We’re fighting to protect
real religious freedom.

Since 1963, American Atheists has protected the absolute separation of religion from government and raised the profile of atheists and atheism in our nation’s public and political discourse. Now, more than ever, we need your help.

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Millions of people who no longer believe stay in their churches because of the community and support the churches provide. Our local affiliates stand ready to help and are vibrant communities full of people just like you who have left behind religion.

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Latest news from American Atheists

Read more about our legal victories, public policy positions, and blog posts from American Atheists staff.

Atheists Denounce Trump Administration’s New “Religious Freedom” Office and Dangerous Rules Promoting Discrimination

Washington, DC—As part of its continued assault on LGBTQ people and women under the guise of “religious freedom,” the Trump administration has announced the creation of a new “Conscience and…

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Washington: Help Us Close Religious Loopholes in Child Welfare Laws

It’s hard to believe, but Washington state currently exempts Christian Scientists from child negligence laws that require children in the state to be provided adequate medical care. These exceptions endanger…

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Atheist Groups Demand End to Coerced Prayer in U.S. Military

Washington, D.C.—American Atheists and the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) have sent a joint letter to the Defense Department warning against unconstitutional coerced religious observances in the military.

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FEMA Should Stay Out of the Church-Building Business

Washington, DC—Yesterday, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that it would change its longstanding policies to allow taxpayer-funded grants to rebuild churches and other houses of worship damaged in…

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More people are leaving religion

Almost 40% of Americans under 30 are now non-religious. Our community is the fastest growing religious demographic in all 50 states.

  • 18-29
  • 30-49
  • 50-64
  • 65+

Thanks in part to the work of American Atheists, the number of atheists in the United States continues to grow and attitudes toward atheists are shifting. However, misconceptions about atheists still exist and members of our community still face discrimination at home, work, and school. Help us continue to elevate atheists and educate the public about atheism by making a tax-deductible gift today.

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