Indy 2018 Winter Fund Drive

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Distribution Locations

How you can help us distribute

The Indypendent is distributed at venues in the Greater New York area. We also distribute the paper (it’s always free) at political and cultural events and at busy subway stops during rush hours.

As interest continues to grow in the kind of hard-hitting, fiercely independent journalism that appears in The Indy, we are always looking to grow our distribution network. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Visit shops, stores, laundromats, libraries, etc. on your street or in your neighborhood and see if they will accept copies of the Indy there. Note: It’s always important to check first with the store owner or manager. If lots of papers are moving and there is room, we can supply an indoor wire rack to put the papers in.
  • If you can walk your route regularly, that’s great! If you don’t want to, please send us the information you have gathered and we will try to have one of our drivers incorporate your suggested drop sites into their routes.
  • Bring the Indy to your school, non-profit offices or union hall. If you are a teacher, the Indy is a great tool for helping students critically examine current events. If you are a student, why not shake things up a bit?
  • Join one of our rush-hour distribution teams.
  • Give generously! Every donation helps us bring you the journalism you love.

For more information, contact us at or call (212) 904-1282. Thanks in advance for all your help. We’re always looking to get the Indy into the hands of more people!