- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 73507
Rehabilitation or rehab may refer to:
Narconon International is an organisation which promotes Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's theories of substance abuse treatment and addiction. Its parent organisation is ABLE, which is connected to the Church of Scientology. Headquartered in Hollywood, Narconon operates several dozen residential centers worldwide, chiefly in the United States and Western Europe.
The organization was formed in 1966 by Scientologist William Benitez, a former inmate of Arizona State Prison. Benitez contacted L. Ron Hubbard after reading his book, Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought and with Hubbard's help Narconon was incorporated in 1970.
While both the Church of Scientology and Narconon state that Narconon is a secular program, that it is independent of Scientology, and that it provides legitimate drug education and rehabilitation, Narconon has been described by many government reports and former patients as a Church of Scientology front group.
The program has garnered considerable controversy as a result of its origins in Scientology and its methods. Its drug rehabilitation treatment has been described as "medically unsafe", "quackery" and "medical fraud", while academic and medical experts have dismissed its educational program as containing "factual errors in basic concepts such as physical and mental effects, addiction and even spelling".
Drug rehabilitation (often drug rehab or just rehab) is a term for the processes of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, for dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs such as cocaine, heroin or amphetamines. The general intent is to enable the patient to cease substance abuse, in order to avoid the psychological, legal, financial, social, and physical consequences that can be caused, especially by extreme abuse. Treatment includes medication for depression or other disorders, counseling by experts and sharing of experience with other addicts. Some rehab centers include meditation and spiritual wisdom in the treatment process. A few centers also treat gambling with the same techniques as are used in drug rehabilitation.
Psychological dependency is addressed in many drug rehabilitation programs by attempting to teach the patient new methods of interacting in a drug-free environment. In particular, patients are generally encouraged, or possibly even required, to not associate with friends who still use the addictive substance. Twelve-step programs encourage addicts not only to stop using alcohol or other drugs, but to examine and change habits related to their addictions. Many programs emphasize that recovery is a permanent process without culmination. For legal drugs such as alcohol, complete abstention—rather than attempts at moderation, which may lead to relapse—is also emphasized ("One is too many, and a thousand is never enough.") Whether moderation is achievable by those with a history of abuse remains a controversial point, but is generally considered unsustainable.
Drug rehabilitation
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - What it means to me
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center|Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy Clinics Ahmedabad
Best Drug Rehabilitation | Facility Tour
Best Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises For Those Recovering From Ankle Injury
Rehabilitation After Stroke Part Two
Rehabilitation für Kinder
Rehabilitation eines Toten - Eine mögliche Wahrheit und unsichtbare Lebensgefahren für uns alle
Rehabilitation exercise for people suffering from spinal stenosis sciatica pain
A Vision of Brain Injury Rehabilitation | A.M. Barrett | TEDxHerndon
The Rehabilitation of Sleep
Shuka Vana ~ Rehabilitation Centre for Birds
Always A Fire | Chad Jones Documentary
The Documentary film «Cold Turkey in Kyrgyzstan» about the unique author Professor Dr. Nazaraliev's method for treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. The Kyrgyz Doctor has treated over 17,000 patients. The film shows the way to get rid of alcohol and drugs. Which Perhaps is the most difficult path in life, whom not by hearsay, knows what is ADDICTION. http://nazaraliev.com/
Dr. Kertia Black describes what it means for her to be a Physical Medicinde & Rehabilitation physician.
Shraddha Physiotherapy Clinic And Research Center-www.shraddhaphysiotherapy.com,Physiotherapists in Ahmedabad,Physiotherapists in Maninagar,Physiotherapy,Physiotherapists in Ahmedabad - List of Physiotherapists in Ahmedabad, Physiotherapy Ahmedabad, Physical Therapists Ahmedabad,Physiotherapy & Physical Therapy Clinics Ahmedabad,Doctors - Physiotherapists (Muscle) in Ahmedabad,Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation ,Physiotherapy Clinic in Maninagar, Ahmedabad
Best Drug Rehabilitation strives to offer our patients the most effective substance abuse recovery program that we possibly can. From our medically supervised detox clinic, to the various treatment options available for our patients to select from, to our extensive aftercare department, we are dedicated to the personal success of each and every individual that comes to our rehabilitation center seeking help in overcoming their addiction. Our caring and compassionate staff, many of whom have been through the recovery process themselves, help to create a sense of comfort and connection on a personal level, with a deeper understanding of what our patients are facing as they journey down the path towards a substance-free lifestyle. The treatment program at Best Drug Rehabilitation is designed...
Ankle Rehab As someone who has engaged in exercise and athletic activity for most of my life, I've put quite a few miles on my feet. I'm sure I'm not alone when saying that decades of pounding and abuse have added up to more than a few ankle injuries. The same mantra I'm given by doctors and physical therapists is 'make sure you continue to do your exercises.’ However, what normally happens is people give it a day or two, the ankle feels a bit better, so they don’t continue with their rehab. As we grow older, and the ankles don't recover as quickly as they used to, it’s important to realize now the absolute importance of actually performing those rehab exercises. Chronic discomfort and stiffness in the ankle can certainly be alleviated (nearly eliminated) by following a regular schedule ...
Rosa experienced a left medullary/brainstem stroke.Strokes in the brainstem can affect a person’s ability to swallow, their coordination for mobility tasks and their ability to balance. Physical therapy for brainstem strokes focuses on balance re-education, including improving trunk control, single leg stance activities, and dynamic walking activities to improve a patient’s overall balance in order to foster their recovery and return to independence.
Kinder mit einer Hirnschädigung oder einer angeborenen Krankheit erleben einen Alltag mit vielen Hürden. Wenn das Gehirn die Bewegung nicht steuern kann, wenn es zu Lähmungen von Armen und Beinen kommt oder wenn Schluck- und Sprechprobleme stören, brauchen betroffene Kinder eine auf sie zugeschnittene Rehabilitation. Im Rehabilitationszentrum vom Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich werden innovative Methoden eingesetzt - mit verblüffenden Resultaten. Ein hoch engagiertes Team motiviert Kinder und Jugendliche auf dem Weg in ein selbstständigeres Leben. gesundheitheute begleitet einige eindrücklichen Erfolgsgeschichten.
Ahoi, hab ja schon im letzten video einiges angedeutet auch über antje-sophia. hab jetzt bei der rede das rauschen etwas mindern können. ansonsten nichts von ihren anweisungen verändert was bilder und "einfachheit" der aufmachung betrifft. kam mir auch sehr entgegen. hoffe, ich kann die anderen 5 oder 7 reden auch noch bald umsetzen. ich werde mitteilen wenn ich was von ihr gehört habe. Hier gehts um Lubitz und ihre Analysen des Flugzeugabsturz, wichtig! schaffe es leider gerade nicht, ihren kanal zu überprüfen und mitteilungen zu veröffentlichen. hoffe ich schaffs bald! tschau, jo Meine Biographie, kostenlos: „Fehldiagnose Menschenrechte - oder in den Fängen einer unsichtbaren Mafia.“ https://goo.gl/Av8tZH Biographische Betrachtungen meines Lebens mit medizinischen und gesellschaftl...
2 rehabilitation exercises for people suffering from spinal stenosis sciatica - back flexion - "child pose" stretching exercise
Dr. Barrett discusses how we move through the world. Her Talk identifies new methods for brain injury rehabilitation. A.M. Barrett, MD, is a cognitive neurologist, specialized in neurorehabilitation and brain injury medicine, and Director of Stroke Rehabilitation Research at Kessler Foundation. She is also the Chief, Neurorehabilitation Program Innovation, Kessler Institute of Rehabilitation, and Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R;) at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Her clinical and research focus is on brain-behavior relationships in neurological and neuropsychological recovery. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji's deep concern for the preservation of our environment has manifested itself in Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore as Kishkindha Moolika Bonsai Garden, Ashwashala (Horse stables), Goshala (Cow shelters) and Shuka Vana (rehabilitation centre for birds). Parrots are not just agreeable birds with their chirping sounds and attractive, vivid colors. Parrots have a specific spiritual connection with the nine planets (Navagrahas), the twelve zodiac signs (Rasis related to birth stars), the numerals of the dates in each month, and the seven musical notes Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Ni (Saptaswaras) in Indian classical music. With divine intuition, Sri Swamiji has identified sets of species of parrots that represent each of the above as its vibrant, livi...
ALWAYS A FIRE is a short documentary film on former New York Giant CHAD JONES—a star athlete from LSU whose promising professional career was put on hold by a tragic car accident before it even had a chance to begin. The film details Chad's incredible rehabilitation and recovery from the horrific accident that nearly cost him his life. Comprised of intimate interviews with Chad and his trainers, as well as never-before-seen footage of his long road to recovery, the film provides an unflinching view of an elite athlete facing unimaginable tragedy and refusing to submit. http://www.thepublicrecord.tv Directed by Nathan Caswell & Jeremiah Zagar Produced by Jeremy Yaches Cinematography by Zak Mulligan, Julian King, Mark Stetz Production Design by Sophie Kosofsky Graphics by Jonah Birns VFX ...
Etant en vacances (qui est donc égal à ennui dans le quotidien chargé de l'écolier), étant ennuyé (j'vous l'avais dit), on cherche que faire! On trouve la réponse dans un élan de débilité : pourquoi ne pas aller dépenser de l'argent bêtement à Saas Fee? C'est parti! On se lève à 5h30, part à 6h15, on roule, on roule, on roule, on arrive vers 9h, il fait moche. Et flûte, on s'est fait entuber! On monte quand même, on a que ça à faire... Brouillard dense, froid, nuages, vent, galère... Fin de la 2ème benne: grand beau, pas de nuage, pas de vent, park en dessus du brouillard! Ouf! Et c'est parti, on teste le nouveau matos, on retrouve la neige après une bonne pause de plusieurs mois, on rapprend à carver (on analyse finement les skieurs piquets qui s'entrainent depuis 7h30 le matin), c'est pa...
This video is the third in a series of three webisodes that show first hand how Joseph Kony and the LRA have been terrorizing the DR Congo. Children abducted by the LRA experience symptoms of PTSD upon escape from the group. With such astounding levels of trauma, intensive care and rehabilitation are needed to successfully reintegrate these children into society. We are establishing the first and only rehabilitation center in the LRA affected regions of northeastern Congo. After watching, take action by funding the rehabilitation center or by signing up for the 25 event. invisiblechildren.com/25
Spirituality is joyfully woven into the diverse cultural fabric of Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton, Illinois. This "Caring with Spirit" is demonstrated throughout our main hospital and at Marianjoy network sites. At Marianjoy, this intrinsic connection to spirituality is found in everything we do - patient interactions, welcoming and retirement rituals, spirit award celebrations, reflections that begin each meeting, and in performance evaluations - and fully integrates the healing mission originally established by the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters. We believe Marianjoy may indeed be the finest example of incorporating Spirituality at Work and we are compelled to share this video with the hope that it will inspire others. Film edited by: Linda Herbst Narrated by: Patty Robert...
The Documentary film «Cold Turkey in Kyrgyzstan» about the unique author Professor Dr. Nazaraliev's method for treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. The Kyrgyz Doctor has treated over 17,000 patients. The film shows the way to get rid of alcohol and drugs. Which Perhaps is the most difficult path in life, whom not by hearsay, knows what is ADDICTION. http://nazaraliev.com/
Dr. Kertia Black describes what it means for her to be a Physical Medicinde & Rehabilitation physician.
Shraddha Physiotherapy Clinic And Research Center-www.shraddhaphysiotherapy.com,Physiotherapists in Ahmedabad,Physiotherapists in Maninagar,Physiotherapy,Physiotherapists in Ahmedabad - List of Physiotherapists in Ahmedabad, Physiotherapy Ahmedabad, Physical Therapists Ahmedabad,Physiotherapy & Physical Therapy Clinics Ahmedabad,Doctors - Physiotherapists (Muscle) in Ahmedabad,Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation ,Physiotherapy Clinic in Maninagar, Ahmedabad
Best Drug Rehabilitation strives to offer our patients the most effective substance abuse recovery program that we possibly can. From our medically supervised detox clinic, to the various treatment options available for our patients to select from, to our extensive aftercare department, we are dedicated to the personal success of each and every individual that comes to our rehabilitation center seeking help in overcoming their addiction. Our caring and compassionate staff, many of whom have been through the recovery process themselves, help to create a sense of comfort and connection on a personal level, with a deeper understanding of what our patients are facing as they journey down the path towards a substance-free lifestyle. The treatment program at Best Drug Rehabilitation is designed...
Ankle Rehab As someone who has engaged in exercise and athletic activity for most of my life, I've put quite a few miles on my feet. I'm sure I'm not alone when saying that decades of pounding and abuse have added up to more than a few ankle injuries. The same mantra I'm given by doctors and physical therapists is 'make sure you continue to do your exercises.’ However, what normally happens is people give it a day or two, the ankle feels a bit better, so they don’t continue with their rehab. As we grow older, and the ankles don't recover as quickly as they used to, it’s important to realize now the absolute importance of actually performing those rehab exercises. Chronic discomfort and stiffness in the ankle can certainly be alleviated (nearly eliminated) by following a regular schedule ...
Rosa experienced a left medullary/brainstem stroke.Strokes in the brainstem can affect a person’s ability to swallow, their coordination for mobility tasks and their ability to balance. Physical therapy for brainstem strokes focuses on balance re-education, including improving trunk control, single leg stance activities, and dynamic walking activities to improve a patient’s overall balance in order to foster their recovery and return to independence.
Kinder mit einer Hirnschädigung oder einer angeborenen Krankheit erleben einen Alltag mit vielen Hürden. Wenn das Gehirn die Bewegung nicht steuern kann, wenn es zu Lähmungen von Armen und Beinen kommt oder wenn Schluck- und Sprechprobleme stören, brauchen betroffene Kinder eine auf sie zugeschnittene Rehabilitation. Im Rehabilitationszentrum vom Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich werden innovative Methoden eingesetzt - mit verblüffenden Resultaten. Ein hoch engagiertes Team motiviert Kinder und Jugendliche auf dem Weg in ein selbstständigeres Leben. gesundheitheute begleitet einige eindrücklichen Erfolgsgeschichten.
Ahoi, hab ja schon im letzten video einiges angedeutet auch über antje-sophia. hab jetzt bei der rede das rauschen etwas mindern können. ansonsten nichts von ihren anweisungen verändert was bilder und "einfachheit" der aufmachung betrifft. kam mir auch sehr entgegen. hoffe, ich kann die anderen 5 oder 7 reden auch noch bald umsetzen. ich werde mitteilen wenn ich was von ihr gehört habe. Hier gehts um Lubitz und ihre Analysen des Flugzeugabsturz, wichtig! schaffe es leider gerade nicht, ihren kanal zu überprüfen und mitteilungen zu veröffentlichen. hoffe ich schaffs bald! tschau, jo Meine Biographie, kostenlos: „Fehldiagnose Menschenrechte - oder in den Fängen einer unsichtbaren Mafia.“ https://goo.gl/Av8tZH Biographische Betrachtungen meines Lebens mit medizinischen und gesellschaftl...
2 rehabilitation exercises for people suffering from spinal stenosis sciatica - back flexion - "child pose" stretching exercise
Dr. Barrett discusses how we move through the world. Her Talk identifies new methods for brain injury rehabilitation. A.M. Barrett, MD, is a cognitive neurologist, specialized in neurorehabilitation and brain injury medicine, and Director of Stroke Rehabilitation Research at Kessler Foundation. She is also the Chief, Neurorehabilitation Program Innovation, Kessler Institute of Rehabilitation, and Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R;) at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Her clinical and research focus is on brain-behavior relationships in neurological and neuropsychological recovery. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji's deep concern for the preservation of our environment has manifested itself in Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore as Kishkindha Moolika Bonsai Garden, Ashwashala (Horse stables), Goshala (Cow shelters) and Shuka Vana (rehabilitation centre for birds). Parrots are not just agreeable birds with their chirping sounds and attractive, vivid colors. Parrots have a specific spiritual connection with the nine planets (Navagrahas), the twelve zodiac signs (Rasis related to birth stars), the numerals of the dates in each month, and the seven musical notes Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Ni (Saptaswaras) in Indian classical music. With divine intuition, Sri Swamiji has identified sets of species of parrots that represent each of the above as its vibrant, livi...
ALWAYS A FIRE is a short documentary film on former New York Giant CHAD JONES—a star athlete from LSU whose promising professional career was put on hold by a tragic car accident before it even had a chance to begin. The film details Chad's incredible rehabilitation and recovery from the horrific accident that nearly cost him his life. Comprised of intimate interviews with Chad and his trainers, as well as never-before-seen footage of his long road to recovery, the film provides an unflinching view of an elite athlete facing unimaginable tragedy and refusing to submit. http://www.thepublicrecord.tv Directed by Nathan Caswell & Jeremiah Zagar Produced by Jeremy Yaches Cinematography by Zak Mulligan, Julian King, Mark Stetz Production Design by Sophie Kosofsky Graphics by Jonah Birns VFX ...
Etant en vacances (qui est donc égal à ennui dans le quotidien chargé de l'écolier), étant ennuyé (j'vous l'avais dit), on cherche que faire! On trouve la réponse dans un élan de débilité : pourquoi ne pas aller dépenser de l'argent bêtement à Saas Fee? C'est parti! On se lève à 5h30, part à 6h15, on roule, on roule, on roule, on arrive vers 9h, il fait moche. Et flûte, on s'est fait entuber! On monte quand même, on a que ça à faire... Brouillard dense, froid, nuages, vent, galère... Fin de la 2ème benne: grand beau, pas de nuage, pas de vent, park en dessus du brouillard! Ouf! Et c'est parti, on teste le nouveau matos, on retrouve la neige après une bonne pause de plusieurs mois, on rapprend à carver (on analyse finement les skieurs piquets qui s'entrainent depuis 7h30 le matin), c'est pa...
This video is the third in a series of three webisodes that show first hand how Joseph Kony and the LRA have been terrorizing the DR Congo. Children abducted by the LRA experience symptoms of PTSD upon escape from the group. With such astounding levels of trauma, intensive care and rehabilitation are needed to successfully reintegrate these children into society. We are establishing the first and only rehabilitation center in the LRA affected regions of northeastern Congo. After watching, take action by funding the rehabilitation center or by signing up for the 25 event. invisiblechildren.com/25
Spirituality is joyfully woven into the diverse cultural fabric of Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton, Illinois. This "Caring with Spirit" is demonstrated throughout our main hospital and at Marianjoy network sites. At Marianjoy, this intrinsic connection to spirituality is found in everything we do - patient interactions, welcoming and retirement rituals, spirit award celebrations, reflections that begin each meeting, and in performance evaluations - and fully integrates the healing mission originally established by the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters. We believe Marianjoy may indeed be the finest example of incorporating Spirituality at Work and we are compelled to share this video with the hope that it will inspire others. Film edited by: Linda Herbst Narrated by: Patty Robert...
The Documentary film «Cold Turkey in Kyrgyzstan» about the unique author Professor Dr. Nazaraliev's method for treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. The Kyrgyz Doctor has treated over 17,000 patients. The film shows the way to get rid of alcohol and drugs. Which Perhaps is the most difficult path in life, whom not by hearsay, knows what is ADDICTION. http://nazaraliev.com/
This is my long awaited, Finally sated, live commentated Let's Play of Persona 5 Played on the PS4 Pro. Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SirLionhart Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sirlionhart Want to Support me? By All means, Feel free to donate whatever amount to my paypal: http://tinyurl.com/lncvrss
Ahoi, hab ja schon im letzten video einiges angedeutet auch über antje-sophia. hab jetzt bei der rede das rauschen etwas mindern können. ansonsten nichts von ihren anweisungen verändert was bilder und "einfachheit" der aufmachung betrifft. kam mir auch sehr entgegen. hoffe, ich kann die anderen 5 oder 7 reden auch noch bald umsetzen. ich werde mitteilen wenn ich was von ihr gehört habe. Hier gehts um Lubitz und ihre Analysen des Flugzeugabsturz, wichtig! schaffe es leider gerade nicht, ihren kanal zu überprüfen und mitteilungen zu veröffentlichen. hoffe ich schaffs bald! tschau, jo Meine Biographie, kostenlos: „Fehldiagnose Menschenrechte - oder in den Fängen einer unsichtbaren Mafia.“ https://goo.gl/Av8tZH Biographische Betrachtungen meines Lebens mit medizinischen und gesellschaftl...
Educational documentary on solitary confinement, prisoners facing capital punishment and the many weird and wonderful rehabilitation methods used inside maximum security prisons. Two more great episodes on solitary confinement; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtrml3BAfdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9DQsF2IuSI
Kinder mit einer Hirnschädigung oder einer angeborenen Krankheit erleben einen Alltag mit vielen Hürden. Wenn das Gehirn die Bewegung nicht steuern kann, wenn es zu Lähmungen von Armen und Beinen kommt oder wenn Schluck- und Sprechprobleme stören, brauchen betroffene Kinder eine auf sie zugeschnittene Rehabilitation. Im Rehabilitationszentrum vom Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich werden innovative Methoden eingesetzt - mit verblüffenden Resultaten. Ein hoch engagiertes Team motiviert Kinder und Jugendliche auf dem Weg in ein selbstständigeres Leben. gesundheitheute begleitet einige eindrücklichen Erfolgsgeschichten.
Welcome back to my channel everyone! If you're new here or returning, I hope you stick around, and know that I am EXTREMELY humbled to have you here. I want to point out that this Roleplay for tonight is completely EDUCATIONAL for the purpose of rehabilitation and addiction. There's not much here, just a relaxing Roleplay I put together where you're getting an Intake for preparation of rehabilitation for drug/alcohol addiction. I will be doing a number of things; taking your information, cleaning you up, some pep talk and relaxation techniques. I hope you enjoy, as this was requested from a viewer who had been through it before, and I thought it was a brilliant idea. I know I don't always have different props, and I'm usually always in the same Roleplay clothes. But I really want to do...
Dr. Jordan Tucker presents a webinar for vestibular patients on the benefits of vestibular rehabilitation. What you will learn: - How the balance system works - What is vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT)? - How does VRT help improve balance and vision? - Will VRT work for you? - Other therapies used in conjunction with VRT
Subscribe to the GMA News and Public Affairs channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/gmanews Visit the GMA News and Public Affairs Portal: http://www.gmanews.tv Connect with us on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gmanews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gmanews
Tai Chi for Rehabilitation is infinitely modifiable. It can be used to aid recovery, facilitate relaxation or simply as a quick wind down after a busy day. It leads seamlessly into Tai Chi for Energy. After Tai Chi for Energy there is the more demanding Tai Chi for Energy 2. The trilogy begins with a Health form, moves to a Beginners Form, and ends with an intermediate form. It guides the beginner through a series of moves which subtly build into a sophisticated sequence which will satisfy the needs of every practitioner.
In god we trust
And all those sinful lies
We give our lives to their devotion
And stifle our screams
Fed souls, caressed minds
And they plea for the dying
Rage beneath, resentment
So they plea for the devil
We are all slaves
Craving for a god to obey
We are all slaves
In god's justice we believe
In god's hands we give our lives
In their will we trust our minds
Blinded by our faith we are
Beholden to non existent
God is our light and bearer
We are all slaves of this mind