May Issue: West Papua

West Papua stands on a knife-edge between freedom and disaster. In this issue, we hear the voices of people living under Indonesian occupation and fighting to be free. We learn about the unifying power of Melanesian music, expose the extractive companies that are profiting from Papuan repression, and hear Indigenous leaders lay out their visions of the new country they want to build.

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Included in this issue

Morning star rising

After 54 years of struggle under Indonesian rule, is freedom finally in sight for West Papua? Danny Chivers investigates.

Sacrifice Zone: BP, Freeport and the West Papuan independence struggle

Connor Woodman reveals the ties that bind transnational mining companies to the Indonesian occupation.

West Papua: the facts

Putting the most important information about West Papua at your fingertips.

10 easy ways you can take action for West Papua

There are quick but important things we all can do to support the West Papuan freedom struggle.

‘We are ready’: why West Papuan independence isn't just a dream

What would a free West Papua look like? Independence leaders from the government-in-waiting lay out their visions for a free...

West Papuan voices from the ground

How does living under the occupation affect the lives of ordinary West Papuans? Veronica Koman spoke to five current residents of...

Kashmir's pashmina woes

Machine manufacturing of Pashmina scarves has saturated the market, leaving artisans without hope of a secure future, writes...

British military bases in Cyprus

Why are there still British military bases in Cyprus?

The island may want to determine its own future, but Britain and the US have other ideas. Darren Loucaides reports.

Meet the volunteers breaking Ukraine's trauma taboo

Michiel Driebergen and Alex Masi tell the story of Ukranians providing much-needed psychological support in war-torn areas.

And Finally: Jason Williamson

Sleaford Mods’ vocalist Jason Williamson talks to Graeme Green about anger, politics and anti-singing.

Worldbeaters: Spotlight on Steve Bannon

Donald Trump's right-hand man is at the centre of global power. And he's dangerous.

Making Waves: how Catherine Shovlin is bringing a sense of community to a refugee camp

A radio soap opera is bridging social gaps in Azraq refugee camp. Florence Derrick meets its champion.

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