Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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March 2010

Void Network News

The Park of Exarcheia (Self Organized Occupied Park in Athens / Greece) // a film by Free Art Zone & Void Network

Free Art Zone Network short filmThe Park of Exarchia (Self Organized Occupied Park in Athens / Greece) Occupied Self Organized Park in Exarchia area in Athens is a creation of the power of the people. More than 1000 people participated in the occupation of this public space and the creation of a open park for all people of the city. Through the participation to the assembly of the park, the events, the… …

Void Network News

Olympia Washington / We Are an Image From the Future // U.S.A Tour 2010

It was a nice sunny afternoon in Olympia, a city with hippy atmosphere, so-called “progreesive” univeristies, drop out kids in the streets and high tense drug use problems…Our talk in Last Word bookshop [] about the Greek isurrectionary anarchist space and the social revolt in Greece created a meeting point for many different people expressing their questions and share with us their visions for political, social and cultural organizing.  The Anarchist… …

Global movement

“There’s only one thing left settle: our accounts with capital and its state” by TPTG / greek autonomous communist group

A report on the working class struggles against austerity measures in Greece by Proles and Poor’s Credit Rating Agency aka TPTG a greek autonomous communist group. In periods of crisis, such as the current period of overaccumulation crisis, capitalists use the politics of “public debt” in order to devise new ways to intensify exploitation. In contrast with capitalist upturns when the private debt is increased, downturns are characterized by the… …

Portland Oregon // We Are an Image From The Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

The days in Portland were getting more and more crazy day after day. When we arrived Peter Gelderloos gave a lecture about the book Anarchy Works in the infoshop / cafe Red & Black [ ], a space that accomodates many activities, groups and assemblies. In the same night we went in the most crazy party even organized by a local Portland Indymedia collective [ ]…The people got naked after sometime and… …

Void Network News

Northern California & South Oregon // Red Wood Forest & Boone’s Farm // We Are An Image from The Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

We arrive at the Red Wood Forest , the trees are so high like in our dreams , they try to touch the sky as our revolutionary spirit expands to the land of total freedom. The branches from the trees remind us to respect the Mother Earth , the damp ground, the rivers, the flowers, the song of the birds, the cold clean air is offering to us the great beauty… …

Void Network News

4th annual NYC Anarchist Film Festival // Call for Submission of Films

Void Network announces the participation to the creation of4th annual NYC Anarchist Film Festival in16 April 2010in Judson Memorial Church55 Washington square NYCIt will be an amazingpolitical, social & artistic event featuring simultaneouslyprojections of films on 6 screens and we invite all creative political awarefilm makers to submit their films WEB: Call For Entries The New York Anarchist Film Festival is now accepting submissions. Weare seeking short films and movies from your… …

Global movement

Understanding the Economic Crisis in Greece // Three videos

Many people on this planet wonder about the economic crisis in Greece and the fight of the Greek society against the theft of their future from golden boys, multinational corporations, banks and governements. Greek society is in a moment of a fragile levitation. In one side are all the fears, the limitations and the illusion of our past. In the other side is the life that we always dreamed to… …

Void Network News

San Francisco & Berkeley // We Are an Image From The Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

All these crazy days in San Francisco unfortunately ended sudden with a broken car and all our staff stolen… You can read more info about this here and we hope you can find some dollars to donate and help us continue our tour in U.S.A:  Even though our days in San Francisco ended with all of us fucked up sad and in serious troubles,…we have to admit that until… …

Void Network News

Democracy and Insurrection in Greece and the World / We Are an Image from The Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

Democracy and Insurrection in Greece and the Worldby Rockero Wednesday, Mar. 17, 2010 at 2:12 AM This is a review article written by the Los Angeles indymedia about theWe Are an Image from The Future  Tuesday, March 9, 2010 CLAREMONT, California – Southern California got a taste of Greek-style anarchism and insurrection in a series of talks given by Peter Gelderloos, author of How Nonviolence Protects the State, and Greek comrades from the Void Network Tasos… …

Void Network News

Santa Cruz / California // We Are An Image From The Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

Peter Gelderloos  gave a long lecture in the social center Sub Rosa [ ] in Santa Cruz about Squating Movement in Barcelona. During the presentation and the questions and answers he tried to offer an analysis of how the Barcelona squatting movement furthers the local anarchist struggle and how it hinderts it.After the talk we met with many people that participate in the local student struggles that introduced to us the comrades from Take the… …

Void Network News

Clearmont University / California // We Are An Image From The Future U.S.A. Tour

The new anarchist / autonomist / insurrectionary youth and student movement that is taking place now in the universities of California and many other places in amerikkka is maybe the most important movement in our days in USA. Young people from many different economic, social and cultural backgrounds are coming together in their schools to fight against capitalism. In a period of economic crisis the students understand that there is… …

Void Network News

Grand Canyon / Arizona // We Are An Image from The Future

The tour continues and the vast beauty of the nature expands infront of us. Every step in the land of amerikkka is a realization of the european colonalization and the destruction of Indigenous cultures. Walking among the Grand Canyon, we try to remove the fake forced smiles of the tourists and focus on the history of this majestic place with all our senses We try to be open to receive… …

Void Network News

Phoenix Arizona // O’Odham Tribe Land / We Are an Image from The Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

For sure the most important thing that happened in Phoenix during our two days of events, public lectures, festivity and endless drinking of beers and talking with comrades, it was our meetings with the O’Odham Native American comrades from O’Odham Solidarity Across Borders Collective []. O’Odham Native American Tribe resists against the colonalization from the middle of 16th century until today together with all other indigenous people of amerikkka. One… …

Void Network News

Two Videos from New York // WarCry,GlassBead, Void Network

Priya Reddy// WarCryGlass Bead Collective&Void Network / New York sectionpresents2 new videos about thetotalitarianism in U.S.A.the social struggles and the student movementin New YorkMarch 4th 2010  Student Rally  Hunter College NYC. No Cuts! Students are very upset about losing benefits and access to school while they face increasing tuition costs, & deteriorating education March 3rd NYC MTA  public hearing,  police arrest citizens  speaking out On Wednesday, March 3rd 2010, the MTA held a public… …

Global movement

So…What’s Your Price? // Y tu… Cuanto Cuestas? a film from Mexico by Ollalo Rubio

       This a great film about inequality…It starts with a baby in Mexico and a baby in United States of America and it tries to investigate how much the life of these two babies cost… How much your life cost?…Why the inequality exists, who is responsible for our life…how much our life cost?…and so…How Much You Cost? Plot Synopsis by Nathan Southern from With his biting, acerbic… …

Void Network News

Tucson Arizona // We Are an Image From The Future U.S.A Tour 2010

                         Tucson is one of the most beautiful areas of America, the land of O’Odham Tribe. The local anarchist community that organized our talks there were amazing. Beautiful, friendly and wise anarchists. Most of the people of the collective house that we stayed were participating on the No More Deaths organization that offers humanitarian aid to the immigrants trying to pass through the… …

Void Network News

One Year Birthday celebrations of the Occupied Self-Organized Park of Exarchia

During 5/6/7 March, in Exarchia area will take place the celebrations for the One Year Birthday of the Occupied Self-Organized Park of Exarchia. Also during all March collectives, creative groups and people will organize many different cultural, political and social events and gatherings on the square Exarchia in an effort to give life to the square and prepare the people for a wonderfull Spring, Summer and Autumn in the public… …


March 4 // Occupy California! Fight for Free Public Education!

Inside a commandeered university building, we gathered, we spoke, and we conspired. Outside the police waited, they observed, they plotted. They were in no way prepared for the wave that came crashing down, and neither were we. While there seems to be endless conversation on the violence of smashing windows and the damage to the movement done by spontaneous action, there is a notable absence of discussion of the violence… …

Void Network News

Austin Texas // We Are an Image from the Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

Austin is a crazy place, the commrades were wonderfull…We did a giant open public talk there… Peter Gelderloos spoke for more than an hour and a half about all kind of great arguments included in his new book Anarchy Works from Ardent press. This book takes examples from around the world, picking through history and anthropology, showing that people have, in different ways and at different times, demonstrated mutual aid, self-organization,… …

Void Network News

Save the Appalachian Mountains

We publish here a letter sent to Void Network from Portrait Story collective about their Voices for Appalachia project featuring many different links and perspectives about the great ecological struggle for saving Appalachia Mountains from Coal Mining capitalistic destructive interests. In one of our previous posts we introduced you to this struggle through our commrades Mountain Justice Here you can find also many links and ideas for participation to the Appalachia Mountains… …

Global movement

Cultural Survival Organization // for more than 40 years defending the indigenous people

For nearly 40 years the organization Cultural Survival has partnered with Indigenous Peoples around the world to help them defend their lands, languages, and cultures. They publicize their issues through their award-winning publications, they mount letter-writing campaigns and other advocacy efforts to stop abuses of their rights, and they work on the ground in Indigenous communities, always at their invitation. Their board of directors includes some of the world’s preeminent Indigenous leaders,… …

Void Network News

Houston Texas // We Are an Image from the Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

It was a cold night in Houston… The Sedition Books infoshop invited members from many different collectives and many wonderfull people came in our event. Peter Gelderloos did a specified analysis of the illusionary nature of Democracy during his “Overthrowing Bourgeois Democracy” lecture. Void Optical Art Lab. artists created an abstract art environment for the talk. The night continued with a long open talk between Void Network and Houston activists… …

Void Network News

New Orleans // We Are an Image from The Future // U.S.A. Tour 2010

New Orleans is a different city after the destruction of the hurricane Katrina… It seems that people feeling closer one to each other, the feeling of walking downtown is great, there is a social base for creation of movement in New Orleans. The main problem is that most of the young organizers and activists are transient to New Orleans, people come and go all the time, so many ideas, visions… …

Global movement

Introduction to Giorgio Agamben’s “The Coming Community”

The Coming Community / Giorgio Agamben(1993) book review: In The Coming Community, published in Italian in 1990 and English translation by Michael Hardt in 1993, Agamben describes the social and political manifestation of his philosophical thought. The beauty and brevity of the text is augmented by the book layout, filled with design, white space and random dots. Employing diverse short essays he describes the nature of “whatever singularity” as… …

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