Education 2017-10-23T13:17:40+00:00

CERES Education

Education lies at the heart of CERES, which has grown from its humble beginnings into one of the largest sustainability education providers in Victoria. CERES Education provides a wide range of services:

Education Blog

Unlearning in India – Day 5 & 6: Peasant Farming, Camel Culture and Hidden Landscapes of Waste

Guest Post by Dr. Ben Habib From 2nd-12th December 2017 I co-facilitated a CERES Global tour to India, themed around sustainable development, permanent culture and un-learning. My focus for the tour was to collect data for my [...]

Unlearning in India – Day 4: Malari Village

Guest Post by Dr. Ben Habib From 2nd-12th December 2017 I co-facilitated a CERES Global tour to India, themed around sustainable development, permanent culture and un-learning. My focus for the tour was to collect data [...]

Unlearning in India – Day 3: Wisdom Walk Through Udaipur’s Old City

Guest Post by Dr Ben Habib From 2nd-12th December 2017 I co-facilitated a CERES Global tour to India, themed around sustainable development, permanent culture and un-learning. My focus for the tour was to collect data for my [...]

Unlearning in India – Day 2: Shikshantar People’s Institute For Re-Thinking Education and Development

Guest Post by Dr. Ben Habib From 2nd-12th December 2017 I co-facilitated a CERES Global tour to India, themed around sustainable development, permanent culture and un-learning. My focus for the tour was to collect data for [...]