Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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April 2009


KENO DIKTYOVoid Networkhttp://voidnetwork.blogspot.comLegalize it Festival Against All ProhibitionAgainst All Addictionsthis year will take place in 3 daysSaturday 2 MayFriday 8 MayandSaturday 9 May 2009 this announcement is for the first day of the Festival>>>>>>>>>>>Saturday 2 May 2009 Global day for new effective politics about the problem of drugs and for the legalization of marihuana 18.00 > KLAYTHMONOS sq.20.00-22.00> STREET PARADE (Klauthmonos- Thisio)bring your masks, your crazy clowns smiles,your best feelings… …

Global movement

Deconstructing the Power of the Global Elite Part 1: Brute Force, The Power to Hurt, and Psychological Control By Judith Young, Ph.D.

In the aftermath of Congressional approval of bailout legislation granting sweeping powers to the financial elite, the body politic appears to be helplessly mired in the relentless unfolding of classical fascism before its very eyes. Coming to terms with this terrifying predicament can benefit from a primer that renders naked the forms of raw power used by the global elite in advancing its agenda for full spectrum dominance. This will… …

Global movement

Deconstructing the Power of the Global Elite Part II: States of Mental Disempowerment By Judith H. Young, Ph.D.

In Part I of “Deconstructing the Power of the Global Elite,” I discussed a threefold model of power: Brute Force, the Power to Hurt and Psychological Control. In Part II, I will address several forms of psychological control designed to induce states of mind that are inherently disempowering, that eliminate or severely diminish our will to take corrective action in the face of grievous harm. As stated in a famous… …

Global movement

Rebel Diaz: This is What Democracy Looks Like – in New York! Directed by David “Drizz” Rodriguez

Warning to Mayor Bloomberg and his machine:Don’t underestimate the revolutionary movement from the below! Rebel Diaz!Watch your backs! This family oriented video is the response to the unjust actions and the unnecessary push for a third term by Mayor Bloomberg. He has to be held accountable for the police murders and brutality, for lack of housing, for being an investor in so much of the gentrification going on in Brooklyn,… …

Demonstration in Soidarity to The Occupations, the Squats, the Self-Organized Parks and the Social Centres Tuesday 28 April 2009

This is an announcement of Void Network(in Greek language) about the sadistic attackof Greek riot police to young people in theSelf-Organized Occupated Park of Exarchia in5 o clock in the morning in 22 April as also aninvitation for the great demonstrationPut Your Hands Down From The Occupations!that will start from the Exarchia Park(Trikoupi st.& Navarinou st.)in Tuesday 28 April 2009 in 18.00and will include all different squats, parks,social centres that… …


The Battle to Take Back the New School By BARUCHA CALAMITY PELLER

April 22, 2009 “Occupy Everything” The Battle to Take Back the New School                               By BARUCHA CALAMITY PELLER Owing to pending legal issues, as well as continuing intimidation from school administration towards student organizers, all the New School students are quoted anonymously in this article, at their request. CB.  “We occupied a university building, workers in… …


KEΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ(Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση,Εφήμερες Τέχνες)VOID NETWORK(Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts) presentsAMBIENTRANCEDELICAest.1993longest non stoprave celebration in the worldELECTRO ACID PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE RAVE ZONEFREE AUTONOMOUS PUBLIC SPACESATURDAY 25 APRIL 2009LOFOS STREFI / EXARCHIA(Strefis Hill / Athens) 2 STAGES:main STAGE>>Psychedelic Trance ZonefeaturingProgressive Psy-Trance,Full-On and Neo-Goa Acid Sound 22.30-1.30D.J. HIGHPNO1.30-4.00D.J. NIKITAS + D.J. LEANDROS4.00-5.30D.J. CRYSTAL ZERO5.30-7.00D.J. ENTON7.00-endNATURAL HIGH COLLECTIVE+++SECOND STAGE Space Out Chill Out AreafeaturingPsychedelic Space Ambient,Dubstep and Psy-Dub 22.30-1.00D.J. D-FER1.00-2.00KINOMATIK2.00-3.15ARASH ATMAN3.15-4.15D.J. SISSY STARDUST4.15-5.15PSYBIENT5.15- endGAMALOGIC+DIGITAL TRIP PARTY… …


You are being lied to about Pirates by Johann Hari

Who imagined that in 2009, the world’s governments would be declaring a new War on Pirates? As you read this, the British Royal Navy – backed by the ships of more than two dozen nations, from the US to China – is sailing into Somalian waters to take on men we still picture as parrot-on-the-shoulder pantomime villains. They will soon be fighting Somalian ships and even chasing the pirates onto… …

Global movement

ACT NOW! UK Police Killed a Man at London G20, new video evidence

moments after this man died UK Police Killed a Man at London G20, new video evidence: Some people have started a call out for actions at UK Embassies at 12noon this Friday, 10 April, to call for charges of murder for the officer who is reponsible for the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 inLondon. There is a new video just in the last few hours (this is… …

Void Network News


this man killed in the streets of London by U.K. riot police This message is dedicated with sincere and carefull feelings to all wonderfull people that participated in the demos and actions against the G20 during first days of April 2009 in London, from any political or social context they come from…We express our non-dogmatic solidarity to all of them, to all the people got injured by the police, as… …

Global movement

Photovoltaic Cells in Prapopoulou Squat , Athens

With the installation of photovoltaic cells in Prapopoulou Squat Athens,Greece starts an experiment of collective ownership and self-management ofenergy sources willing to cover our energy needs. 4 April11:00: collectively installation of photovoltaic cells and sharing skills.19:00: Self learning seminar of the function and installation ofphotovoltaics cells 5 April11:00: collectively installation of photovoltaic cells and sharingskills(continue)19:00: Update about copenghagen 2009 call for climate action by Farmacollective, conversation about radical ecology and… …

Void Network News

New Void Network section in Brasil

After long time of preperation, inner talks, collective travelling and magical  experiences we are proudly presenting the creation of a new autonomous self-sustained Void Network section in Brasil… The work of this cell will be to bring closer, through translations, video archives, digital library and manifestos, the counter-culture with political activism, the Void Art with philosophy, to offer ideas and visions to the wonderfull psychedelic scene of Brasil and the… …

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