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A Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance Initiative

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Women in Media (WiM) is a nationwide MEAA initiative for women working in all facets of the media – from journalism and media advisory work to public relations and corporate affairs.

Women in Media works to improve the working lives of women in media by addressing inequality in pay, conditions, opportunity and promotion. We do this through:

• Organising in workplaces to achieve our industrial aims.
• Mentoring and career development specifically for women.
• Education for management on how to create a best-practice environment to ensure women are able to fully and equitably contribute to their industry.
• Events that equip women with the skills to navigate an inequitable workplace while we work together to end that inequality.
• Research that provides a benchmark on the progress of gender equality in the media industry.

Our work is co-ordinated by our National Patron Caroline Jones AO and National Convenor Tracey Spicer. Women in Media benefits tremendously from the work of our state committees, workplace committees, mentors and guest speakers.

For more information on Women in Media please contact katelin.mcinerney@meaa.org – 1300 656 513.


Women in Media runs a popular mentoring program


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Women in Media host a range of industry networking events across Australia.


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Women in Media is a national organisation

Women in Media have a committee in each state.

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Learn more about Women in Media

Women in Media (WiM) is a nationwide networking and mentoring initiative to support and nurture women working in all facets of the media – from journalism and media advising to public relations and corporate affairs. Through the influence and backing of MEAA members, Women in Media aims to improve the working lives of women in the industry by:

Industrial Aims
Women in Media campaigns to close the equity and opportunity gap for women in media, namely, superannuation for periods of parental leave, better reporting breakdowns on staff make-up, pay rates and management structure by gender and access to family violence leave.

Women in Media works directly with media companies, educating senior management on the need for greater support for women in the media, the need for sponsorship and mentoring within organisations and creating a best-practice environment to ensure women are able to fully and equitably contribute to their industry – be it news, public relations, communications or creative freelance.

Our national mentoring program draws together senior industry figures to offer women in the early stages of their career support, advice and the benefit of their experience.

Women in Media holds events that focus on women’s issues including panel discussions, keynote addresses, professional development and Q&A sessions that aim to bolster confidence, offer networking opportunities, training and the chance to hear from women in senior positions in the media industry.

Women in Media commissions important research regarding gender and women’s participation in media industries.

Our National Patron


With women supporting each other, we will make this industry better for all women in media.”


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Our Partners

Women in Media is proudly supported by:

Inspiring Collective Action

Women in Media is organising in workplaces to achieve gender equality by:

•  Closing the gender pay gap.
•  Improving access to paid parental leave and payment of superannuation for periods of unpaid parental leave.
•  Increasing access to family violence leave.
•  Achieving better reporting breakdowns on staff make-up, pay rates and management structure by gender.

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