Authors Posts by Fight Toxic Prisons

Fight Toxic Prisons

Fight Toxic Prisons
Earth liberation and prison abolition.

FTP 2019 Convergence in Gainesville

The 2019 Fight Toxic Prisons Convergence is taking place June 14-17 in Gainesville, Florida and will include speakers, panels, workshops, protests and cultural activities exploring the intersections of anti-prison and environmental struggles. We are currently...

Alabama Prison Hunger Strike Spreads to Limestone Correctional Facility

Report on growing hunger strike in the Alabama Department of Corrections, which has now grow into the Limestone Correctional Facility. On Monday, n26,  the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) transferred a confined citizen, Kenneth S....

8 Prisoners Launch Hunger Strike at Holman CF In Protest of Unwarranted Solitary Confinement

Report from the infamous Holman prison in Alabama about a recent hunger strike.At approximately 2 AM on February 28th, 2019, thirty inmates at St. Clair Correctional Facility were awoken and told without explanation that...

On Year After #OperationPUSH: Next Steps in the Struggle

Update on the struggle around #OperationPUSH, which emerged at the start of 2018 in Florida prisons. Last year today, you and your organizations joined over 160 groups who signed on in support of #OperationPUSH demands,...

Shocking Video Emerges out of Lieber Correctional Institution, SC

Fight Toxic Prisons exposes horrific conditions inside Lieber Correctional Institution. Shocking footage has emerged from inside Lieber Correctional Institution in South Carolina. Orange water from the running faucet and sewage water flooding cells were captured on videofrom...

Prisoners Call for Investigation into Alabama DOC Following Lethal Unrest at Holman

The following statement is based on communication between prisoners at Holman and an organizer with Fight Toxic Prisons. FTP views Alabama’s chronic conditions of overcrowding, corruption and abuse as matters of environmental justice.    On...

Prisoners File Lawsuit Against New Federal Facility on Toxic Strip Mine Site in Kentucky

Abolitionists have filed a suit against the BOP on behalf of prisoners who are opp osed to being housed on top of a former coal mind. Washington, DC — Lawyers with the Campaign to Fight...

URGENT: Hurricane Florence Phone Zap For Prisoners

Join Fight Toxic Prisons in pressuring prisons across the east coast to evacuate prisoners before Hurricane Florence hits.  PHONE ZAP UPDATE 9/12: Both North Carolina and Virginia have stated they now have plans to...

Gainesville, FL: Occupation Highlights Local Slave Contracts and National Prisoner Strike

Report on ongoing encampment set up in solidarity with the #PrisonStrike. As of Saturday, September 1st, members of Gainesville IWOC/IWW, Fight Toxic Prisons and Occupy ICE Tampa kicked off a full-time encampment in response to...

Groups Across Florida Join Juneteenth Call to Action Against Prison Slavery Amidst Reports of...

Report from Fight Toxic Prisons and Gainesville IWOC on the developing situation in Florida and Texas prisons. Alachua County, FL - The Gainesville chapter of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) and the Campaign to...