Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner Action for Invasion Day 2018

invasion day2

Received on 25.01.18:

Banner drop. West Gate freeway. Melbourne. Solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters.

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, Australia, Banners, First Nations Solidarity, Invasion Day, Melbourne, Narrm, so-called 'Australia'

Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner & Poster Action for #7DaysOfResistance

Received on 25.01.18:

Anti-colonial poster & banner action for #7DaysOfResistance on occupied territory of the Boon Wurrung, Kulin Nations. South Eastern suburbs of so-called-Melbourne, ‘Australia‘.

Banners (L-R): Australia Is A Crime Scene, Stop The Genocide, Abolish Aus Day

Posters: Sovereignty Never Ceded! No Pride In Genocide, Queers Against Colonialism
Abolish Australia Day, Solidarity with the Aboriginal Resistance, Burn the Butcher’s Rag.

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, Anti-Colonialism, Australia, Banners, Boon Wurrung, First Nations Solidarity, Invasion Day, Kulin Nations, Melbourne, Narrm, Posters, so-called 'Australia'

Solidarity with the Anarchists in Afrin / Solidarité avec les Anarchistes de Afrin / Solidariteit met de Anarchisten van Afrin


Received on 25.01.18:

Solidarity with the Anarchists in Afrin – Solidarité avec les Anarchistes de Afrin – Solidariteit met de Anarchisten van Afrin 

Anarchists of Afrin, Rojava need financial support for food. This fund is not used for military equipment! !!!!

Les anarchistes de Afrin, Rojava ont besoin de moyens financiers pour survivre, pour manger. Ce fonds ne sert pas à l’équipement militaire !!!!

Anarchisten van Afrin, Rojava hebben financiele middelen om te overleven, om te eten. Dit fonds wordt niet gebruikt voor leger materiaal !!!!

A pack of cigarettes in Europe costs ~10€ – Un paquet de cigarettes en Europe coûte +/- 10€
1€ = 4 turkish lira & 360k syrian paund) – (1€ = 4 lires turques et 360k livres syriennes

10€ = a big family’s one week food expense – 10€ = de la nourriture pour une grande famille pendant une semaine

10€ = a baby’s 2 week expense – 10€ = des dépenses pour un bébé pendant 2 semaines

10€ = basic medical expense of one family – 10€ = des dépenses médicales de base pour une famille

So please, we need your aid – Alors svp, faites un geste, nous avons besoin de vous


Posted in Afrin, Anarchist Movement, Fundraiser, International Solidarity, Kurdish Struggle, Mutual Aid, Rojava, Syria, War

Turkey: Statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) about the Turkish State Attacks Against Afrin, Rojava



Afrin belongs to the peoples of Afrin. Peoples living in Afrin were born in these lands and died in these lands. Living there is not related with any plans or programs. They are not in Afrin as part of a strategy. Afrin, for them is water, bread, food, play, story, friend, mate, lover, street, home, neighborhood. But for state, it is only a strategy. A strategy that does not care about Afrin or peoples of Afrin.

The attack on Afrin, It is a strategy of the Energy War that resulted in breakdown of Syria and that will break down many states in the region. States create the illusion that they are doing these wars “for their citizens”. They make nationalist conservative propaganda to convince their citizens of this misconception. This is an inescapable need both inside and outside. While it is required for the elections inside, it is valid on the tables outside. Rulers who go through a completely commercial process such as the extraction, transport, and sale of energy resources use all their materials to increase their gains. In these discussions where the numbers of rifles, tanks, airplanes are important, the number of soldiers is the most important number. A soldier is no different than a material. This is why the nationalist conservative fallacy is created.

Who would join a war so that some gain more? Who would fight for gasoline which is always sold by states or companies everywhere, a drop of it costs more than bread? We, the ones who live with the fact that all prices go up when the price of a liter of gasoline goes up, we who always loose, why should we always fight for the ones who always win? Actually nobody would fight for them. They know this fact and this is why they need nationalism, conservatism.

Now they are are shouting from newspapers and televisions, the slogans of fallacy “national, national, national!”, “National will, national unity”. They can never say clearly; “We are pinching pennies,” “Fight or fight, we will sell the gasoline and everything to you. We will make you produce it, we will make you consume it, and we will exploit you. ” This is the plan, program, strategy, war of the states. We peoples – those who are compulsory citizens of the states – can change everything. Today, the people of Afrin live freely because they changed it. As in Kobanê, Cizére, Chipas. And this is the critical difference between the war of the people and the war of the states. In its war, state attacks and attacks without rules so that it’s system gains more. Bombs with tanks and airplanes. Wounds, kills, murders and wants all life captivated. As for the war of the peoples, there is freedom.

For the last two days, each bomb dropped on Afrin, each bullet is a bullet to freedom. Turkish state which wants to increase its share on the table, has started the Afrin attack. It is a strategy created by nationalism and conservatism which is based on this fallacy. It’s all election strategy. It is completely a commercial strategy. The war of the state is a strategy. But the war of the peoples is freedom. And no state can defeat peoples fighting for freedom.


Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet / Revolutionary Anarchist Action – DAF


Posted in Afrin, Analysis, Anti-Nationalism, Anti-War, DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action), Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet-DAF, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck Erdogan, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Turkey, War

Ukraine: Hunting Nazis in Kiev (Video)

In light of recent events among the youth there are two walking myths: the first is about the invincibility of right-wing fighters who have a firm hold on the capital and central regions and instantly punish their enemies. The second is that nobody dares to attack the right-wing fighters because they have the Ministry of Internal Affairs and politicians behind them.

Here is a short video of what is really happening.

Fight and you will win!

(via Redvia, translated by Insurrection News)


Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Direct Action, Kiev, Ukraine, Videos

Rojava: Urgent Message from an Anarchist Comrade in Afrin


Received on 23.01.18:

The Erdoganist army and its barbarian allies (namely the Turkish backed Free Syrian Army /TFSA & the so-called Syrian National Army /SNA) invaded 4 outer villages and 4 defensive points in the Afrin region. They are moving really very slow. They have air power and more superior weapons than us but our defense line fuck Erdoganists and their Syrian terrorists’ moral. Erdogan’s fighter jets are bombing blank points. His special operations units are fearful of moving into the Afrin city center. Our last stand defense line can survive at least 4 months. Yes unfortunately, without international support, Erdoganists can invade Afrin. But it will be a great chaos for them. Erdoganist army will be sad!

Comrades, we need your help more than everything. Its a life or death situation. This invasion isnt only about Afrin nor Rojava/Assyria/N. Syria but Erdogan wants to invade also the whole border territory, including Iraq’s Ezidistan (Zoroaster Kurdish lands /Sinjar), Ninewah (Iraqi Assyria), Turkmeneli (Iraqi Shia Turkomans) and Iraqi Kurdistan’s Qandil mountains area (PKK’s HQ and dissidents and opressed people’s refugee villages and camps). Its clearly IMPERIALISM and he wants to destroy everything and massacre every people he just hate.

Another important thing is Turkish and Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan) Kurdish comrades situation. Before the invasion, Erdogan first invaded Turkish Kurdistan and Eastern Turkey to eliminate PKK and her Turkish Marxists allies. Not only guerrillas but also autonomous municipalities were invaded. Erdogan and his fake opposition (Kemalists and Nationalists) are all fascists, they even arrested members of parliament from HDP (pro-Kurdish and Turkish Marxist alliance, 3rd biggest party in parliament). Our comrades in Turkey and Turkish Kurdistan are in HELL.

In Western Turkey (İstanbul, Ankara, Smyrna regions) anarchists are suffering. We even lost contact with lots of groups. For example there has not been any statement from DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Movement) nor Kara-Kızıl (Black-Red). Comrades from Kara Bayrak Otonomu (Autonomous Black Flag) are missing (possibly arrested without legal process). All HDP coalition and anarchists of Turkey paying the “heaviest price” after Afrin.

We need your help. This war is chaotic already and our military power is decreasing day by day, we need to protect our comrades (and their families!) from Erdogan’s revenge and torture dungeons. Without international support, he will kill us one by one. Please make something. We are dying. Please hear us.

Western comrades, your warlord countries made this hell. Especially USA and EU made our “shithole countries” like this, after their Iraqi War and Syrian Civil War. When we ‘fix’ our broken land and defeated the Islamic State, your countries ‘support’ us(!) and saw us as their ‘coalition partner’, when Erdogan started the invasion they all played blind! We are not Barzani, we wont forget! They remember ‘PKK case’ like a miracle? What is chance? ISIS HAS GONE! Your countries SOLD US!

Millions of Kurds, Turks, Arabs, Armenian, Assyrian, Greek peoples are sold by USA, Russia and the International Coalition.

So make them regret this.

If Rojava, Bakur, and we, revolutionaries lose, also YOU will lose. Rojava, like Chiapas, is not only our gain but its part of the anti-neoliberal global revolution.

So all anarchists, anti-authoritarians, revolutionary Marxists and democratic confederalists have to support us and have to do something to stop this war.

(slightly edited for clarity by Insurrection News)

Posted in Afrin, Anarchist Movement, Anti-War, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck Erdogan, International Solidarity, Kurdish Struggle, PKK, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, SDF, Syria, Turkey, War, YPG, YPJ

Chile: Prison Officer Michelle Barahona, Responsible for the Harassment & Mistreatment of Anarchist Comrade Tamara Sol (Eng/Esp)


Barahona is a paco that climbed up the ranks attached to the socialists within the gendarmerie. From them she learned to speak about the focus on law and gender. In the 1990s while she was a lieutenant, she was known for her punishment of political prisoners and her willingness to devise new strategies of harassment.

Tamara Sol has been punished in a severe and inhuman manner. The last incident was provoked when two common prisoners, instructed by the gendarmarie, threatened Tamara and she defended herself.

Tamara and two comrades who came to her aid, were brutally beaten, locked in ‘La Jaula’ (punishment cell) and shackled, with their hands and feet bound.

Michelle Barahona is now in charge of the Rancagua Prison where Tamara Sol was transferred after her escape attempt in Valparaíso. She is the one who is permanently harrasing our comrade and putting her life at risk.

(via comrades in Chile, translated by Insurrection News)



La Barahona es un paco que escaló agarrándose de los socialistas en gendarmería. Con ellos aprendió a hablar de enfoque de derecho y de genero. Por los años 90, cuando era teniente, se destacó en el castigo a las prisioneras políticas por su disposición a urdir estrategias de hostigamiento.

Tamara Sol, ha sido castigada de forma severa e inhumana. El ultimo incidente fue provocado cuando dos presas comunes, instruidas por gendarmería, amenazaron a Tamara y esta se defendió.

Ella junto a dos compañeras que acudieron en su ayuda, fueron golpeadas brutalmente, encerradas en “La Jaula”(celda de castigo) siendo engrilladas, atadas de pies y manos.

Michelle Barahona hoy está a cargo de la cárcel de Rancagua donde fue trasladada Tamara Sol luego de su intento de fuga en Valparaíso. Ella es la que hostiga de manera permanente a nuestra compañera, poniendo en riesgo su vida.

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Fire To The Prisons, Michelle Barahona, Rancagua Prison, Repression, Tamara Sol, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara