Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

Monthly archive

September 2008

Uncategorized/Void Network News

CHILL OUT GATHERING at the STREFIS HILL Athens Greece | SUNDAY 28-09-2008

CHILL OUT GATHERING SUNDAY 28/09/08 STREFIS HILL Athens / Greece  Line up: DJ GLOBUS CONTACT [psy ambient] 19:00-21:00 DJ D-FER [dub] 21:00-23:00 DJ RAMAN [void network] presents: “ZERO LEVEL ENVIRONMENTAL SOUND” Kindly supported by DJ NEU [void network, lumino us collective] 23:00-01:00 DJ AIORA [Electric Dreams] 01:00-03:00  hot honey juice+ Chai shop + Fluo Deco please respect the place love-peace-unity  …

Uncategorized/Void Network News

VOID NETWORK in U.S.A. (Global Eye / London Void Network travelling in U.S.A. and preparing Total Freedom World Tour dates)

UNITED SLAVES OF AMERICA Sound bites of USA Passing trough from friend to friend, old and new our silent thoughts… The United Slaves of America United Slaves of Advertisments Living each one on their own Private liberty cubes Little bit happyNot much positive Is there such a thing  as Liberty Dynasty? Worse president ever  …he may feelblood drops  over billboards Fun fair over crosses Family’s weekend walk through death Sunbathing… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News

VOID NETWORK IN AFRICA [report from travelling in Burkina Faso]]

It was nice rainy month here, a lot of new contacts, visions and ideas. I never met more happy, cheerful, helpful and hospitable people than the Burkina be.One month is not enough for sure to get know this country and the real hard lifestyle here, not even to get used to it, but I am happy that I could come here at all. We visited project for street children, nursery school in… …

Void Network News

UTOPIAN ATMOSPHERES [short mix trailer edition] created by VOID OTICAL ART LABORATORY

VOID NETWORK(Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts)http://voidnetwork.blogspot.compresents UTOPIAN ATMOSPHERES(short mix trailer edition) UTOPIAN ATMOSPHERES is a 22 minutes Void Art short Erxeperimental Film created by Void Optical Art Laboratory in Mexico during August 2008 and prepared for youtube in a limited 1024 MB edition in 3 different parts.Consisting flash backs of psychedelic experiences and collective Joy, the beauty of Planet Earth, the vision of Love, Spiritual Revolution, Friendship and Ecstatic Life the film UTOPIAN… …

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