Workers Issues in Canada

After Ontario minimum wage hike

Canadian businesses claw back wages from low-paid workers

By Carl Bronski, 17 January 2018

While there is widespread anger in the working class at the outrageous actions of big business, it finds no political expression in the bogus protests launched by the trade unions.

Aluminum giants lock out one thousand ABI workers in Quebec

By Laurent Lafrance, 13 January 2018

A joint venture of Alcoa and Rio Tinto Alcan, ABI has locked out 1,030 workers at its Bécancour smelter after they massively rejected the company’s final offer.

Canada: Ontario Liberals impose two-tier employment on autoworkers

By Carl Bronski, 10 January 2018

The unions’ hypocritical hand-wringing over the anti-worker legislation cannot disguise the fact that Unifor helped elect successive Liberal governments in Ontario.

Canada: Former CUPE chief steward caught in cash-for-jobs scandal

By Carl Bronski, 29 December 2017

The case is yet another example of the pro-corporate union bureaucracy’s descent into corruption and outright gangsterism.

Investigation reveals employer impunity in Canadian workplace deaths

By Lee Parsons, 15 December 2017

The conditions documented by the CBC are the result of decades of cost-cutting and deregulation.

Workers Struggles: the Americas

Halifax Shipyard workers vote 99 percent in favor of strike

5 December 2017

The union accuses management of seeking to impose a long list of concessions, including the decimation of safety rules.

Ontario Liberals to outlaw college teachers’ strike

By Dylan Lubao, 18 November 2017

The trade union-backed Liberals of Premier Kathleen Wynne have introduced strikebreaking legislation to end a five-week-long strike by 12,000 community college faculty.

Teamsters Canada sells out Swissport ground crew strike at Toronto’s Pearson Airport

By Dylan Lubao, 13 November 2017

After 11 weeks of union-imposed isolation, 700 Swissport workers reluctantly ratified a sell-out contract.

Ontario colleges issue ultimatum to striking faculty

By Dylan Lubao, 11 November 2017

Making use of Ontario’s reactionary labour laws, college administrators are forcing 12,000 striking faculty to vote on a “final offer” that addresses none of the workers’ demands.

“We have to know that we’re fighting the same fight”

Striking Ontario college faculty speak out

By our reporters, 9 November 2017

Now in its fourth week, the strike by 12,000 Ontario community college faculty is a struggle against precarious work contracts and for greater academic freedom.

Education is a social right!

Students must come to the defense of Ontario’s striking college teachers!

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Canada), 7 November 2017

The struggle must be broadened, mobilizing students as well as teachers and other workers across Canada in a political struggle to defend public education and win decent-paying, secure jobs for all.

Lessons of the CAMI autoworkers’ strike in Canada

By Carl Bronski, 28 October 2017

The strike did not fail to achieve its goals due to a lack of readiness among GM workers to fight, but because it was sabotaged by Unifor with its pro-corporate and nationalist agenda.

An educational Walmart

Ontario-wide community college teachers on strike

By Carl Bronski, 18 October 2017

12,000 teachers and librarians have walked out against precarious job security and the undermining of academic freedom.

Unifor imposes new round of concessions

CAMI strike in Canada ends

“We struck for a month and got nothing”

By Carl Bronski and Jerry White, 17 October 2017

Lacking any confidence that Unifor would oppose GM’s job threats, workers reluctantly accepted another concessionary contract.

12,000 professors and instructors strike Ontario colleges

Workers Struggles: The Americas

17 October 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

No to Unifor-GM blackmail!

Before any ratification vote, CAMI workers must see the full contract and have time to study it

Statement of the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 16 October 2017

CAMI workers have not stood out on the picket lines for a month to accept yet another concessionary contract from an auto giant that made $11 billion in profits last year.

Build rank-and-file committees! Unite Canadian, US and Mexican workers against job cuts!

GM threatens CAMI plant, demands Unifor end month-long strike

By Carl Bronski and Jerry White, 13 October 2017

Workers must break through the conspiracy of silence enforced by union and management and demand all details of the Unifor-GM secret negotiations.

Canadian Fiat Chrysler worker: “Stay strong, workers, and demand answers to your questions”

Talks resume in CAMI strike as Unifor continues to isolate embattled workers

By Shannon Jones, 12 October 2017

Canadian autoworkers expressed their solidarity with the striking CAMI workers and denounced last week’s physical assault on a WSWS reporter by a Unifor operative.

Canadian autoworkers warn CAMI strikers on role of Unifor, condemn attack on WSWS

By Shannon Jones, 10 October 2017

Ford and GM workers in Canada expressed their support for striking CAMI workers and denounced the treacherous role of Unifor.

Unifor operative assaults WSWS reporter at CAMI strike rally

By Jerry White, 9 October 2017

The physical attack is aimed not only at silencing the WSWS but at gagging and intimidating rank-and-file workers.

As CAMI strike ends third week, Unifor peddles Canadian nationalism at rally

By Jerry White, 7 October 2017

Unifor is using CAMI workers as pawns in their maneuvers with the Canadian and US governments over renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Unifor, the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter and the politics of the CAMI strike

By Jerry White, 4 October 2017

The struggle to defend jobs and living standards demands politics: not the politics of Unifor—a close ally of the federal and Ontario Liberal governments—but socialist politics.

CAMI workers challenge further de-industrialization of southwestern Ontario

By Carl Bronski, 3 October 2017

To win secure and decent-paying jobs, workers will have to mount a global struggle to end the subordination of all socioeconomic life to capitalist profit.

Unifor president at CAMI picket line: A declaration of bankruptcy

By Jerry White and Carl Bronski, 2 October 2017

Far from advancing any strategy to win the two-week strike, Unifor officials promoted economic nationalism and illusions in Trudeau and Trump.

Unifor leaders plot with GM to beat back resistance of CAMI strikers

By Jerry White, 29 September 2017

The top leadership of the Canadian auto union met with GM executives in Detroit even as the strike by 2,800 CAMI workers continued.

As Unifor plots to end CAMI strike, corporate press hails union head

By Keith Jones, 27 September 2017

The union is maneuvering to shut the strike down and subordinating the struggle to Unifor’s alliance with the Trudeau Liberal government and its efforts to renegotiate NAFTA.

CAMI autoworkers strike against GM Canada at the crossroads

By Carl Bronski, 26 September 2017

While CAMI workers remained determined, officials from the Unifor union have presented GM Canada with an “olive branch” proposal to shut down the strike.

Nova Scotia Liberals slash public sector workers’ wages

By Janet Browning, 26 September 2017

Nova Scotia’s government, a close ally of the federal Liberal regime, is imposing a substantial, real-wage cut on 75,000 provincial public sector workers.

US autoworkers express support for CAMI strikers in Canada

“We should be out on strike with them”

By Jerry White, 25 September 2017

Despite the sabotage by the auto unions on both sides of the border there is a widespread sentiment for a common struggle against the global carmakers.

Canadian union seeks to shut down CAMI strike by offering concessions to GM

By Roger Jordan, 23 September 2017

Unifor has focused on bolstering its partnership with the big-business Liberal government and promoting reactionary Canadian nationalism.

GM Canada strike in danger

Why is Unifor trying to gag CAMI strikers?

By Carl Bronski and Jerry White, 22 September 2017

Officials from the Unifor union said Wednesday that they have offered an “olive branch” to GM to end the strike.

“What these companies are doing is a new form of slavery”

CAMI strikers determined to resist GM Canada job and wage cuts

By Jerry White and Carl Bronski, 21 September 2017

CAMI workers are fighting to defend their jobs and living standards, while Unifor seeks to tie workers to the Liberal government and Trump's anti-Mexican trade war policies.

CAMI autoworkers locked in fight against GM Canada over jobs and wages

By Jerry White, 20 September 2017

Autoworkers at the General Motors CAMI plant in Ingersoll, Ontario are locked in a critical battle that raises fundamental questions for autoworkers in Canada and around the world.

For an international strategy to win the CAMI workers strike

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 19 September 2017

To prevail in the struggle against GM, CAMI workers must fight to mobilize autoworkers across North America in a counter-offensive against all concessions and job cuts.

GM CAMI workers strike in Canada

By Carl Bronski, 18 September 2017

The walkout is part of a growing wave of struggles by autoworkers around the world, including in the US, Korea, Serbia and Slovakia.

Toronto Airport Authority imposes injunctions on striking ground crew

By Lee Parsons and Roger Jordan, 9 September 2017

Following a protest by the workers on Sunday that temporarily blocked traffic into Pearson Airport, the Greater Toronto Airport Authority has intensified its strike-breaking efforts.

“Whatever happens to us is going to happen to everybody else”

Toronto airport strikers speak out

By our reporters, 4 September 2017

700 employees of Swissport at Toronto’s Pearson Airport are resisting management’s attempt to slash their real wages and gut their working conditions.

GM CAMI workers authorize strike in Canada

By Carl Bronski, 30 August 2017

Workers voted by 99.8 percent to walk out if a new labour agreement is not reached by September 17.

German trade union, works council and Bombardier management unite to impose plant shutdown in stages

By Gustav Kemper, 13 July 2017

The works council at Bombardier’s long standing rail carriage manufacturing facility in Hennigsdorf was joined by officials of the IG Metall trade union, Social Democratic politicians and company management in supporting mass job cuts.

Settlement at AT&T; West, DirecTV, while Spectrum telecom strike continues

Workers Struggles: the Americas

6 June 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature by writing to

Quebec introduces “emergency” bill outlawing construction strike

By Keith Jones, 30 May 2017

The Liberal government is giving itself sweeping powers to shape the arbitration process to ensure the construction bosses’ concession demands are imposed.

Quebec construction strike: Defeat strikebreaking laws and concessions! Defend public services!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 29 May 2017

Construction workers are the immediate target of the Liberals’ antistrike law, but it is the entire working class that is under attack.

Talks stall on third day of Quebec construction strike

By Roger Jordan, 27 May 2017

Quebec’s Liberal government has confirmed that it intends to outlaw a strike by 175,000 construction workers, with the House leader saying a strikebreaking bill will be tabled Monday.

Quebec premier amplifies threat to outlaw 175,000-strong construction strike

By Keith Jones, 26 May 2017

Among the largest workers’ actions in North America in recent years, the Quebec construction strike has angered and unnerved the Canadian ruling elite.

Quebec construction strike rattles Canada’s ruling elite

By Laurent Lafrance, 25 May 2017

Quebec’s 175,000 unionized construction workers launched an “unlimited general strike” Wednesday morning, shutting down building sites across the province.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Strikes hit mines in Peru and Mexico as retired US coal miners face health care cutoff

18 April 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature by emailing information to

“The union works against us”

With contract battle looming, Canadian autoworkers at GM CAMI plant speak out

By Carl Bronski, 23 March 2017

Unifor officials have expressed concern about growing support for the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter as CAMI workers look to recoup years of union-backed wage and benefit concessions.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

7 March 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Sordid inter-union dispute over Toronto transit union’s dues-stream

By Carl Bronski, 25 February 2017

Both factions in the dispute pitting the ATU against its Toronto local president and Unifor have a long record of imposing concession contracts.

Canada: Nova Scotia teachers on one-day strike against imposition of concessions contract

By Laurent Lafrance and Carl Bronski, 17 February 2017

The Liberal government's anti-teacher legislation comes in the wake of teachers rejecting for the third time a tentative contract endorsed by their union.

GM Canada slashes CAMI workforce in Ontario

By Carl Bronski, 4 February 2017

The announcement exposes the lying claims of Unifor and its President Jerry Dias that the latest round of concessions contracts would secure the Detroit Three’s Canadian “footprint.”

Quebec’s municipalities slash workers’ pensions, again

By Richard Dufour, 24 January 2017

It is estimated that over the next 15 years retired municipal workers will see the purchasing power of their pensions diminish by between one-third and a half.

Canada’s Liberal government boosts employer assault on pensions

By Roger Jordan, 30 November 2016

The Canadian Labour Congress’ opposition to Bill C-27 is a sham.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

29 November 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

The lessons of the Canadian autoworkers’ contract struggle

By Roger Jordan and Carl Bronski, 19 November 2016

Unifor’s imposition of another round of concessions contracts underscores the urgency of autoworkers repudiating its nationalist, pro-company perspective and building new organizations of struggle.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

9 November 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Canada: Unifor scuttles strike at Integram Seating plant in matter of hours

By Carl Bronski, 8 November 2016

Fearful that the Integram strike would cut into the profits of the Detroit Three and galvanize opposition to the low-wage two-tier system, Unifor went into overdrive to shut it down.

Canada’s Liberal government outlines privatization plans

By Roger Jordan, 5 November 2016

Moves to privatize Canada’s eight largest airports are already well advanced.

Unifor promotes concession contracts and big business Liberals

By Roger Jordan, 3 November 2016

Unifor works with the auto bosses to ensure their Canadian operations are “globally competitive,” while collaborating with the big business Liberals in pursuing austerity and war.

Unifor prepares pattern sellout for Ford Canada workers

By Carl Bronski, 27 October 2016

In advance of the approaching contract deadline at Ford, Unifor President Jerry Dias is defending the sellout agreements imposed at General Motors and Fiat Chrysler.

Unifor’s Detroit Three “pattern” pact and the ruling class assault on pensions

By Roger Jordan, 25 October 2016

Big business representatives are applauding Unifor for giving up newly-hired autoworkers’ right to a guaranteed pension and are calling for this to become a new Canada-wide standard.

1937: When Canadian and US autoworkers fought together

By Roger Jordan, 20 October 2016

Coming just weeks after the Flint sit-down strike, the 1937 strike at GM’s Oshawa facilities contains pivotal lessons for autoworkers fighting to defend their jobs and rights against the Detroit Three and the Unifor bureaucracy.

Unifor rams through another sellout deal at Fiat-Chrysler

By Carl Bronski, 17 October 2016

The large “no” vote for a concessionary agreement Unifor is touting as the best in years indicates mounting opposition not just to its terms, but to the pro-company Unifor.

“How can you have a fair election if you don’t have the full information?”

Windsor Fiat Chrysler workers denounce Unifor sellout deal

By a reporting team, 15 October 2016

A Word Socialist Web Site Newsletter reporting team encountered strong opposition to the tentative contract deal between Unifor and Fiat Chrysler, based on the scant details released by the union.

Vote “No” on FCA-Unifor sellout deal

Build rank-and-file committees to resist company-union concessions

By Roger Jordan, 15 October 2016

If the latest concessions deal is to be defeated, everything depends on the independent initiative of FCA workers.

Fiat-Chrysler workers must demand to see Unifor-FCA sellout deal in full

By Roger Jordan, 14 October 2016

FCA workers must reject the attempt to stampede them into another rotten concessions agreement and assert their democratic right to see the proposed contract in full.

“It’s not a union anymore, it’s a business”

Canadian autoworkers react to Fiat Chrysler sellout

By our reporters, 13 October 2016

Canadian autoworkers reacted strongly to the announcement of a concession-laden deal Tuesday between Unifor and Fiat Chrysler.

Unifor thwarts strike by Canadian Fiat-Chrysler autoworkers

By Roger Jordan, 11 October 2016

Unifor announced just before midnight Monday it had reached a rotten concessions agreement with Fiat-Chrysler modelled on the contract that it recently rammed through at GM.

As autoworkers mobilize against concession demands

Unifor President Dias attempts to “whipsaw” Canadian auto plants

By Carl Bronski, 8 October 2016

Militant opposition to the miserable GM pattern settlement is growing at Fiat Chrysler and Ford Canada auto plants.

Political lessons from the Canadian auto “bailout”

By Roger Jordan, 7 October 2016

A successful autoworker counter-offensive requires not only a political and organizational break with the pro-company Unifor, but a political struggle against the entire ruling class and their political hirelings.

Opposition grows to GM Canada pattern contract

By Carl Bronski, 5 October 2016

Fearing mass rank-and-file opposition to the rotten “pattern” agreement Unifor reached at GM Canada, the local leadership at Ford’s Oakville assembly plant now claim to oppose it.

“If they bring back the same contract as GM we are going to reject it”

Unifor sets stage for Fiat-Chrysler sellout

By Carl Bronski, 4 October 2016

Unifor’s bargaining team at Fiat-Chrysler in Canada is putting the finishing touches on the “pattern” agreement initially negotiated at GM late last month.

Canadian autoworkers denounce contract sellout

By Carl Bronski, 29 September 2016

Workers at Canadian plants operated by the Detroit Three auto companies spoke to the WSWS Autoworkers Newsletter of their opposition to contract concessions and the pro-company policies of Unifor.

Liberals’ Canada Post review lays basis for massive assault on postal workers

By Laurent Lafrance, 28 September 2016

Despite making a public show of criticizing the task force’s call for further cuts in service and attacks on workers’ rights, CUPW bears political responsibility for the reactionary report.

Unifor’s big lie exposed

Ontario Liberal government reveals GM investments are not finalized

By Carl Bronski, 27 September 2016

A minister has let slip that Unifor’s much-trumpeted investment “guarantees” at General Motors Canada—“guarantees” it “won” through further concessions—are not a done deal.

Unifor president jeered by hundreds at Oshawa meeting

GM Canada workers narrowly approve sellout deal

By Carl Bronski, 26 September 2016

Having rammed through a concessionary 4-year “pattern agreement” at GM, Unifor will now try to impose it on workers employed at Ford’s and Fiat-Chrysler’s Canadian operations.

GM autoworkers denounce Unifor at ratification meeting

By our reporters, 26 September 2016

Workers at the ratification vote decried the union’s refusal to release the full contract and its collusion with GM management.

Opposition mounts among GM Canada workers

Unifor refuses to release “contract” before Sunday vote

By Carl Bronski, 23 September 2016

Opposition is growing to Unifor’s attempt to ram through a sell-out deal without even providing the supposed “agreement” to General Motors Canada workers.

Unifor touts collaboration with big business Liberals after blocking strike at GM Canada

By Roger Jordan, 23 September 2016

The mutual backslapping between Unifor and the Liberals over the latest sell-out deal must be taken as a warning by workers.

Demand release of full details and two weeks to vote

Contract “framework” at GM Canada continues attack on autoworkers

By Carl Bronski, 21 September 2016

Unifor is trying to rush through a sell-out agreement before GM Canada workers have a chance to study the full details of the still uncompleted deal.

Unifor blocks strike at GM Canada

By Roger Jordan, 20 September 2016

Past promises of “job security,” along with union-backed concessions, have done nothing to stop the destruction of jobs.

UAW balks at solidarity action as Canadian auto talks continue

By Carl Bronski, 15 September 2016

In remarks to the press, UAW President Dennis Williams refused to commit to any specific solidarity action in the event of a strike by autoworkers in Canada.

For a counteroffensive against the auto bosses!

A socialist-internationalist strategy for Canadian Detroit Three workers

By Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 15 September 2016

To prevent Unifor from sabotaging their struggle, auto workers must build new organizations of struggle, democratically controlled by the rank-and-file.

“It’s our turn to reap some of the rewards of record profits”

Canadian autoworkers overwhelmingly approve strike action

By Carl Bronski, 31 August 2016

Voter turnout at many of the union locals was extremely high, reflecting a determined mood of militancy, but the Unifor union has no intention of waging a serious struggle.

Trudeau given hero’s welcome by Unifor bureaucrats

By Roger Jordan, 27 August 2016

Unifor President Jerry Dias lauded the actions of the pro-austerity, pro-war Trudeau government as “a pinnacle start for working people.”

CUPW blocks strike action; touts plans to boost Canada Post’s profits

By Laurent Lafrance, 27 July 2016

The postal workers’ union is thwarting any job action against Canada Post’s sweeping concession demands and promoting the big business Liberal government’s postal review.

Unifor and Detroit Three use job threats to beat back demands of Canadian autoworkers

By Carl Bronski, 26 July 2016

With labour agreements covering 23,500 Canadian autoworkers expiring on September 19, Unifor and the Big Three are preparing to exchange proposals for a new four-year deal.

Canada Post moves to lock out 50,000 workers

By Roger Jordan, 7 July 2016

While Canada Post is pressing for sweeping concessions, the union, CUPW is seeking to isolate the workers and thwart strike action.

Canada Post preparing to lock out 50,000 workers

By Roger Jordan, 23 June 2016

CUPW’s opposition to a genuine struggle against concessions and in defence of public services is demonstrated by its fulsome praise for the Liberal government and its Canada Post “review.”

Canadian autoworkers face fight against threatened plant closings

By Carl Bronski, 22 June 2016

As in the US, the Detroit automakers and the Canadian unions are using the threat of plant closings to ram through concessionary contracts.

Canadian government tables bill for parliamentary “oversight” of spy agencies

By Roger Jordan, 20 June 2016

The oversight committee will provide a “democratic” fig leaf for Canada’s national security apparatus, which in the name of fighting terrorism has been given police-state powers.

Canada: Unifor prepares to cede further concessions to Detroit Three automakers

By Carl Bronski, 15 June 2016

Faced with company threats to further slash auto production in Canada, Unifor is signaling its readiness to impose concession-filled contracts to fatten shareholder profits.

Canadian economy faces sharpest quarterly contraction since financial crisis

By Roger Jordan, 11 June 2016

The Bank of Canada is warning that housing prices in Toronto and Vancouver are unsustainable.

Canadian prime minister endorses Japanese position on South China Sea ahead of G7 summit

By Roger Jordan, 27 May 2016

Canada is deeply implicated in the US-led “pivot” to Asia, and is determined to deepen economic and security ties with Japan.

Postal workers union hails Liberal government’s Canada Post review

By Roger Jordan, 16 May 2016

The CUPW accepts that Canada Post be run as a profit-making business and have sought to prevent a broader struggle in defence of public services.

Canada’s defence policy review prepares major expansion of militarism and war

By Roger Jordan, 29 April 2016

The review “consultation” document argues Canada should expand its close strategic partnership with the US, the most aggressive imperialist power on the planet.

Canada’s NDP dumps party leader Mulcair

By Roger Jordan, 13 April 2016

The broad support within the NDP for Mulcair’s ouster reflects an awareness that he is too compromised to provide the pro-austerity, pro-war NDP with a “progressive” veneer.

Canada’s Liberals debate aid for Bombardier as it slashes 7,000 jobs

By Roger Jordan, 20 February 2016

The urgency of the bailout talks has intensified following the company’s announcement that it is slashing 7,000 jobs, close to 10 percent of its global workforce.

On what program should workers oppose the sellout agreement in Quebec’s public sector?

By the Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 2 February 2016

Quebec public sector workers face a political struggle. In rejecting the sellout agreement touted by the inter-union Common Front, they will be challenging the austerity program of the entire ruling elite.

Montreal: Labour board upholds draconian suspension of 2,000 city workers

By Laurent Lafrance, 15 January 2016

The victimization of the Montreal blue-collar workers is part of the systematic “illegalization” of worker resistance by governments across Canada.