The Monthly | Australian politics, society & culture

Dutton’s dark victory

The minister, Pezzullo and the demise of Immigration

The Monthly — February 2018

The Latest

Statement from the heart falls on deaf ears


The PM didn’t turn his back but he may as well have

The fabulous tale of Nelly Yoa


The Sudanese community leader and sports star’s improbable rise

Do we really need an honours system?


Australia Day honours are at odds with our democratic ideals

This Time


Australia’s republican past and future: a Benjamin T. Jones book extract

Katharina Grosse’s riot of colour


The German artist transforms Carriageworks

The xx’s polite party in Sydney


The British band bring their intimate sound to an expansive venue

The Monthly — February 2018

The Nation Reviewed

Decoding the dual-citizenship crisis

Australia’s founders would be shocked at today’s interpretation of the Constitution

Take the cake

One baker’s verdict on the marriage survey result

Sanctuary without secrecy: a new women’s refuge

A new approach to making those experiencing family violence feel safe

Noah’s Ark floats again

The Australians bringing creationism to America’s Deep South

Inside the Hot Dub Time Machine

The Australian musical export that’s making history

The Monthly — February 2018

The Monthly Essays

Dutton’s dark victory

The minister, Pezzullo and the demise of Immigration

The fabulous tale of Nelly Yoa

The Sudanese community leader and sports star’s improbable rise

Virtual reality: from Giotto to VRporn

The unexpected history of a radical technology

The Monthly — February 2018


Screen-free day

C’mon, kids. It’ll be fun …


The Medicine

Please, go on

When you’re a doctor, nothing is ever Too Much Information


The Monthly — February 2018

Arts & Letters

‘Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age’

Treasures from Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum at the Art Gallery of New South Wales

Alexis Wright’s ‘Tracker’

A raw account of Aboriginal politics through the stories of “Tracker” Tilmouth

Warwick Thornton’s ‘Sweet Country’

The Indigenous Australian filmmaker redefines the Western

What happened to indie music

From Neutral Milk Hotel to Justin Timberlake


In light of recent events

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