Steps to Realizing SDG 7: Building Capacity of Energy Auditors in Bangladesh

In January 2018, UNDP Seoul Policy Centre helped organize an energy audit training provided by five Korea Energy Agency audit experts to build capacity among 32 Bangladeshi practitioners from the public and private sector with support from SREDA and UNDP Bangladesh.

Delegation from Vietnam Learns about Korean Anti-Corruption Tools

Government policymakers from Vietnam participated in a technical workshop in Sejong City co-hosted by the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) and the Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of the Republic of Korea on 23-27 October, 2017, to deepen their understanding of Korea’s anti-corruption experience and to refine their application of ACRC’s Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment (AIA) tool. The Vietnamese delegation, headed by Mr. Phi Ngoc Tuyen, Deputy Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Government Inspectorate (GI), also included government officials from Party Central Commission of International Affairs, State Audit, and Office of the Government, which allowed lively discussions with diverse perspectives.

Delegation from Lao PDR Learns about UNDP-Korea Development Cooperation

Government policymakers from Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) visited the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) on 2 August, 2017, as part of a two-week study mission to Korea co-hosted by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and implemented by the Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS).

Integrity of public institutions as an accelerator for attaining the SDGs discussed at HLPF 2017

New York, July 10 – Government officials, UN practitioners and heads and members of prominent international NGOs such as Transparency International took part in a dialogue today in New York on practical and innovative measures to nurture integrity in public institutions to accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a side event of this year’s High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) focusing on the theme of eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world. The event was co-organized by the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.

USPC at HLPF Side Event Featuring PAGE on Green Economy

The five UN Agency Partnership for Action for Action (PAGE) initiative believes that by convening international institutions, governments, the private sector and civil society, it can radically alter the way market forces work to promote sustainable and equitable economies. PAGE aimed to spread this message to thought-leaders and policy-makers at a side-event to the High Level Political Forum, entitled “Recalibrating Market Forces: How Greener and More Inclusive Economies and Finance are Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals.”

UNDP emphasizes ‘humanitarian-development’ nexus at Korea launch of latest Human Development Report

A quarter-century of impressive human development progress continues to leave many people behind, with systemic, often unmeasured, barriers to catching up. A stronger focus on those excluded and on actions to dismantle these barriers is urgently needed to ensure sustainable human development for all. These are the key findings of the Human Development Report 2016: Human Development for Everyone, launched at Korea University on 16 May by the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Korea University, following the global release of the Report in March this year.

The 2017 Seoul Debates – a global platform to discuss effective ways to tackle gender-based violence in Korea and around the world

he United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Seoul Policy Centre opened the 2017 Seoul Debates today, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Gender and Family of the Republic of Korea, with the aim to identify effective ways to address Gender-based Violence (GBV) by sharing lessons learnt from Korea and around the world.

Thai delegation visits Seoul Government to learn about its Clean Construction System

Government policymakers from Thailand’s Comptroller General’s Department (CGD) participated in a study mission to Seoul co-hosted by the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) and the Infrastructure Headquarters of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) of the Republic of Korea on 5 April, 2017.

World’s most marginalized still left behind by global development priorities: UNDP report

A quarter-century of impressive human development progress continues to leave many people behind, with systemic, often unmeasured, barriers to catching up. A stronger focus on those excluded and on actions to dismantle these barriers is urgently needed to ensure sustainable human development for all.

USPC Provides Key Support at PAGE Ministerial Conference

The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) supported the organization of the Second Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) Ministerial Conference in Berlin on 27-28 March 2017. Along with participation at the donor steering committee meetings of PAGE, USPC staff served as resource person at a session on Inclusive Growth.

Korea’s Anti-Corruption Assessment Piloted in 63 Provinces of Vietnam

The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), in partnership with the UNDP Vietnam Country Office, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of the Republic of Korea, and the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam, organized a national workshop in Hanoi to review the outcome of the 2016 Provincial Anti-Corruption Assessment (PACA) Tool, developed based on the successful experience of the Korean ACRC’s Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment (AIA) tool and experiences, and piloted in all 63 provincial people’s committees of Vietnam within less than two years.

High-Level Tunisian Delegation Learns about Korean Anti-Corruption Tools

Government policymakers from Tunisia participated in a study mission to Seoul and Sejong City co-hosted by the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) and Korean government institutions including the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of the Republic of Korea and the Infrastructure Headquarters of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) on 6-10 March, 2017.

Delegation from Afghanistan Introduced to Seoul’s Clean Construction System

Government representatives and UNDP programme managers from Afghanistan visited the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) as part of a study mission facilitated by the USPC from 27 Feb to 9 March, 2017.

Korea’s reforestation experience discussed at UNDP conference on Sustainable Development Goals

On 24 February 2017, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Seoul Policy Centre organized the “Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Int’l Conference on Focusing on Sustainable Forestry” at the Holiday Inn in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Publication: Sustainable Urban Development

This publication is produced on the occasion of the SDGs Roundtable on the topic of sustainable urban development. It is a compilation of the presentations by international and Korean experts on this topic, shared on 14 October, 2016, at Korea University.

South Korea joins Central African Forest Initiative

On 17 January, the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre took part in a high level signing ceremony of the CAFI Joint Declaration held in Daejon, whereby the Republic of Korea became the 7th donor to join the Central African Forest Initiative. The Declaration was signed by Dr SHIN Won-Sop, Minister of the Korea Forest Service, and the ceremony was also attended by Norway's Ambassador to Korea, Jan Ole Grevstad.

Korea’s ‘Clean Construction System’ for enhancing transparency in public construction shared with Jordan

The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC), in partnership with the UNDP Jordan Country Office, the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) of the Republic of Korea, and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Jordan, organized a webinar on 15 December, 2016, with the aim to share with Jordan the experiences and lessons learnt from SMG’s Clean Construction System (CCS) for efficient public administration and transparency in construction management.

“UNDP-Korea at 50” Highlights Korea’s Development Experience

Korea and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) celebrated 50 years of partnership in Seoul on 14 November, 2016, in an event that consisted of a photo exhibition and a gala event under the title “UNDP-Korea at 50: Retrospective and Prospect.” Going beyond celebrating UNDP’s 50th anniversary, the event was also a celebration of the longstanding partnership between UNDP and Korea, and commemoration of the development progress made by the Government and people of Korea in the past five decades.

Ukraine and Vietnam in Seoul for a Unique Quadrangular Study Visit

Officials from Ukraine and Vietnam, consisting of government policymakers and UNDP programme managers, participated in a study mission to Seoul co-hosted by the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) and the Infrastructure Headquarters of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) of the Republic of Korea on 3-4 November, 2016.

The Director presents UNDP’s work at Seminar on Climate Change Projects and Programs

The Director of UNDP Seoul Policy Centre, Ms. Anne Marie Sloth Carlsen, presented UNDP’s work in the area of climate change at the Seminar on Climate Change Projects and Programs (CCPP) in Incheon. Ms. Carlsen provided an overview of UNDP and its climate change-related programs, and described how support for...

INTERVIEW: Trust and transparency central to post-2015 agenda, says USPC Director

In a recent interview with Daily Development, the Director of the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre spoke about the importance of fighting corruption as part of the new development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals that were just adopted by governments in New York.   Read what the Director has to say online...