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  • Video Russia's Olympic punishment not enough says Dick Pound

    Russia's Olympic punishment not enough says Dick Pound 6:53

    Russia's Olympic punishment is not enough according to Dick Pound, a senior member of the International Olympic Committee. Pound sent a highly critical, private letter to the IOC president, explaining why he believes the committee is letting Russia off easy for widespread, state-sponsored doping. Russia is banned from Olympic competition, but clean Russian athletes can still compete, albeit not under the Russian flag. Pound believes that's not a punishment and says it sets a bad precedent More Jan 22, 10:34 PM ET video

  • Hurt, healing and hope: The pain of losing a daughter

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Hurt, healing and hope: The pain of losing a daughter

    Hurt, healing and hope are just some of the feelings an Indigenous family has dealt with following the death or disappearance of a daughter. Louisa Lafferty is just one of 1,200 or so Indigenous women across Canada who've had to live for years with the pain of losing a daughter. CBC News is following Lafferty's journey to testify at the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls hearing in Yellowknife

    Watch 9:41
  • Trudeau's gender-equal budgeting challenge

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Trudeau's gender-equal budgeting challenge

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a challenge to develop a gender-equal budget that will help improve the lives of women. Both Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau are in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum and both will be bringing their message of gender equity and budgeting. Canada has some measures in place to support gender equality, but could look to Sweden for some unique and practical ways to include gender equity in its budgeting

    Watch 4:24
  • Pence's Israel visit appears to further divide region

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Pence's Israel visit appears to further divide region

    U.S. Vice President Mike Pence's visit to Israel appears to have divided the region even further. Pence told the Israeli parliament Washington will move its embassy to Jerusalem ahead of schedule. Arab members of the Knesset heckled Pence — and were escorted out

    Watch 3:14
  • Is Amazon Go the future of grocery shopping?

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Is Amazon Go the future of grocery shopping?

    Amazon Go had its first public opening today in Seattle, possibly providing a look into the future of grocery shopping. The store is a fully automated grocery-shopping experience — no cashiers or cash registers, just a shopper and a smartphone are required. Amazon Go is the company's latest attempt to revolutionize the grocery world, but there are some concerns about the jobs it could eliminate

    Watch 3:03
  • Amazon's new store

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Amazon's new store

    Renee Filippone reports on Amazon's new high-tech, checkout-free grocery store

    Watch 1:59
  • Slain teenager's brother: Death leaves a void in our hearts

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Slain teenager's brother: Death leaves a void in our hearts

    The brother of a teenager who died after being hit by a stray bullet in Vancouver earlier this month, says the death has left a void in his family's hearts. Wilfred Wong says his family is still in shock. Police believe 15-year-old Alfred Wong was the innocent victim of a targeted shooting, but haven't identified a suspect in his death.

    Watch 3:53
  • U.S. government set to restart — for now

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video U.S. government set to restart — for now

    U.S. lawmakers have reached a deal to end a government shutdown — for now. The temporary funding agreement passed today by Congress will be revisited in three weeks when it expires, meaning another shutdown could be on the horizon. Democrats in the senate agreed to put the standoff on hold after Republicans pledged to work on a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals deal

    Watch 3:49
  • Dick Pound

    Dick Pound criticizes IOC for not punishing Russia strongly enough for Olympic doping

    by Susan Ormiston

    Dick Pound, a senior member of the International Olympic Committee, is criticizing the Olympic body for neglecting to punish Russia strongly enough, and instead allowing potentially hundreds of Russian athletes to compete at the Winter Games in Pyeongchang.

    Posted: Jan 22, 2018 9:00 PM ET

    The National Today Fears of global economic upheaval top agenda at Davos

    by Jonathon Gatehouse

    A deeper dive into the day's most notable stories with The National's Jonathon Gatehouse.

    Posted: Jan 22, 2018 1:36 PM ET video
  • Growing support for Putin’s nemesis

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Growing support for Putin’s nemesis

    There’s growing support in Russia for Vladimir Putin’s nemesis, critic Alexei Navalny. Young people are drawn to Navalny’s messages spread through social media and that has sparked a small, but unwavering movement against Putin.

    Watch 7:34
  • David Frum | The National Interview

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video David Frum | The National Interview

    Is Donald Trump a threat to democracy? It’s a big question as Trump’s presidency passes the one-year mark. Conservative commentator and editor of the Atlantic magazine David Frum tells Rosemary Barton that Trump’s legacy may be his threat to democracy.

    Watch 9:38
  • Women are marching, and running for office

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Women are marching, and running for office

    Women in the U.S. were marching again this weekend, and the political climate in the last year has encouraged many of them to start running too, for office.

    Watch 3:37
  • Anger, confusion over investigation into murder in Toronto’s gay village

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Anger, confusion over investigation into murder in Toronto’s gay village

    There is still anger and confusion over the investigation into at least two murders in Toronto’s gay village. Friends of victims are telling their stories, while new details about the evidence against Bruce McArthur emerge.

    Watch 2:50
  • Turkey’s rocket attacks in Syria complicate relations with U.S.

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Turkey’s rocket attacks in Syria complicate relations with U.S.

    Turkey’s rocket attacks in Syria this weekend targeted Kurdish militia, YPG, which the Turkish government considers a terrorist group but the U.S. calls an ally in the fight against ISIS.

    Watch 2:54
  • Mentally ill Canadians have legal access to guns | Go Public

    Monday January 22, 2018

    Video Mentally ill Canadians have legal access to guns | Go Public

    Families of two mentally ill Canadians who legally bought guns that led to their deaths tell Go Public that Canada’s often-lauded, gun control rules lack proper diligence.

    Watch 3:04


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  • Video The National for January 22, 2018

    The National for January 22, 2018 47:27

    Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News More Jan 22, 11:25 PM ET video

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