Get Involved 2017-03-28T12:59:09+00:00

Ways to get involved

CERES is built on community. Ever since a small group of people came together in 1982 with a beautiful vision of transforming and reclaiming a very sad and degraded piece of land, we have realised the power of community. We would not exist without people like you.

1. Visit
2. Volunteer
3. Become a member
4. Donate
5. Order Fair Food
6. Attend a workshop
7. Bring your school
8. Run your own event

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1011, 2017

CERES wins Premier’s Sustainability Award

By | November 10th, 2017|Categories: CERES Courses, CERES Education, CERES Global, CERES Outreach, PPP, Stories, Sustainable Schools, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Media Release: Cath Newell CERES has won the Education category in this year’s Victorian Premier’s Sustainability Awards for their 35 year commitment to community-based learning and action. CERES is the largest deliverer of environmental [...]