Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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September 2010

Void Network News


   ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ  παρουσιάζει INDIE FREE FESTIVAL # 20 1990/2010 // 20 years  underground resistance ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ  09 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ 2010 ΛΟΦΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΤΡΕΦΗ ΕΞΑΡΧΕΙΑ / ΑΘΗΝΑ ΩΡΑ ΕΝAΡΞΗΣ 17.30 saturday 09 october 2010 strefis hill / exarchia / athens greece starts 17.30 LIVE STAGE: 18.00 – 18.30  HOLLOGRAMME[new wave] 18.30 – 19.45  CIRCASSIAN[psy rock] 19.45 – 20.00  ANTINOMIA[hip hop] 20.00 – 20.45  DUSTBOWL[desert rock] 20.45 – 21.30  THE… …

Global movement

Doing In-Against-and-Beyond Labour , By John Holloway

    Doing In-Against-and-Beyond Labour , By John Holloway (1) At the heart of the social movements of recent years, at least in their more radical variants, is a drive against the logic of capitalist society. The so-called social movements are not organised as parties: their aim is not to take state power. The goal is rather to reverse the movement of a society gone mad, systematically mad. The movements… …

Void Network News

Void Network History: Gathering of the Tribes 2008 // Void Network multi media laboratories participation

This is a video representing perfectly the Void Art ecstatic atmosphere,the work of Void Optical  Art Laboratories,the collective creativity of open sourceart projects and the influential participation ofGlobal Eye (London Void Network)[] andFree Art Zone cultural activists[] to theartforms of Void NetworkVoid Art is a liquid light orchestra of dreams and the flow of a creative consciousness that expands to the horizons of this worldVoid Network History:JOIN THEGATHERING OF THE TRIBES!International trance and dance festivalMarch… …

Global movement

Raw Materials for a Theory of the “YoungGirl.” by Tiqqun

Raw Materials for a Theory of the “YoungGirl.” by Tiqqun Preliminaries   I did love you once. -Hamlet  i Under the hypnotic grimaces of official pacification, a war is being waged.  A war that can no longer be called simply economic, social, or humanitarian, because it is total.  And though each of us senses that our existence has become a battlefield where neuroses, phobias, somatizations, depression, and anguish are but… …

Void Network News

Free Camping Movement //Giona Mountain Ag.Triada area // Sat. 18 & Sun. 19 September 2010

With great joy the Free Camping Movement continues and completes the summer campaign and caravan in Greece with a great travel adventure on the mountain Giona in Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September 2010. The event will include 2 stages for all underground cultures, (a stage for dance cultures and a chil out area n the forest) as also a meeting with activists from the Movement for Saving of Mountain… …

Global movement

The Psychopathology Of Work by Penelope Rosemont

    The Psychopathology Of Work by Penelope Rosemont Work, now? Never, never. I’m on strike. – Arthur Rimbaud  Depersonalization and alienation from our deepest desires is implanted during childhood via school, church, movies, and TV, and soon reaches the point where an individual’s desire is not only a net of contradictions, but also a commodity like all the others. “True life” always seems to be just a bit beyond… …

Global movement

International Solidarity with the 14 kidnapped by the Chilean ‘democracy’

This is a message from Chile Thursday, September 02 2010 @ 08:20 PM UTC   This past Saturday the 14th of August, in the cities of Santiago and Valparaiso, an action coordinated by police of all types (special task forces) violently raided three squatted social centers and many private homes in fives communes. The police intimidated people with weapons of war, broke windows and doors, and took many personal items… …

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