Saturday, April 08, 2023

Main Blog Moved to!

Since March 2013, the main Kersplebedeb website has been migrated to a primarily wordpress format.

What this means in practical terms is that everything you are used to seeing on Sketchy Thoughts is now being posted straight to Kersplebedeb and simply being automatically mirrored here. So in general, you will probably have a better reading/viewing experience if you head over to Kersplebedeb.

For those who prefer the Sketchy Thoughts blogger layout for whatever reason, this page will continue to be automatically updated whenever something is posted to Kersplebedeb, for at least the short-term future. However, as additional functionality is added to the Kersplebedeb site via wordpress, the Sketchy Thoughts page will probably begin to show its age more and more.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Florida Prisoners Are Laying It Down (repost)

During early 2018 prisoners across Florida are gonna “laydown” in nonviolent protest of the intolerable conditions in Florida’s prisons.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Florida Prisoners Are Laying It Down

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

5 Ways to Support FL Prisoners Going on Strike Tomorrow (repost)

Tomorrow, prisoners across the state of Florida plan to launch a work strike against prison slavery, high canteen prices, and to fully return parole – among other demands.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at 5 Ways to Support FL Prisoners Going on Strike Tomorrow

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Florida Prisoners Set to Begin Strike (repost)

Inmates at Florida state prisons prepared to strike Monday to protest brutal living conditions and their work for little or no pay. The strike, which has been coordinated between 10 prisons in the state, is expected to last one month or longer.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Florida Prisoners Set to Begin Strike

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

5 Ways to Support FL Prisoners Going on Strike Tomorrow

Tomorrow, prisoners across the state of Florida plan to launch a work strike against prison slavery, high canteen prices, and to fully return parole – among other demands.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at 5 Ways to Support FL Prisoners Going on Strike Tomorrow

Florida Prisoners Are Laying It Down

During early 2018 prisoners across Florida are gonna “laydown” in nonviolent protest of the intolerable conditions in Florida’s prisons.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Florida Prisoners Are Laying It Down

Florida Prisoners Set to Begin Strike

Inmates at Florida state prisons prepared to strike Monday to protest brutal living conditions and their work for little or no pay. The strike, which has been coordinated between 10 prisons in the state, is expected to last one month or longer.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Florida Prisoners Set to Begin Strike

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Florida Prisoners Are Preparing to Strike Against Unpaid Labor (repost)

People incarcerated throughout the state of Florida are planning a January 15 work stoppage to protest their conditions, and they say they are prepared to continue the protest for more than a month.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Florida Prisoners Are Preparing to Strike Against Unpaid Labor

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Florida Prisoners Are Preparing to Strike Against Unpaid Labor

People incarcerated throughout the state of Florida are planning a January 15 work stoppage to protest their conditions, and they say they are prepared to continue the protest for more than a month.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Florida Prisoners Are Preparing to Strike Against Unpaid Labor

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The lower your social class, the ‘wiser’ you are, suggests new study (repost)

There’s an apparent paradox in modern life: Society as a whole is getting smarter, yet we aren’t any closer to figuring out how to all get along.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The lower your social class, the ‘wiser’ you are, suggests new study

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

The lower your social class, the ‘wiser’ you are, suggests new study

There’s an apparent paradox in modern life: Society as a whole is getting smarter, yet we aren’t any closer to figuring out how to all get along.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The lower your social class, the ‘wiser’ you are, suggests new study

Monday, December 25, 2017

January 20, Buffalo: Looking at the US White Working Class Historically book release

lwwch_coverWHEN: 7pm, Saturday, January 20, 2017
WHERE: Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo

Can White People Be Organized Against Racism? A Multi-Racial and Multi-Generational Approach: Launch party for David Gilbert’s Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically with Naomi Jaffe, co-founder of New York State Prisoner Justice Network and former member of the Weather Underground; Jerome Wright, Upstate Organizer for the Campaign for Alternatives to Solitary Confinement (CAIC) and founder of the MAN (Mentoring and Nurturing) Program; and Katie Schaffer, Statewide Organizer for JustLeadershipUSA and Leadership Team member of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)-NYC.

David Gilbert is a white U.S. political prisoner imprisoned since 1981 for his participation with members of the Black Liberation Army in an armed action. From prison, he has written three books and dozens of articles engaging in thoughtful dialogue with today’s young activists on organizing movements of resistance and liberation under changing conditions.

Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically continues that dialogue, taking a hard look at white racism and exploring some possibilities for organizing to overturn it. Naomi, Jerome, and Katie will use the book as a stepping-stone to open a conversation from their varied experiences of multiracial and multi-generational organizing for justice.

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

January 11 in Baltimore: Freedom For Political Prisoners Night!


WHERE: Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, 30 W North Ave, Baltimore, Maryland 21201
WHEN: Thursday, January 11, 2018 from 7:30 PM – 9 PM

Join us as we launch the 2018 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar! Former political prisoner and Real News Network producer and host Eddie Conway, former ELF political prisoner and Certain Days collective member Daniel McGowan, and Morgan State University professor and journalist Dr. Jared Ball will lead a discussion on political prisoner David Gilbert’s new book, Looking at the US White Working Class Historically, and also discuss the importance of supporting political prisoners, past and present.

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Bitcoin, a commentary (repost)

When this commentary was broadcast at the beginning of my radio show at noon, Pacific time, December 21, bitcoin was trading at about $15,600. It had a bad Friday, losing almost a quarter of its value, bottoming out at $11,858, before recovering to $14,267 as I’m posting this.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Bitcoin, a commentary

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Bitcoin, a commentary

When this commentary was broadcast at the beginning of my radio show at noon, Pacific time, December 21, bitcoin was trading at about $15,600. It had a bad Friday, losing almost a quarter of its value, bottoming out at $11,858, before recovering to $14,267 as I’m posting this.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Bitcoin, a commentary

Say NO to the New Package Restrictions in NYS Prisons

telldoccsnoWe need your help! NYS DOCCS is piloting a new program that will harm people in prison and their loved ones. This change in policy will harm our editors as well as 52,000 other people imprisoned in New York State.

Beginning in January 2018, people at Greene, Green Haven and Taconic Correctional Facilities will no longer be able to receive packages directly from family members or friends. All packages must be ordered through an approved vendor. In September 2018, this policy will apply to ALL 54 prisons in New York State.

This policy is pro-business and anti-family. It is harmful because:

1) People in prison can no longer receive fresh fruits and vegetables or canned foods.
2) Warm clothing such as hoodies and scarves are prohibited.
3) All books must be newly purchased. No used books allowed.
4) Prices are controlled by the vendor and basic necessities will be more expensive.
5) People on the outside must use a credit card, check or money orders to pay for the approved packages. No cash or food stamps.
6) Those without access to the internet or those who are less technologically savvy face additional obstacles in sending packages.


Send a postcard NOW to the individuals below to oppose the package policy.

Postcards should be sent to:
Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

Acting Commissioner Anthony Annucci
Building 2, State Campus
Albany, NY 12226

Some sample language you can include on your postcard:

Dear Governor Cuomo,
This holiday season is about giving, not taking away. I object to the new DOCCS package rules.
(Your Name)
(Your relationship to people in prison, if applicable)

Dear Acting Commissioner Annucci,
The new DOCCS package pilot punishes innocent families. Having a loved one in prison is already expensive and difficult—the new rules make it worse. Rescind the package pilot!
(Your Name)
(Your relationship to people in prison, if applicable)

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more updates from this campaign!

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Kersplebedeb End of Year Sale!


At there is currently a 50%+ sale on almost all Kersplebedeb Publications, until the end of the year! This combines with the free shipping in North America for orders of over $50

You can check it out at — please take a moment to let your friends know too!

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The challenges of being trans, male, and homeless in Montreal (repost)

Getting an apartment is a rite of passage for thousands of Canadians in their late teens and early 20s, but for Esteban Torres, a 21-year-old trans man living in Montreal, signing the lease on his three-room apartment earlier this year was especially sweet.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The challenges of being trans, male, and homeless in Montreal

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

«Je ne céderai pas à La Meute et à la haine», dit Gabrielle Bouchard, nouvelle présidente de la Fédération des femmes du Québec (repost)

La présidente de la Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) n’entend pas reculer devant ses critiques, à la suite d’une chronique dénonçant le fait qu’une personne transgenre dirige le principal organisme représentant les femmes au Québec.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at «Je ne céderai pas à La Meute et à la haine», dit Gabrielle Bouchard, nouvelle présidente de la Fédération des femmes du Québec

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Conservative party leadership advisor helped create anti-Islam organization (repost)

A senior member of Andrew Scheer’s leadership team helped create an anti-Islam organization during his campaign to lead the Conservative Party.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Conservative party leadership advisor helped create anti-Islam organization

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

«Je ne céderai pas à La Meute et à la haine», dit Gabrielle Bouchard, nouvelle présidente de la Fédération des femmes du Québec

La présidente de la Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) n'entend pas reculer devant ses critiques, à la suite d'une chronique dénonçant le fait qu'une personne transgenre dirige le principal organisme représentant les femmes au Québec.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at «Je ne céderai pas à La Meute et à la haine», dit Gabrielle Bouchard, nouvelle présidente de la Fédération des femmes du Québec

The challenges of being trans, male, and homeless in Montreal

Getting an apartment is a rite of passage for thousands of Canadians in their late teens and early 20s, but for Esteban Torres, a 21-year-old trans man living in Montreal, signing the lease on his three-room apartment earlier this year was especially sweet.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The challenges of being trans, male, and homeless in Montreal

Conservative party leadership advisor helped create anti-Islam organization

A senior member of Andrew Scheer’s leadership team helped create an anti-Islam organization during his campaign to lead the Conservative Party.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Conservative party leadership advisor helped create anti-Islam organization

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Immigrants ciblés par une vaste fraude (repost)

La Sûreté du Québec a mis au jour un vaste stratagème frauduleux dans des agences de placement qui exploitaient des immigrants vulnérables, en plus de priver le gouvernement de sommes importantes.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Immigrants ciblés par une vaste fraude

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Book Review: Marx & Engels on Colonies (repost)

This book is a reprint of a 1972 study pack by the Communist Working Circle, which contains quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels on the question of the split between workers in the imperialist countries and the colonized nations.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Book Review: Marx & Engels on Colonies

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Immigrants ciblés par une vaste fraude

La Sûreté du Québec a mis au jour un vaste stratagème frauduleux dans des agences de placement qui exploitaient des immigrants vulnérables, en plus de priver le gouvernement de sommes importantes.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Immigrants ciblés par une vaste fraude

Book Review: Marx & Engels on Colonies

This book is a reprint of a 1972 study pack by the Communist Working Circle, which contains quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels on the question of the split between workers in the imperialist countries and the colonized nations.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Book Review: Marx & Engels on Colonies

Friday, December 01, 2017

DECEMBER 15TH: AGAINST PRISONS, RACISM AND REPRESSION! A Certain Days calendar and Kersplebedeb book launch


(français suivra)

A Certain Days calendar and Kersplebedeb book launch

Friday December 15th at 6pm
QPIRG Concordia
(Suite 204, 1500 Boulevard de Maisonneuve O, metro Guy Concordia)
This will be a triple launch, of:

* the 2018 Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar

* political prisoner David Gilbert’s recent book Looking at the U.S.
White Working Class Historically

* J. Sakai’s long-awaited The “Dangerous Class” and Revolutionary
Theory: Thoughts on the Making of the Lumpen/Proletariat / Mao Z’s
Revolutionary Laboratory and the Role of the Lumpen Proletariat

There will be brief presentations about the calendar and both books, as
well as about various campaigns against repression and imprisonment in
Montreal and Quebec.

A hot meal will be served and Kersplebedeb books will be on sale at
lower than usual prices.

Please email 24 hours in advance if you will
require childcare.

There will be whisper translation from French to English.

QPIRG Concordia is a wheelchair accessible and scent-free space see for further details


Lancement du calendrier Certain Days et de deux livres de Kersplebedeb

Vendredi le 15 décembre, 18h00

QPIRG Concordia (Suite 204, 1500 Boulevard de Maisonneuve O, métro Guy

Un lancement de:

* Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar, calendrier pour
la liberté pour les prisonnièrEs politiques

* Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically, livre par le
prisonnier politique David Gilbert

* The “Dangerous Class” and Revolutionary Theory: Thoughts on the Making
of the Lumpen/Proletariat / Mao Z’s Revolutionary Laboratory and the
Role of the Lumpen Proletariat, livre par J. Sakai

Il y aura des présentations au sujet du calendrier et les livres, ainsi
que des campagnes contre la répression et la détention à Montréal et au

Il y aura un repas chaud et des livres de Kersplebedeb seront en vente à

Veuillez envoyer un courriel à à 24 heures
d’avance si vous avez besoin de service de garde d’enfants.

Il y aura une traduction chuchotée de l’anglais vers le français.

QPIRG Concordia est accessible aux fauteuils roulants et est une espace
sans parfum; voir
pour plus de détails


To unsubscribe: <>
List help: <;

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Time Running Out for Regular Shipping to Arrive by Dec. 25th!

2013-12-11-11-04-08-PostmanU.S. Deadline: December 8th
Canada Deadline: December 11th

Just a heads up for all of you that care and who are in the united states, there are not too many days left to place your orders with in order for us to be able to mail them off to get to you by December 25th. Any orders places after next Friday, December 8th may not arrive until after the 25th.

If you are in canada, you have a little bit longer, but not much: orders we receive after Monday December 11th cannot be guaranteed to arrive by the 25th.

Of course, if you are up to paying for express post, that will buy you a few more days. But really the safest thing is to order now!

We look forward to hearing from you soon :)

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Austerity Apparatus Book Launch, Ottawa November 25!

austerityapparatuscoverJoin us for a book release and discussion of J. Moufawad-Paul’s new book Austerity Apparatus in room 307 of University of Ottawa’s GSAED Building at 5pm on November 25th!

Austerity Apparatus is an excursion through a variety of concepts surrounding capitalist crisis and class struggle. Written as a series of interconnected meditations on the problematic issues of austerity, it is meant to invoke reflection on the ways in which contemporary capitalism conditions its subjects to accept its limits.

J. Moufawad-Paul lives in Toronto and works as a casualized contract professor in philosophy at York University. JMP blogs regularily at MLM Mayhem and his first book, The Communist Necessity, was published by Kersplebedeb Books in 2014.

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Nov. 25 + Nov. 26: Expozine 2017!

expozine2017Saturday Nov. 25 / samedi le 25 novembre, de 11h00 à 18h00
Sunday Nov. 26 / dimanche le 26 novembre, de 11h00 à 18h00

Église Saint-Denis, 454 Laurier E. ( accessible entry/ en fauteuil roulant 5050 Berri )

Gratuit – Free


Avec plus de 250 éditeurs à Expozine 2017, c’est l’occasion exceptionnelle de plonger dans l’univers décalé des éditeurs, écrivains et artistes indépendants locaux et internationaux, et de rencontrer en personne le milieu des petits éditeurs montréalais, francophone et anglophone.

With more than 250 participating publishers, Expozine 2017 is an exceptional opportunity to dive into today’s small press and zine scene, local and international, and to meet the creators in person, both English and French.

Pour plus d’informations / for more information :

Groupe FACEBOOK group :

AVIS: il est à noter aux personnes allergiques qu’un chat vit dans cette église et que l’éclairage en est un fluorescent. Alcool interdit. Du café, des breuvages et des collations seront disponibles. Malheureusement, l’espace restreint ne nous permet pas d’offrir un espace de relaxation ni d’espace de lecture. L’espace est accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite via l’entrée à 5050 Berri et les toilettes sont mixtes et accessibles.

NOTE: Please be aware in case of allergies that there is a cat on the premises. Lighting is fluorescent. Alcohol is not permitted. Coffee, beverages and light snacks will be available. is no reading room/ quiet room available in this venue. The venue is fully accessible (via 5050 Berri) as are the bathrooms, which are gender neutral.

EXPOZINE est un projet d’ARCMTL rendu possible grâce au soutien du Conseil des Arts de Montréal, du Conseil des Arts du Canada et SODEC.

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Lancement du calendrier Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners


jeudi le 7 décembre de 17h30 à 19h30

à L’Euguélionne, librairie féministe
1426 Beaudry, Montreal, Quebec


* This event will be in French, with whisper translation into English.
Please scroll down for English information*

On vous invitent au lancement montréalais du calendrier Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners 2018: Awakening Resistance

Le calendrier Certain Days est un projet conjoint de financement et d’éducation entre des de Montréal, Toronto, New York, et les prisonniers politiques David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes et Herman Bell, emprisonnés dans l’État de New York.

  • L’événement est gratuit. Des copies du calendrier seront vendus sur place au coût de 15$.
  • L’événement se déroulera en français, avec traduction chuchotée vers anglais.
  • Lieu accessible aux chaises roulantes plus d’info au
  • Service de garde disponible sur place
  • Des collations seront servies

[english information]

Join us as we launch Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar 2018: Awakening Resistance

The Certain Days Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers in Montreal, Toronto, and New York, in partnership with three political prisoners being held in maximum-security prisons in New York State: David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes and Herman Bell.

  • This event is free; copies of the Certain Days calendar available for $15.
  • This event will be in French, with whisper translation into English.
  • Space is wheelchair accessible, more info at:
  • Childcare available on site
  • Snacks will be served

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Monday, November 13, 2017

Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color

invisiblenomoreA timely examination of the ways Black women, Indigenous women, and other women of color are uniquely affected by racial profiling, police brutality, and immigration enforcement.

Invisible No More is a timely examination of how Black women, Indigenous women, and women of color experience racial profiling, police brutality, and immigration enforcement. Placing stories of individual women—such as Sandra Bland, Rekia Boyd, Dajerria Becton, Monica Jones, and Mya Hall—in the broader context of the twin epidemics of police violence and mass incarceration, it documents the evolution of movements centering women’s experiences of policing and demands a radical rethinking of our visions of safety—and the means we devote to achieving it.

available from

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The war between Vietnamese fishermen and the KKK signaled a new type of white supremacy (repost)

It was shrimping season in Texas, and things were getting ugly. In the late 1970s and early 80s, a group of Vietnamese refugees had fled a humanitarian crisis at home and legally resettled in the Galveston Bay area.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The war between Vietnamese fishermen and the KKK signaled a new type of white supremacy

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Dead fascist poets society: why CasaPound are no book club (repost)

The liberal commentariat seems to be completely unable to resist the allure of the far-right. The latest example: an article on Literary Hub that portrays violent neo-fascist gang CasaPound as some sort of edgy poetry club.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Dead fascist poets society: why CasaPound are no book club

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

The war between Vietnamese fishermen and the KKK signaled a new type of white supremacy

It was shrimping season in Texas, and things were getting ugly. In the late 1970s and early 80s, a group of Vietnamese refugees had fled a humanitarian crisis at home and legally resettled in the Galveston Bay area.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The war between Vietnamese fishermen and the KKK signaled a new type of white supremacy

Dead fascist poets society: why CasaPound are no book club

The liberal commentariat seems to be completely unable to resist the allure of the far-right. The latest example: an article on Literary Hub that portrays violent neo-fascist gang CasaPound as some sort of edgy poetry club.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Dead fascist poets society: why CasaPound are no book club

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Support Herman Bell’s Attempt at Parole

15-lens-herman-bell-embed-blog480We’re writing to ask if you are able to write a letter in support of Herman Bell’s next parole attempt, which will be taking place in February 2018. As you probably all know, it’s been a difficult fall for Herman, as he was assaulted viciously by guards earlier this year. However, his health is recovering and he has been so deeply touched by all of the support that he was showered with from all of you. And of course beating the charges was such an incredible win!

Because of the tremendous support Herman received behind the assault, and because activists in New York recently succeeded in having the worst parole commissions removed from the parole board in NY state, and new parole commissioners appointed in their place, many of us feel this 8th time will be his best chance yet of finally getting out of prison, after four-and-a-half decades. We’re all most certainly going to put forward our very best efforts toward this goal.

A pdf packet is linked to here containing information re: parole-support letters for Herman. The due date for all letters is December 15, 2017. The address of where to send the letters is in the attachment. All of the information contained in the attached documents can also be found on Herman’s website, on the Parole Efforts tab ( We are trying to focus on getting letters from “influential” people, on getting letter from people who have met or corresponded with Herman, and having as many letters as possible on professional letterhead. Also, ideally letters would be mailed rather than emailed.

This is an important initiative; Herman has spent most of his life behind bars, a result of the U.S. government’s war against the Black Liberation Movement. It is time we got him out!

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

REVEALED: The white supremacists behind alt-right posters around the city

Two groups were photographed on U of T campus last night, and Torontoist has identified several participants. Last night, two groups of white supremacists were caught on camera putting up “It’s Okay To Be White” posters up around the University of Toronto campus.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at REVEALED: The white supremacists behind alt-right posters around the city

REVEALED: The white supremacists behind alt-right posters around the city (repost)

Two groups were photographed on U of T campus last night, and Torontoist has identified several participants. Last night, two groups of white supremacists were caught on camera putting up “It’s Okay To Be White” posters up around the University of Toronto campus.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at REVEALED: The white supremacists behind alt-right posters around the city

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

montreal: GRANDE MANIFESTATION CONTRE LA HAINE ET LE RACISME / Mass Demonstration Against Hate and Racism


A quick reminder: in Montreal this Sunday November 12 come out to the mass demonstration against hate and racism, at place emelie gamelin at 2pm (metro berri uqam)

For more information, see or on facebook at

For more information on the struggle against the far right in Quebec, see

on the main Kersplebedeb website:


The Feminist Twins are proud to present the 4th annual Ottawa Feminist Fair taking place on Sunday November 12th at the Montgomery Legion.

Where: Montgomery Centretown Legion; 330 Kent St., Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2A6
When: 11am-4pm, November 12

This event is a vendor’s craft market, fundraiser, and showcase for several non-profit organizations. It is ALL AGES, pay what you can (no one turned away for lack of funds!), with proceeds going to Voice Found. We are also accepting toiletries donations for STORM which support STW and women at risk. We are also seeking volunteers.

Some things you can expect from our vendors include buttons, pins, patches, jewellery, clothing, bags, books, zines, prints, art, cupcakes, and more! Come support local artists!


Second Aura
Sadie & June
Felix Embroidery
Lucky Little Queer
Prickly Business
Cotton Pony
Ode to August
MyOhMy Jewellery
Chidima Dezigns
Kersplebedeb Publishing and Distribution
Anxiety Slug
Nicole Murphy Photography


Purple Sisters
Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre
Match International Women’s Fund

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Some Antifascist Events in Montreal October 26-Nov 12

ANTIFALancement du livre: Antifa – The Anti-Fascist Handbook, de Mark Bray / Book Launch: Antifa – The Antifascist Handbook, by Mark Bray
vendredi 27 octobre, 19 h 30 / Friday October 27, 7:30pm
@ CEDA , 2515 Rue Delisle, Montréal; Métro Lionel-Groulx

Contingent Antiraciste ET Antifasciste dans la manif contre l’austerité organisés par la Coalition Main Rouge
Samedi, 28 octobre, 1pm / Saturday Oct. 28, 1pm
PARC VILLERAY (coin Jarry et Christophe-Colomb)

Grande manifestation contre la haine et le racisme / Mass Demonstration Against Hate and Racism
dimanche le 12 november, 14h00 / Sunday, November 12 at 2 PM
Place Émilie-Gamelin

Pour de plus amples informations au sujet de la lutte antifasciste à Montréal, visitez

For more information about the antifascist struggle in Montreal, see

on the main Kersplebedeb website: