
What We Do

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s global development network, working in some 170 countries and territories. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, we are committed to helping the country through strengthened national and local capacities to carry out political, economic and social reforms and development. UNDP annually spends nearly USD 30 million in BIH through its four key focus areas: Justice and Security, Social Inclusion and Democratic Governance, Rural and Regional Development, and Energy and Environment. Additionally, UNDP is the custodian of the Resident Coordinator system, thereby collaborating closely with other UN Agencies which account for a further USD 20 million in programme spending.

Our Goals

Since 1996, UNDP has been supporting the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina in moving from post-conflict recovery towards sustainable development. Our goal is the sustainable, democratic and peaceful development of BIH within current borders, where social, economic and environmental aspects of development coexist in harmony, augmenting the quality of life equitably for all BIH citizens.more

EU STAR Project improves safety of people and communities in BiH

EU STAR project's mission is to reduce risks and threats concerning peace, stability and development in BiH, by contributing to the improvement of a sustainable stockpile management system in the country.more

Our Stories

Demining returns land back to the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Demining returns land back to the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The mines remain a major threat to nearly 550,000 people across the country. For those who depend on the land to make a living, it also represents lost economic potential. On a larger scale, mines impede the country’s development in a myriad of ways.more 

Financing heating costs for low-efficiency public buildings is one of the biggest problems for public administrations countrywide
Sustainable Energy Solutions

Although rich in sources of renewable energy, Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the earliest stages of developing its enormous potential and uses about 20% of itsmore 

The process of making "Kupres cheese"
Kupres Cheese Seizes Local Market

Canton 10 is among the poorest regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with high unemployment rate, especially among the returnees and vulnerable groups. Small farmers from dispersedmore 

Social inclusion– the key to better quality of life in BiH
Social inclusion– the key to better quality of life in BiH
Social inclusion– the key to better quality of life in BiH

How Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP) assists in the social inclusion of people with disabilities and the elderly in Bosnia and Herzegovina?more 

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Projects and Initiatives

  • Green Economic Development (GED)

    The GREEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT project aims to institutionalize the energy management activities within the public sector buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina.more 

  • Diaspora for Development

    Mainstreaming the Concept on Migration and Development into Relevant Policies, Plans and Actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH): Diaspora for Development (D4D) project aims to strengthen the role of BiH Diaspora in development processes in BiH.more 

  • EU STAR project

    EU STAR project's mission is to reduce risks and threats concerning peace, stability and development in BiH, by contributing to the improvement of a sustainable stockpile management system in the country.more 

  • Birač Region Development and Cooperation Project (BIRAČ)

    The project is a joint initiative of UNDP, UNICEF and UNHCR. It builds on previous and on-going support to the municipalities in the Birač region and argues for inter-municipal and regional cooperation to support bottom-up partnership approach to development and foster territorial cohesion, following the EU LEADER-like principles.more 

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