UNDP in Washington D.C.

UNDP works in 170 countries to provide knowledge, experience, and resources that help communities lift themselves out of poverty for good—so they can live with dignity and hope for a better future.

Protecting human rights, advancing democracy and rule of law, preventing violent extremism, preparing for and responding to disasters and crises, tackling corruption, helping stop the spread of deadly diseases, supporting basic services such as water and energy, and promoting investment in people are essential to our mission.

Funded entirely through voluntary contributions, UNDP manages an annual budget of US$5 billion, including US$600 million in core operating resources. These support basic program activities, technical expertise, and the global networks needed to deliver solutions worldwide. UNDP also helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively.

Our small Washington Representation Office (WRO) maintains relations and communications with the United States Government—a vital partner since UNDP’s creation in 1966—as well as other US-based partners, media, the private sector, and academic and nongovernmental organizations.

In 2016, a US Senate committee singled out UNDP among 29 international organizations for its unique contribution and impact in areas of vital US interest such as Iraq and Afghanistan. US officials have praised UNDP’s increased efficiency and top global rating for transparency.

“The Committee recognizes UNDP’s contributions to stability and development efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other challenging environments, expects UNDP to continue to play a key role in such efforts in the future, and encourages the President to request sufficient funds for UNDP in Fiscal Year 2018.”
--Senate Appropriations Sub-Committee, June 2016

At the vanguard of UN reform, UNDP launched a major restructuring in 2014 that eliminated 12% of staff positions and moved 20% of headquarters jobs to the field. Since 2014, UNDP has been independently ranked by the Aid Transparency Index (IATI) as the world’s #1 most transparent aid agency, with Millennium Challenge Corp. #2 and UNICEF #3. AidData in 2015 ranked UNDP among the top organizations globally in value for money and communication with partners in areas including justice, security, anti-corruption, and transparency.

Contact us

1775 K Street NW, Suite 500
Washington DC 20006

Tel: 202-331-9130

Email: undp.washington@undp.org


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