daddy issues.

How would you describe your sound?
Raw hardcore/punk

What’s in the future for this band?
Writing for our next release now and printing merch. Also working on an East Coast Canadian tour in April of 2018. Keep an eye out!

Brain Itch (photo by Alexa Sarson)

Links and contact info:

Instagram: @Brainitch_




Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…


1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


September 28th, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:

Date & location formed:
We started in July of 2016. Most of the band lives in Olympia, but one of us resides in Seattle.

Reason for forming:
It had been about two years since our guitar player PK played in an active project and over a decade since Lucy was last in a band. Josef and PK started jamming with the idea of starting another d-beat/hardcore punk project. Josef’s housemate Mattie Jo was the first bass player we thought of to jump in. Mattie Jo and Lucy had previously talked about starting a hardcore band about three of four years ago. Next thing you know, ESCØRT was formed. We all feel pretty emotionally supported by making this music together.

What are your lyrics about?
Lucy: Haha, well I think our band name and some of the song titles speak pretty clearly for themselves like “Fuck Me Hard” and “Whore for Whore”. I’ve been in the sex industry in some capacity for over a decade now. So, talking about sex and sexuality come very naturally to me and I’m clearly not shy about it! But not all of my lyrics are as on the nose. I do bring a lot of politics into my words. Having a varied intersection of some marginalized identities, I feel moved to speak to bring up the intense fucked up shit that I see happen in the world. Not just on a personal level but also on a national and even global scale. But I try to carry a nice balance between serious, nasty (in a sexy way) and funny. I want to capture a more rounded, human experience in my lyrics rather than just sticking to one concept.

ESCØRT (photo by Yet De Meanor)

How would you describe your sound?
We like to play fast and loud. Typically the d-beats with some dancey interludes drowned out in heavily distorted feedback. Some songs reminiscent of Swedish legends, others not so much.

What’s in the future for this band?
We’d like to go on a bigger tour at some point, but for now we plan on sticking around the Pacific Northwest, play some gigs and find time to put out a new 7inch.

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Let’s do a round of introductions:
Evil B – Vocals
Goo – Guitar
Brendo – Guitar
C – Bass
Petrus Ratajczyk (aka ‘Donny’) – Drums

When and how did you all come to form WITCHTRIAL?
Donny and Goo began writing songs in the late spring of 2016. The full line up was assembled by fall 2016. Demo recorded in February 2017. Released in July. We work slowly.

What influences did you draw from when you recorded your demo?
Many, but let’s limit it to three: VENOM, early BATHORY and ANTI-CIMEX. For production, we referred exclusively to Morbid Tales and Show No Mercy.

How would you describe your sound?
Metal for punks, punk for metalheads.

What does the rest of the year look like for all of you?
Mostly writing new music. We are playing Not Dead Yet in October and may plan a few more shows beyond that.

WITCHTRIAL (photo by Angela Owens)

Links and contact info:




Band name:


Date & location formed:
We all live in South Florida, February 2017 was around the time our first song was completely written.

Reason for forming:
For some of us this is our first band. There were a lot of fall outs in the beginning and it took a while to find members in general. I had the drums and lyrics written for a long time before things started to get rolling, but everything went smoothly after that. Not many other bands in our area currently have a similar sound and we just love this style of hardcore overall!

What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics are mainly about being trapped in the work cycle and government officials that don’t really care about the people they’re supposed to help.

How would you describe your sound?
Hardcore/punk with some early Agnostic Front, Ultra Violent, Reckless Aggression, Urban Blight influence.

What’s in the future for this band?
In November we’re doing a Florida run with Protocol from Tallahassee and maybe another band. We’re also writing new songs that will hopefully be on a 7″ at some point.

Jackal (photo by Zack Rogers)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
Summer of 2016, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Reason for forming:
To have fun and play fast.

What are your lyrics about?
Things we can relate to; shitty people, bad decisions, worse relationships, etc.

How would you describe your sound?
Fast, loud, trashy punk. fun stuff.

What’s in the future for this band?
Tours, shows, more fun, keep making music.

Links and contact info:





Logo by Lia Lepre

Band name:

Date & location formed:
Formed in December 2016, Tacoma, Washington.

Reason for forming:
Antonio: Laura (bass) had the idea to start a band with myself singing, as she knew I had a desire to write in a different musical direction than a different project we were doing together at the time, and we both just hated art so much we wanted to propagate that message

What are your lyrics about?
The demo’s lyrics range from feeling caught between two loved ones who refuse to reconcile, to questions about what makes someone their “true self”, (whether intentions matter or just outcomes), and, perhaps most importantly, the idea that art is bad and you are bad for making and/ or enjoying it.

How would you describe your sound?
Hardcore but leaning away from aggression, and meandering towards melody and vulnerability.

What’s in the future for this band?
Tours are being planned, from western Canada to the U.S northeast.

Universal Peace (photo by Ellen Rummel)

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


August 31st, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:


Let’s start off with some standard questions: Who’s in Fealty, and what do you play?
Fealty’s a three piece, with Erica doing vocals and guitar, Priz on vocals and bass, and Courtney delivering the drums.

When, where, and how did you all meet?
Priz: I’ve known Courtney for a few years from when we used to live in Florida. I moved to Brooklyn at the beginning of 2016 and me and Courtney started a directionless band out of sheer boredom but we could not hold down a lineup to save our lives. Then Erica proverbially saved our lives when we bumped into each other at a bar around the summertime.

What are the more “motivating” factors behind forming Fealty?
Erica: We wanted to do our part for the punk scene and to put into words what we see going on around us. Beyond that this band was a lot of going outside of the comfort zone for all of us; Priz and I had never done vocals for a band before. We weren’t intending to do them for this either. But, due to the early shifting lineup we decided to give singing a shot.

Who writes your lyrics?
Priz: We write pretty much all the lyrics together as part of duality of our vocals. It’s a good give and take of one person beginning a song and the other one filling in the gaps, and vice versa. We tried to make sure it’s not just a straight up back and forth and some songs are definitely a lil’ more Erica and some are a lil’ more Priz, but that’s hopefully some of our charm.

How would you describe your sound?
Priz: Someone came up to us after our first show and said “you guys sounded really gross” and I still have no idea what that means. Exhausted peace punk sounds

What’s in the future for this band?
Priz: Keeping ourselves alive mostly, hopefully playing some out of town shows as soon as possible! Cassettes!

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Let’s start out with some introductions:
Wy does vocals, Raven plays bass, Blake plays guitar, and Max plays drums.

How did you all come to form TRANSGRESSION?
Wy: TRANSGRESSION started with Blake and I setting out to form something that “wasn’t heavy” and kinda failing miserably. Going into it, I think I was wanting and hoping that our sound would end up a bit more punky, but I love what we’ve done so far. At a show I asked Raven if she wanted to play bass, and she said she didn’t know how to. But, we didn’t really care. We went through a few drummers and played a show before finding Max. While playing our first set, right before starting our last song, I said, Hey, come talk to me if you wanna play drums for this band. Our drummer for that show is our good friend Neriah and he was already heavily involved with multiple projects at the time. Max came up to me after our set and the rest is history.

TRANSGRESSION (photo by Elaine Dalton)

I’m not comfortable coming up with descriptions for records, but Hateful Demonstration is fucking raw. What might you say about the efforts you all put into releasing it?
Wy: I really appreciate that! That’s definitely a description that falls in line with what we were going for. We played a short tour with our friends in Head Change and put out the demo a day before our home show with Kharma. Physicals haven’t happened yet, but those are hopefully on the way. We also did a run of shirts with the album art and will be printing more of those soon in another colorway.

What’s the rest of this year looking like for you?
Wy: We have some upcoming out of town shows that we’re really excited about:

9/5 – Cincinnati, OH with Couch Slut (NY)
9/6 – Lexington, KY with RIXE (France)
10/20 through 10/22 – Lexington, KY: DisPuppy Vol. 2 (we’re playing Day 3!)

Very stoked on all those shows, but especially for DisPuppy because we’ll be playing with some amazing bands like Pryss, Small Man, Livin’ Thing, C.H.E.W., Dream Probe, etc. It’s gonna be a good time. Other than that, we’ll have a few more shows in town here and there, and tapes will be available through our bandcamp in the foreseeable future.

Links and contact info:
Feel free to email any questions, stories, or cool pictures of flowers to us at
Instagram: @transgression_qc
Twitter: @transgressionqc




Band name:

Tell me about yourselves:
Heterofobia is Samara (bass and chorus), José Carlos (guitar), Alex (drums) and Daniel (vocals and lyrics).

How did you all come to form Heterofobia?
Daniel: It all started when Alex and José started talking about making a band, and I wanted to sing because I felt I had a lot to say and I only played drums with my other bands. I already had some things I wrote so we started to practice, and shortly after that I was at a party talking with Samara and we realized we had many things in common. She played bass and we didn’t have a bassist yet, so everything fell into place perfectly; we played for the first time on October 31st 2016 above a strip club.

You released Eres tan Guapo this summer, tell us about it:
Eres tan Guapo (a.k.a. You’re so Handsome in English) is the name of the second song we ever wrote. In the tape there are 9 songs we made through the last year. We just wanted to play punk with a darker twist and this was the result of that.

HETEROFOBIA (photo by Fer Muñoz)

Can you tell us about your song Renato?
He used to hang out at punk shows, being an asshole and fucking everybody over, and when we confronted him he just justified himself by “being drunk”. He bothered me two times- he’s just an annoying idiot and it seems like nobody tells him anything, so I wrote the song about him.

What’s the rest of this year looking like for you?
Playing with bands like Qloaqa Letal from Spain along with many others from Mexico and the US. In November we’ll be doing a mini tour in Texas playing in McAllen, Austin and San Antonio (Nov 17th, 18th and 19th).

Links and contact info:




Band name:


Let’s do a round of introductions real quick:
Severin Black on drums, Joe Murphy on guitar, Sam Parker on space bass, James Burgess on vocals.

How did you come to form Revenue?
The myth: “a bunch of investment bankers who met at a conference in Zurich and discovered they all loved Sham 69. put down a mortgage on a house in London they now all share a bedroom in. one person is allowed to leave weekly to collect rations.”

The reality: We’ve been friends for years, myself, Severin and Joe have played in a number of bands together in the past, and one of our old bands – No Coast released a split with Sam’s other band Jackals back in 2010, so we’ve remained friends since. Our musical ambitions and taste have ran parallel as we’ve grown up and it was time to start something new, so we formed in London in 2016.

Who writes your lyrics?
James does.

How would you describe your sound?
There’s influences of post punk, goth, punk, acid house, hardcore, electronic and space jazz in there. We don’t identify with belonging to one sound, so we’ll leave it up to the listener to decide.

What will you be up to for the rest of the year?
We recorded our second ep in April, which we’re really pleased with and are hoping to release towards the end of the year. All the songs are very varied in sound and a nice progression from the first cassette. We’d love to play some shows in Europe too.

Revenue (photo by Keira Cullinane)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

When and where did you form?
JJ: Gothenburg, Sweden. Summer of 2016.

Why tho?
JJ: I (the singer/guitarist) wanted to make basic DIY punk stuff inspired by early fall, swell maps, buzzcocks’ spiral scratch EP, television personalities and the suburban homes, we started rehearsing some songs I had written with my girlfriend Elin on the drums. We recruited Viktor who we knew liked some of that stuff and that was it. The actual reason for me to make music is that I need to do it to survive.

What are your lyrics about?
JJ: Boredom, hate, love, money.

How would you describe your sound?
JJ: Some influences come to mind… Vägra Raggarna Benzin-comps, Messtethics-comps, and the previous response applies as well.

What’s in the future for you?
JJ: New releases are on their way!

Skiftande Enheter (photo by Martin Cannert)

Links and contact info:




Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


August 18th, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:

Who is Table Sugar?
We’re 4 femmes making music! Pascal, Jenna, Aidan, and Ella. Our good friend Brynn Juniper has also played drums with us, and recorded/mastered our album.

How and when did you all meet?
We met in a art program at evergreen state college in 2014 and sought out each other disregading any technical music ability. We basically learned by playing together and trusting our initiation over theory.

How would you describe your sound?
Someone once said we sound like a car breaking down but in a good way. We thought was really funny but weirdly accurate.

What are your lyrics about?
Pascal: I want them to be open to interpretation. Theyre mainly a self therapeutic sort of channel.

What’s in the foreseeable future?
We’re self-releasing a bunch of music this year and touring touring touring!!!

Table Sugar (photo by Max Keyes)

Links and contact info:




Band name:


Date & location formed:
Very early 2016 in Copenhagen.

Reason for forming:
We’re friends, who at the time all had other bands that were coming to an end, but we wanted to play a certain style of music, so we made a band where we’d have the opportunity to play gothic punk.

What are your lyrics about?
Abstractions on despair, loneliness, anxiety, loss.

How would you describe your sound?
Loud, melodic post punk with deathrock elements.

Echo People (photo by Stina Broström)

What’s in the future for this band?
We just recorded a 4-track E.P. that’ll hopefully come out this fall. We have some shows lined up for the rest of the year, next year we want to do an album.

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Who is ZEK?
Alec Tullio ➽ drums
Jack Padurariu ✐ guitar
Oli Dunk ➳ vocals
Villi Koira ☞ bass

Where, when, and how did you all meet?
Jack: ZEK started pretty slowly in the summer of 2016, me and Oli are old friends and we were messing around, writing and scrapping songs and members until Oli asked two of his workmates at Black Cat to join, Alec and Villi. It’s a great vegan cafe in Hackney (London) that I now work at too, diy/ethical/punk to the max and massive portion sizes to boot, in a way we owe it to them for bringing us together. As people we’re from England, Romania, Czech Republic and Australia so we’ve all come to this band and this city with radically different punk past lives but we’re all keen as on ZEK.

What are your lyrics about?
Oli: Absolute disgust at the world and my place in it. Uneducated and angry digs at England and its imperial past. Being pissed off, poor and sick of having to work all the time. Not taking yourself too seriously. Kinda anything that pisses me off to be honest. Terminator: judgement day-style global extinction.

How would you describe your sound?
FX heavy huge bass, trebly frenzy guitar, blasting dense drums and lunatic vocals. Our current demo is a really weird take on fast hardcore punk, we’re just making it up as we go along and as long as it sounds different from the rest of what’s going on in the U.K. scene, we’re happy.

What’s in the future for this band?
We’ve got another release in the works that we’ll be recording very soon, and we’ll be putting that and the first demo on tape in the next month or so. The new material is more direct and tiring to play. We’ve also been putting on shows at New River Studios and will carry on doing that to play with as many of the incredible bands operating around the country as we can. There’s no lineup for the next one as of yet, it was booked yesterday but it will be on sept 30th. We also want to play waaay more shows so PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON.

ZEK (photo by Neil Anderson)

Links and contact info:




Band name:


Date & location formed:
Spring 2016, Montreal QC

Reason for forming:
We had an experimental synth-pop band together in the past, we listened to a lot of different music and one day decided we should start a project that was harsher and reflected a lot of our influences at the time. We were heavy into bands like The Birthday Party, Cranes, Swans and Godflesh.

What are your lyrics about?
Carving up your own personal heaven. We try to focus on setting a mood rather than telling any story with meaning. You can search for that on your own time.

How would you describe your sound?
Brutal and beautiful.

What’s in the future for this band?
We will be playing up north in Quebec this winter and hope to continue east, west and south in the coming years.

Security (photo by Tony)

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Date & location formed:
Salem, MA, early 2017.

Reason for forming:
We all wanted to be in a band with a little less bullshit than we were used to.

What are your lyrics about?
Fuckers that try to tell you how to live your life while they lie, cheat and steal their way to easy street, and leave everyone else to fuck off.

How would you describe your sound?
A Mark Arm fronted Born Against grooving on Necros and Crucifucks covers.

What’s in the future for this band?
Playing more shows, our demo is coming out on tape, do some more recording, go on a couple small tours.

Similar Items (photo by Riley Knispel)

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.