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Test up to $50 of traffic for free, no commitment required.

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Bandwidth & requests

Bandwidth (per GB per region)
Requests (per 10,000 requests)
First 10 TB
Next 10 TB
North America
South America
Australia & New Zealand
South Africa

We bill our customers a minimum of $50 per month based on the combined total of your bandwidth and request usage.

Bandwidth for content delivery and streaming delivery is measured as Gbytes delivered from Fastly caches by region. Fees are calculated at the bandwidth rates. Rate reductions are applied automatically with greater usage.

HTTP and HTTPS requests are accumulated in units of 10,000 by region. Fees for content delivery and streaming delivery are calculated at the request rates.

Pricing estimator

Estimate your monthly charges.

TLS/SSL secure connections

Service type
Monthly cost
Shared domain service
Shared certificate service
Shared wildcard certificate service
Customer certificate hosting service

Fastly offers four TLS/SSL service options.