- published: 11 May 2016
- views: 875
Act or ACT may mean:
Acts may mean:
The 20th century was a century that began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000. It was the tenth and final century of the 2nd millennium. It is distinct from the century known as the 1900s (sometimes written as 19XX), which began on January 1, 1900 and ended on December 31, 1999.
Dubbed the "short twentieth century", this century in human history was dominated by chain of events that heralded significant changes in world history as to redefine the era: World War I and World War II, nationalism and decolonization, the Cold War and Post-Cold War conflicts, cultural homogenization through developments in transportation and communications technology, world population growth, awareness of environmental degradation, ecological extinction and the birth of the Digital Revolution. It saw great advances in communication and medical technology that by the late 1980s allowed for near-instantaneous worldwide computer communication and genetic modification of life.
The century had the first global-scale total wars between world powers across continents and oceans in World War I and World War II. Nationalism became a major political issue in the world in the 20th century, acknowledged in international law along with the right of nations to self-determination, official decolonization in the mid-century, and nationalist-influenced armed regional-conflicts.
A Cure for Wellness is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by Gore Verbinski and written by Justin Haythe. The film stars Dane DeHaan, Mia Goth and Jason Isaacs. The film is scheduled to be released on September 23, 2016, by 20th Century Fox.
On October 7, 2014, it was announced that Gore Verbinski would direct the supernatural horror film A Cure for Wellness, scripted by Justin Haythe, for New Regency Pictures. On April 8, 2015, Dane DeHaan and Mia Goth were cast in the film, DeHaan to play an employee who has been sent to rescue his boss from a European "wellness spa," while Goth would play a patient at the facility.20th Century Fox would handle the distribution rights while Verbinski would produce the film through his Blind Wink Productions.Jason Isaacs was added to the cast on June 2, 2015 to play the villainous role of the facility's director who has dark designs on a patient.
Melanie "Mel" Robbins (née Schneeberger on October 6, 1968) is an American television host, life coach, author, motivational speaker, and host of the syndicated radio program The Mel Robbins Show. Robbins is best known for her coverage of the George Zimmerman trial and host of A&E's Monster In-Laws.
Robbins grew up in North Muskegon, Michigan, attended Dartmouth College from 1986 to 1990 and received her law degree from Boston College Law School in 1994.
After practicing law in New York City, Robbins became a business and life coach for executive clients and companies such as Dunkin' Donuts and Johnson & Johnson.
In 2011, her first book "Stop Saying You're Fine" was published. She subsequently did a TEDxSF talk entitled F--- YOU - How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over that has over 5 million views on YouTube.
In 2014, Robbins received the Gracie Award for Outstanding Host - News/Non-fiction.
In 1996, she married Christopher Robbins of Belmont, Massachusetts-based restaurant chain Stone Hearth Pizza Co. In 2007, she was reported to have three children and live in Sherborn, Massachusetts.
Auburn Hills (formerly Pontiac Township) is a city in Oakland County, in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 21,412 at the 2010 census.
Auburn Hills began as Pontiac Township, including the village of Auburn, in 1821, at what is today the corner of Auburn and Squirrel roads. Situated on the Clinton River, it was named by Aaron Webster, the first settler, for Auburn, New York. His sawmill and grist mill attracted settlers to Auburn. After the streets were laid out in 1826, Auburn rivaled nearby Pontiac until the 1860s, when it lost its prosperity. The town was renamed Amy in 1880, and it officially became Auburn Heights in 1919. Pontiac Township bordered the city of Pontiac on two sides. The township attempted to incorporate as Pontiac Heights in 1971, but the request was denied by state officials. Pontiac Township became a charter township in 1978, to protect itself from further annexation. The city was formed in 1983 when Pontiac Township became the City of Auburn Hills, and included the village of Auburn Heights. It is not to be confused with the city of Auburn, Michigan, that exists in Bay County, near Saginaw Bay.
En este video te presentamos algunas técnicas de mejora del bienestar como la relajación, la meditación o el mindfulness. Se proporcionan pautas que te permitirán incorporar en tu día a día técnicas para mejorar tu bienestar y, consecuentemente, tu gestión emocional y autoestima. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha - http://www.uclm.es Aula de Competencias Transversales - http://blog.uclm.es/act Centro de Tecnologías y Contenidos Digitales - http://blog.uclm.es/cted MeM Group Formación y Tecnologías S.L. - http://www.memgroup.es Ponente: Sara Mariner Ferris
Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate...
Watch it Now on Digital HD http://bit.ly/ACureDHD Now on Blu-ray™ & DVD http://bit.ly/ACFWBluray Can you handle the Cure? Visit http://TakeTheCure.com now An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company’s CEO from an idyllic but mysterious “wellness center” at a remote location in the Swiss Alps. He soon suspects that the spa’s miraculous treatments are not what they seem. When he begins to unravel its terrifying secrets, his sanity is tested, as he finds himself diagnosed with the same curious illness that keeps all the guests here longing for the cure. From Gore Verbinski, the visionary director of THE RING, comes the new psychological thriller, A CURE FOR WELLNESS. Enjoy a complimentary meditation at: http://ACureForWellness.com Cast: Dane DeHaan, Jason Isaacs, Mia Goth...
Os benefícios do Kiwi para sua saúde O kiwi é uma fruta originária do sul da China e entrou há pouco tempo no cardápio do brasileiro. A textura da fruta é semelhante ao morango ou ao sapoti e o sabor, levemente azedo. O consumo de kiwi traz muitos benefícios à saúde. Ele é uma fonte muito rica de fibra alimentar solúvel, o que o torna um bom laxante. Seu teor de fibra ajuda a proteger a mucosa intestinal, o que diminui o tempo de exposição a toxinas, bem como produção de substâncias cancerígenas no cólon. Ele é ótimo para quem tem a síndrome do intestino irritável (SII). Cientistas constataram que o consumo de 2 kiwis por dia, durante um mês, reduziu significativamente o tempo de trânsito do cólon, aumentou a frequência de defecação e melhorou a função intestinal naqueles que têm SI...
Veja a história da americana que conseguiu se curar de um câncer no estágio 4 Ann Cameron é uma escritora norte-americana, autora de livros infantis, e ela tem uma incrível história. Ela conseguiu se curar de um câncer na fase mais avançada, conhecida como estágio 4 tomando apenas suco de cenoura. O mais surpreendente dessa história é que ela conseguiu esse feito sem quimioterapia, radioterapia e nenhuma mudança radical em sua dieta. Em 6 de junho de 2012, Ann fez uma cirurgia para combater um câncer de cólon na fase 3. Bastaram cinco meses depois da cirurgia, para ela descobrir, através de exames de rotina, que seu câncer de cólon havia avançado para o estágio 4, com metástase nos pulmões. O médico previu de dois a três anos de vida para Ann, pois de acordo com o especialista, ...
Sign up for our WellCast newsletter for more of the love, lolz and happy! http://goo.gl/GTLhb Check out today's worksheet: http://bit.ly/XhcEMV If public speaking sounds like your worst nightmare, you're not alone. You're one of the estimated 70 percent of the population that has an intense fear of public speaking. That's OK. On today's WellCast, we've got our Triple P method that will keep you calm during that next oral report and keep your breakfast where it belongs. Ready? Check out some other awesome episodes of WellCast: 1. Coming Out http://goo.gl/amysN 2. Coping With Grief http://goo.gl/aD4OH 3. How to Break the Ice http://goo.gl/CmS8O 4. Dealing With Rejection http://goo.gl/f3Pw5 5. Party Survival Guide for Introverts http://goo.gl/WYZVe ABOUT WELLCAST: In this twice-a-w...
Conheça o poder da casca da melancia, e saiba como usar a casca da melancia para melhorar sua saúde Todo mundo adora uma melancia num dia de verão. As melancias são ricas em nutrientes saudáveis, antioxidantes e vitaminas que oferecem inúmeros benefícios a saúde. Mas geralmente nos jogamos as cascas fora não é ? Você sabia, que a casca da melancia é comestível? A casca da melancia é aquela parte branca e firme da fruta, que fica atrás da parte rosa, que comemos. Normalmente jogamos essa parte fora, e nem sabemos quantos benefícios ela oferece à nossa saúde. A casca da melancia tem efeito diurético, ajuda a controlar a pressão arterial e a manter as funções dos rins ativas. Um estudo recente, mostrou que a casca da melancia é rica em vitamina C, vitamina B6, vitamina A, magnésio, zin...
O que causa a inflamação no corpo? Aprenda como mudar seus hábitos para evita-la Se sentirmos ou vemos inflamação em nossos próprios corpos, nossa resposta imediata é geralmente negativa. Isso significa que algum tipo de dor está vindo ou já existe. Como resultado, começamos a nos estressar e muitas pessoas recorrem a anti-inflamatórios. Mas ao fazer isso, não estamos permitindo que a resposta natural de nossos corpos ocorra. O que causa inflamação? Sinais de Inflamação A lista não é extensa, mas inclui muitos sintomas comuns como: - Vermelhidão; - Fadiga e baixa energia; - Inchaço das articulações, dor ou rigidez; - Rigidez muscular; - Febre ou calafrios; - Dores de cabeça; - Pouco ou nenhum apetite. Os 2 tipos de Inflamação: A inflamação aguda acontece dentro de minutos ou...
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No site do Magazine Luiza você encontra tudo para praticar seu esporte favorito e para tornar seus momentos de lazer muito prazerosos! Confira! http://www.magazineluiza.com.br/bicicleta-spinning-wellness-am-ajuste-de-esforco-freio-de-emergencia-guidao-e-assento-com-regulagem/p/2076572/00/es/elbs/
It’s time for Vagina-101! As we age, our bodies, especially our vaginas, change and start approaching menopause. Vaginal dryness in particular can lead to painful sex, compromising our sexual wellness, among other issues. Get ready to empower yourself with facts. Two “experts in sexual medicine”, board-certified obstetricians and gynecologists, Dr. Michael Krychman and Dr. Alyssa Dweck, join us in a session of “Ask the Doctor.” They’ll tell us all about menopause and how it affects our bodies and interferes with our sex life. But all is not lost. We’ll tell you about Lubrigyn Lotion, an over-the-counter moisturizing lotion, rich in natural ingredients, to help keep you clean, comfortable and confident, all day. Don’t let menopause kill your romance. Tune in to The Balancing Act to see how...
Everyone has the ability to build mental strength, but most people don't know how. We spend a lot of time talking about physical strength and physical health, but much less time on mental strength and mental health. We can choose to perform exercises that will help us learn to regulate our thoughts, manage our emotions, and behave productively despite our circumstances - the 3 basic factors of mental strength. No matter what your goals are, building mental strength is the key to reaching your greatest potential. Amy Morin is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist. Since 2002, she has been counseling children, teens, and adults. She also works as an adjunct psychology instructor. Amy’s expertise in mental strength has attracted international attention. Her bestsellin...
Having plants in your home is not only good for decoration, charm and coziness. It's also good for your health. That is because they purify and humidify the air, freshen the environment, produce oxygen and even absorb pollutants. They improve the quality of the air you breathe—being much more than mere house decorations. Furthermore, they minimize internal and external noise, retain dust and help you relax. In this video we’re going to show you 5 plants that will bring you several benefits if you have them in your home: 1. Lavender It lowers stress levels, fights insomnia, and lowers anxiety. It's perfume offers a calming sensation and sedative effect. 2. Aloe vera It has strong detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties, and helps eliminate heavy chemical substances found in clea...
Go round and round song - This is the most watched educational video of all time! Come and see why! Your child will love the colours, sounds and rhythms to sing and clap along to! Download LBB videos https://bamazoo.com/littlebabybum Plush Toys: http://littlebabybum.com/shop/plush-toys/ © El Bebe Productions Limited 0:04 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 1 (Green Bus) 1:53 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 2 (Red Bus) 3:43 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 3 (Yellow Bus) 5:34 - One, Two Buckle My Shoe 6:37 - ABC Phonics Song 8:04 - Baa Baa Black Sheep 8:56 - Finger Family 9:59 - Ten In The Bed 12:23 - The ABC Song 14:15 - 5 Little Monkeys 16:08 - 3 Little Kittens 18:25 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & The Prince 20:27 - London Bridge Is Falling Down 22:13 - Numbers Song 1-20 24:21 - Finger Family (Cat Family...
A PENTATONIX CHRISTMAS OUT NOW! ITUNES http://smarturl.it/APentatonixChristmas?IQid=yt | AMAZON http://smarturl.it/APTXMASAMZ?IQid=yt | SPOTIFY http://smarturl.it/StreamAPTXMAS?IQid=yt | GOOGLE PLAY http://smarturl.it/APTXMASGP?IQid=yt | WEBSTORE http://smarturl.it/PTXStore?IQid=yt | WALMART CD http://smarturl.it/APTXMASWalmart?IQid=yt | TARGET CD http://smarturl.it/APTXMASTarget?IQid=yt | FYE CD http://smarturl.it/APTXMASFYE?IQid=yt GET PENTATONIX THE ALBUM NOW! ITUNES http://smarturl.it/PTXalbum?IQid=yt | AMAZON http://smarturl.it/PTXalbumA?IQid=yt | SPOTIFY http://smarturl.it/PTXalbumS?IQid=yt | GOOGLE PLAY http://smarturl.it/PTXalbumG?Iqid=yt | WEBSTORE http://smarturl.it/PTXalbumD2C?IQid=yt | TARGET DELUXE CD WITH 3 BONUS TRACKS http://smarturl.it/PTXalbumT?IQid=yt BUY THAT'S CHRI...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: http://bit.ly/1FAg8hB Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. Widely respected for her grab-'em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, Robbins drills through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want. Her approach is smart, effective and entertaining. Five days a week, Mel hosts her own syndicated radio show The Mel Robbins Show, discussing hot topics and giving advice to callers across America. She is starring in a new series, In-Laws, airing this summer on A&E;. In addition, she writes a monthly column for Success Magazine, is a former CNBC contributor and is the co-founder of Advice for Living, Inc., which dev...
Enjoy your visit with Dr. Darling! Taylor Darling Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtdKQcsoZSYc2EepRto2JSA snapchat: asmrdarling instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmrdarling/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ASMR-Darling... twitter: https://twitter.com/asmrDarling?lang=en
Relaxing music for yoga (hatha yoga, hot yoga, bikram yoga, fly yoga, kundalini yoga, raja yoga), meditation, deep breathing (pranayama), deep relaxation, relaxing mind and body. Musique zen pour accompagner la pratique du yoga ( hatha yoga, hot yoga, bikram yoga, fly yoga, kundalini yoga, raja yoga), la pratique de la méditation, le travail de la respiration (pranayama), la relaxation profonde. Música zen para acompañar la práctica del yoga (hatha yoga, hot yoga, bikram yoga, kundalini yoga, raja yoga), la práctica de la meditación, el trabajo de respiración (pranayama), relajación profunda. Dans l’approche développée par le Yoga, la respiration ne se contente pas uniquement d’apporter l’oxygène à l’organisme. Elle lui apporte aussi le « Prana » la force vitale, l’énergie subtile...
Das ist die Musik, die ich am Liebsten bei Movement, Yoga, Movision oder Ido Portal Zeug oder wie auch immer man es nennen will höre. Meine wöchentlich geupdateten Playlists auf Spotify mit anderer Musik wie amerikanischem Hip Hop, deutschem Hip Hop, House, ... findet ihr hier: Amerikanischer Hip Hop / Rap: https://open.spotify.com/user/11124233502/playlist/0DGkJ7FLy9pgrEsq1dNocX Amerikanischer Hip Hop / Reggaeton / RnB: https://open.spotify.com/user/11124233502/playlist/1m0Qq71ACXvs9nok1AyRuP Deutscher Hip Hop: https://open.spotify.com/user/11124233502/playlist/21fgIy2iizZFo7cxUspRhO Summer Deep House Mix: https://open.spotify.com/user/11124233502/playlist/29WOCZxlOOrd8YLx4YcDLm 🎥 Videos erscheinen 3-5 Mal pro Woche, meistens Mo, Mi, Fr und sonntags um 17 Uhr LIVE Q&A; (alle eure ...
Enjoy your visit with Dr. Darling! Taylor Darling Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtdKQcsoZSYc2EepRto2JSA snapchat: asmrdarling instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmrdarling/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ASMR-Darling... twitter: https://twitter.com/asmrDarling?lang=en
Go round and round song - This is the most watched educational video of all time! Come and see why! Your child will love the colours, sounds and rhythms to sing and clap along to! Download LBB videos https://bamazoo.com/littlebabybum Plush Toys: http://littlebabybum.com/shop/plush-toys/ © El Bebe Productions Limited 0:04 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 1 (Green Bus) 1:53 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 2 (Red Bus) 3:43 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 3 (Yellow Bus) 5:34 - One, Two Buckle My Shoe 6:37 - ABC Phonics Song 8:04 - Baa Baa Black Sheep 8:56 - Finger Family 9:59 - Ten In The Bed 12:23 - The ABC Song 14:15 - 5 Little Monkeys 16:08 - 3 Little Kittens 18:25 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & The Prince 20:27 - London Bridge Is Falling Down 22:13 - Numbers Song 1-20 24:21 - Finger Family (Cat Family...
Conferencia de Carlos Martinez, Presidente de Attac. Titulada " Es la hora, no nos sobra tiempo". V Congreso de Ciencia y Espíritu, Barcelona Noviembre 2010 SI QUIERES CONTRIBUIR CON SUBTÍTULOS A ESTE VIDEO HAZ CLIC AQUÍ: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=6brcDpGh3yg&ref;=share Lista de reproducción: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWWUD1I_Hje_b5ibFCVeKyOcDom6at8-Q Grabado y Editado por Iván MG de LA CAJA DE PANDORA www.lacajadepandora.eu www.aulaspandora.com ______________________________________________ Si te ha gustado el vídeo haz un "me gusta" y compártelo CONTRIBUYE CON SUBTÍTULOS AQUÍ: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCXV8HmDQt2akopxAQQt3oeg&tab;=2 Suscríbete a nuestro canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/lascajasdepandora WEB DE FORMACIÓN: ht...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: http://bit.ly/1FAg8hB Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. Widely respected for her grab-'em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, Robbins drills through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want. Her approach is smart, effective and entertaining. Five days a week, Mel hosts her own syndicated radio show The Mel Robbins Show, discussing hot topics and giving advice to callers across America. She is starring in a new series, In-Laws, airing this summer on A&E;. In addition, she writes a monthly column for Success Magazine, is a former CNBC contributor and is the co-founder of Advice for Living, Inc., which dev...
The Science of Being Well by Wallace D. Wattles - Full Audiobook | Health | Wellness The historic examination of what it really takes to maintain personal health. If you are seeking better health and ways to stay well…This book is for you! Wallace D. Wattles was an American author and a pioneer success new thought movement writer. His most famous work and first book is a book called The Science of Getting Rich in which he explains how to get rich. Additionally, In the Science of Getting Well, Wattles addresses both the physical and the metaphysical, suggesting to the reader to think and ACT in a Certain Way. As with his first book, Wattles explains in simple concepts the keys to Getting Well. With faith and discipline, Wattles suggests you can stay well. Says Wattles “for those who want ...
¡Oriflame México #1! @Oriflaming La belleza no está sólo a nivel de piel, proviene desde el interior. La línea de productos Wellness de Oriflame está concebida para hombres y mujeres que requieren nutrientes esenciales para su belleza y bienestar. Mediante el uso de ingredientes eficaces inspirados tanto en la naturaleza como en fórmulas innovadoras, ofrecemos suplementos nutricionales balanceados de alta calidad que otorgan un óptimo respaldo nutricional para satisfacer las necesidades diarias del cuerpo y de la piel. Nuestros productos, famosos por sus altos estándares de calidad, son investigados y desarrollados en Suecia en conjunto con destacados expertos en nutrición y científicos suecos reconocidos internacionalmente. Se han realizado extensos ensayos y estudios de largo plazo a f...
3 Hours Relaxing Music. Theta Brain Waves Relax Background for Body and Soul Healing | With Theta Brain Waves. Use this relaxing music on background for Deep Sleep Meditation, Improve Memory, DNA Repair, Beat Insomnia, Lucid dreaming, Astral projection. Totaly relax your mind and body . Heal your soul. Highly Recomended to listen with headphones or quality Sound System Enjoy. Theta State is a state of very deep relaxation; it is used in hypnosis and during REM Sleep. The brain waves are slowed down at a frequency of 4-7 cycles per second. For this reason, the People meditate consecutively for hours, in order to achieve this state, in order to have access to the absolute perfect calm. Theta brain waves can be considered the subconscious; they govern the part of our mind that lies be...
One of the most common questions people ask me in private is about the sexual obsession they have with the narcissist even after the breakup. In this video I talk about sex with narcissists, why you might find yourself obsessed with them, why it’s so hard to move past that obsession, what is real intimacy (in comparison to sex with the narc) and what you can do to help yourself release the sexual obsession. ****** NEW BOOK DECEMBER 2017 — THE JOURNEY is a roadmap out of the suffering and struggle after narcissistic abuse. It is a comprehensive, holistic outline of the recovery process so you can measure where you are and where you want to go in the journey of self-healing. If you want to change anything in life, you’re going to need to measure it somehow. This structure will help you get...
3 hours of relaxation music non-stop with Piano and Flute themes mixed with calm Sea Sounds. This soundscape will help you feel deep relaxation and trance that washes away all the stress you have accumulated. We mix our music with gentle sounds of nature such as fire, ocean waves, water streams, happy birds songs, wind chimes, summer breeze etc. Playback this video at medium to low volume in the background while practicing meditation, sleeping, studying, chilling out, daydreaming or for any other activities that you find appropriate. It is best to lie down, close your eyes and let the sounds wash over you. Enjoy this revitalizing ambient soundscape and Zen experience. Please do not use this music while driving or operating machinery. SoulHarp creates high quality Meditation Music, R...
Фонд борьбы с коррупцией представляет новое расследование о бизнесе и криминальных связях сыновей генпрокурора России Артема и Игоря Чаек https://chaika.navalny.com Подписаться на новости Фонда борьбы с коррупцией — https://fbk.info/subscribe/ Поддержать Фонд борьбы с коррупцией – https://donate.fbk.info/ Часть 1. Греция. Об отеле Артема Чайки в Греции, вилле с видом на гору Афон и связях генпрокуратуры с Цапковской ОПГ Часть 2. Швейцария. Про резидентскую визу, дом и счета сына генпрокурора в Швейцарии. (11:06) Часть 3. Иркутск. О том, как Артем Чайка и его люди участвовали в рейдерском захвате Верхнеленского пароходства и похитили у государства 12 судов класса река-море. (15:53) Часть 4. Артем. Артем Чайка оказался бенефициаром Тыретского солерудника, компании по добыче щебня, и строит...
Relaxing Study Music, Brain Power, Exam - RelaxingRecords are experts in creating study music, concentration music, studying music, relaxing music, brain enhancing music, reading music and learning music and focus music. Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers, and uses binaural beats (delta waves, alpha waves and theta waves) to put you in a relaxed state of mind. We create healing music, incorporating Tibetan Music, Spa and Massage Music, Yoga Music and Reiki Music within our playlists, to encourage a natural state of relaxation. ♫♫♫ Relaxing Concentration Study Music on iTunes: Study and Meditation Music♫♫♫ https://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/relaxingrecords/id432609670 Study Focus Concentration Playlist ☯ ☯ https://goo.gl/eKCRbt Our Study Music Playlist is insp...
8 Hour Deep Sleep Music: Nature Sounds, Delta Waves, Relaxing Music Sleep, Sleeping Music, ✿649C - YellowBrickCinema’s Sleep Music is the perfect relaxing music to help you go to sleep, and enjoy deep sleep. Our music for sleeping is the best music for stress relief, to reduce insomnia, and encourage dreaming. Our calm music for sleeping uses delta waves and soft instrumental music to help you achieve deep relaxation, and fall asleep. Our relaxing sleep music can be used as background music, meditation music, relaxation music, peaceful music and sleep music. Let the soothing and calming sounds help you enjoy relaxing deep sleep. YellowBrickCinema’s deep sleep music videos have been specifically composed to relax mind and body, and are suitable for babies, children, teens, and adults who n...
6 Hour Reiki Meditation: Nature Sounds, Healing Music, Calming Music, Relaxation Music ✿2448C - Our Reiki Music and Zen Music is ideal for Reiki healing sessions, and encouraging a state of Zen. Let the calming, subtle sounds take you to a higher state of consciousness, and allow you to give and receive powerful Reiki vibrations. YellowBrickCinema composes Sleep Music, Study Music and Focus Music, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music (including Tibetan Music and Shamanic Music), Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, Spa Music and Massage Music, Instrumental Music (including Piano Music, Guitar Music and Flute Music) and Yoga Music. We also produce music videos with Classical Music from composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. Our music is popular for the following: ► Sleep Music: Yello...
Preocuparte por ti, por tus necesidades, escucharte y ponerte en primer lugar no es egoísmo, sino amor propio y es un paso necesario para poder amar de forma real.
Concentration Music are experts in creating study music, concentration music, studying music, relaxing music, brain enhancing music, reading music and learning music and focus music. Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers, and uses binaural beats (delta waves, alpha waves and theta waves) to put you in a relaxed state of mind. We create healing music, incorporating Tibetan Music, Spa and Massage Music, Yoga Music and Reiki Music within our playlists, to encourage a natural state of relaxation. ♫♫♫ Relaxing Concentration Study Music on iTunes: Study and Meditation Music♫♫♫ https://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/relaxingrecords/id432609670 Study Focus Concentration Playlist ☯ ☯ https://goo.gl/eKCRbt Our Study Music Playlist is inspired by the work of Mozart, Beethoven,...
Mi consejo: Escúchalo mínimo 7 veces y luego de la 2da toma apuntes para sacar el mejor provecho. EFECTUA EL EJERCICIO, 30 DÍAS Y EMPEZARAN LOS MILAGROS NAMASTE =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=** Educational Purposes Only All content belongs to their respective owners Published under United States Fair Law 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, Fair use is a limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work. In United States copyright law, fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. It provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material. United States Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107. Questions inquire gener...
La vida no va de ser bueno sino de ser tu!!! Desgraciadamente vivimos bajo un baile de máscaras y apariencias y no nos permitimos ser.