The Democratic Party is surging thanks to leftist policies, but its leadership are convinced they have to stop it

There's one thing that Democratic and Republican leaders agree on: that left-wing policies like Medicare for all are bad news for the Democratic policy -- the only people who disagrees with them are voters, who overwhelmingly support these policies. Read the rest

No such thing as Bernie Bros: Bernie's approval rates are women 50%, blacks 70%, latinx 55%; men 46%, whites 43%

A Quinnipiac poll of 1,212 voters taken last week found that Bernie Sanders was far and away the most viable Democratic candidate (76% approval), beating Oprah (69%) and Gillibrand (25%) -- and that moreover, his approval ratings were highest among women and people of color, putting a lie to the stereotype of "Bernie Bros" as young, middle-class white male political radicals who are oblivious to the more moderate preferences of others. Read the rest