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Sh*tholeCongress & Trump’s porn collection

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In today’s podcast, Cliff and I discuss the GOP Congress’ undying need to defend Donald Trump at all costs (the latest example being their determination to lie for Trump ...
seal aravosis national zoo

Playing fetch with sea lions at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, DC (video)

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I had the joy of discovering this week that the sea lions at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, DC like to play fetch with the zoo visitors. (Note: About 3:25 into ...

President Oprah?

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Are you for or against Oprah running for president? PRESIDENT OPRAH? A close friend of Oprah’s says she’s giving serious thought to running for president in 2020. It’s ...

2017 Year in Review

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I’m not such a New Years fan. I often find the demarcation between the years to be somewhat artificial. But this year has been so momentous, with Trump’s rise to power, ...

Trump’s hilarious denial of collusion with Russia

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Trump’s disastrous New York Times interview is the topic of our latest UnPresidented Podcast episode, in part because the NYT got a lot of heat for — some say — letting ...
trump first year legislative recorda

Trump claims to have most effective administration since Truman. It’s another huge lie.

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Donald Trump yesterday claimed that he has had the most effective first-year of any president since Truman, who held the earlier record (Trump claimed) — but now, Trump has even ...
Star Wars' Carrie Fisher

Star Wars’ Carrie Fisher, my interview

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I had the joy of interviewing Star Wars star Carrie Fisher (aka Princess/General Leia) who passed away unexpectedly last Christmas. It was right before the 2008 elections, and Fisher ...
roy moore

YES WE CAN defeat Roy Moore!

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Our latest UnPresidented Podcast celebrates Roy Moore’s big loss. We also discuss the faux FBI scandal the GOP is using to undercut the Trump-Russia investigation, and Omarosa’s ...
Trump accusers sexual assault

Tell Congress to Hold Trump Accountable for Sexual Assault

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On the same day that women are demanding justice for Donald Trump’s serial sexual assault, Senate Democrats are providing Trump cover. Add your name: Demand that Democrats in ...

Trump’s speech suddenly slurs during major Jerusalem statement

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During his statement today about his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Donald Trump’s speech suddenly slurred in the last minute of his address. I’ve ...
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