Rural and Regional Development

The Rural and Regional Development Sector focuses on a comprehensive approach to development at the local level, in line with European principles and norms. Through its five regional offices, the Sector targets: improving local government capacity to plan, identify priorities and deliver results; stimulating economic recovery through entrepreneurial activity, job growth and investment, increasing the competitiveness of local producers and income generation; strengthening local priority infrastructure; delivery of social services to vulnerable populations, and the sustainable use of natural resources and energy efficiency.

Geographically the Sector focuses on the 70 least developed municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.In-depth

Via Dinarica: A Platform for Sustainable Tourism Development and Local Economic Growth

Via Dinarica project aims to contribute to the reduction of economic, social, and regional disparities in BiH through the affirmation of the Via Dinarica as a regional tourism destination and increase BiH’s competitiveness in nature-based tourism.more

Our Stories

Social inclusion– the key to better quality of life in BiH
Social inclusion– the key to better quality of life in BiH
Social inclusion– the key to better quality of life in BiH

How Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP) assists in the social inclusion of people with disabilities and the elderly in Bosnia and Herzegovina?more 

Wickerwork in Posavina – return to tradition and homemade business

To start successful business in your own home, has been a dream of many who wish to become entrepreneur. That dream became a reality thanks to the project “Self-employment through wickerwork” in Posavina.more 

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Projects and Initiatives

  • Project “Local Integrated Development” (LID)

    Project “Local Integrated Development” (LID) will directly contribute to improvements in the standard of living for more than 100,000 people in BiH, working with domestic authorities to put into place mechanisms and resources needed to drive social and economic development.The Project is implemented in 21 partner cities and municipalities, prioritizing localities that are home to large returnee population and were affected by the May 2014 floods.more 

  • Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD)

    The Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD) is financed by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). ReLOaD builds on the good practices of the Reinforcement of Local Democracy (LOD) project, another initiative financed by EU, which also represents the replication model in other Western Balkan countries. As a regional initiative, ReLOaD will be implemented in six Western Balkans countries.more 

  • Diaspora for Development (D4D) project

    Mainstreaming the Concept on Migration and Development into Relevant Policies, Plans and Actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH): Diaspora for Development (D4D) project aims to strengthen the role of BiH Diaspora in development processes in BiH.more 

  • Municipal Environmental and Economic Governance (MEG) Project (phase 1)

    The Municipal Environmental and Economic Governance (MEG) project aims to improve municipal development management systems and services in the environmental and economic sectors. These improvements will result in better local services for the citizens, enhanced accountability and trust between local authorities, citizens and businesses.more 

  • Via Dinarica: A Platform for Sustainable Tourism Development and Local Economic Growth

    Via Dinarica project aims to contribute to the reduction of economic, social, and regional disparities in BiH through the affirmation of the Via Dinarica as a regional tourism destination and increase BiH’s competitiveness in nature-based tourism.more 

  • Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP)

    The Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP), as an integral pillar of the UNDP Rural and Regional Development Sector, provides support to help strengthen local development planning and the realisation of local strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project approach provides a “bridge” between the strategic and budgetary frameworks of local and higher levels of government and also provides assistance to local governments to design their integrated local strategies and to successfully implement them in partnership with their communities.more 

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