Authors Posts by Seattle GDC

Seattle GDC

Seattle GDC
Seattle branch of the General Defense Committee (GDC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Seattle Mobilizes Against ‘Violent Misogynist’ Proud Boy

The following is a report back and analysis about a recent campaign organizing against a violent member of the Proud Boys employed at a local Boeing plant. The Campaign On Saturday, October 6th the Greater...

Phone Zap and Action to Hold Boeing Proud Boy Accountable

Seattle General Defense Committee (GDC) announces a campaign against a member of the violent far-Right group, the Proud Boys. Nick Boling is a violent Proud Boy, who is employed by The Boeing Corporation in Washington...

June 9th: Say No to Misogyny & Hate in Washington State

On June 9th the Pacific Northwest's most infamous fascist collaborator will be making his third trip to the Puget Sound in just over a month. Joey Gibson and his shrinking crew will attempt to...

Seattle, WA: Vehicle Plows Through Rowdy Wendy’s May Day Picket

The following report comes from the Seattle General Defense Committee (GDC) of the IWW. The Greater Seattle IWW General Defense Committee held a strong picket line at the Wendy's on Rainier Avenue in South Seattle...

We Don’t Forget J20: Action Report Back from the Greater Seattle IWW General Defense...

This report back from the Seattle General Defense Committee (GDC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), details a rally that took place to commemorate a GDC member being shot by two Trump...

Seattle J20, 2018: “We Don’t Forget”

On January 20, 2017, a man rode into office on top of a not-so-subtly fascistic platform that took advantage of the festering racism and misplaced anger of white Americans. Around the country, hundreds of...

Despite Budget of 6 Billion, Seattle Declares War on the Homeless

The following report and analysis comes from the General Defense Committee of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). It discusses that despite the fact that the city is flush with money from a...

Seattle, WA: August 13th Solidarity Against Hate Reportback

The IWW Greater Seattle General Defense Committee (GDC) put a wide-reaching public call-out to amass a significant contingent of individuals and organizations to confront yet another hateful “Freedom” rally by Joey Gibson and Patriot...

August 13th Seattle: Solidarity Against Hate

August 13th at 1PM - 4PM - 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109Seattle has hosted a few too many hateful, violent, far-right extremist rallies this year. Again, far-right extremists will converge on Westlake...

Snakes in the Grass: Who is Benefiting From Joey Gibson’s Rallies?

On Christmas Eve, 1985, David Lewis Rice murdered Annie, Charles, Colin, and Derek Goldmark at their home in Seattle because he mistakenly thought they were Jewish communists. He was an active member of a...