Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

Monthly archive

August 2007

Fires in Greece / Welcome to the Desert

Welcome to the Desert The entire disability of the State, the Representative Democracy and the Economy of Market to resolve the problems of our life was revealed in the 3 days that Peloponnese and South Evvoia were burned among many other areas in Greece during the August 2007. Whoever does not admit that is because he has direct profits from the destruction of Earth The great force of the society… …

Against the distruction of River Axeloos/ 24-25-26 August 2007

Void Network participates officially in the 3 days camping in the river Axeloos and the fight against the diversion of the river that will cause great ecological destruction just for the benefit of the construction companies and the status of the local politicians.Void Network creative crew designed and print the poster (10.000 issues in all Greece) and the flyer (25.000 issues in all Greece). Void Optical Art Laboratory will make… …

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