

Anti-Islam activist mistakes Koran for Bible in court appearance

Anti-Islam activist Neil Erikson has admitted breaching court orders by failing to return a uniform to former employer Toll and publishing online footage and photographs of high-profile confrontations in which his associates are wearing the logistics company's uniforms.

Erikson mistakenly picked up the Koran as he prepared to give sworn evidence in the witness stand in the Federal Circuit Court on Monday, until the court's associate pointed him to the Bible, and later submitted to the court he was "just a simple forklift driver" in a "David versus Goliath" legal stoush against Toll.

But in between those moments, the court heard Erikson lied to Toll about his criminal past when hired, told Toll he had passed Year 11 when he left school in Year 8 ("Who doesn't lie on their resumes?" he said) and was shown footage of him criticising the company in a video filmed outside the court and uploaded to Facebook on Monday morning. 

In a hearing to determine whether a penalty is imposed for contempt of court, Erikson said he failed to return to Toll his uniform after he was sacked last year, that he published video footage of a confrontation with then senator Sam Dastyari in a Melbourne pub, and that he tweeted a news photograph of a friend wearing a Toll shirt during a scuffle outside a speaking event featuring controversial commentator Milo Yiannopoulos.

It also emerged during Monday's hearing that he was one of four men charged by police over the fights outside the Yiannopoulos event in Kensington in December.​

Erikson told the court he had been charged with affray, behaving in a riotous manner and two counts each of assault with a weapon and unlawful assault. He is due to appear before a magistrate at a later date.


Toll sacked Erikson in both 2014 and last year, the court heard, and first requested its uniform back from him several years ago. It again requested he return the uniform when Erikson featured in a video of men racially abusing Mr Dastyari in a Melbourne hotel in November. The men told Mr Dastyari he was  a "terrorist" and that he should go back to his birth country of Iran.

Erikson admitted on Monday he had not returned the uniform to Toll despite being ordered to do so by Justice Suzanne Jones on December 7, that the footage of the clash with Mr Dastyari was still on one of his YouTube channels a week after the judge made her orders, and that a photograph of friend Ricky Turner in a scuffle outside the Yiannopoulos event was still on his Twitter page a week after the judge's orders.

Mr Turner was wearing a Toll shirt in the photograph despite never having worked for the company. Erikson said he didn't give his friend the shirt.

Erikson said he had told Toll he would return the uniform, but instead threw the shirts away.

"I admit I didn't return them. I discarded them," he said.

He also said he was unaware the video footage of Mr Dastyari and the photograph of Mr Turner were on his social media pages until he was contacted by Toll's lawyers, after Justice Jones made her orders. He said he removed the online material as soon as he became aware it was there.

He did not act on an earlier request to remove the material, he said, because he hardly ever used Twitter and had several YouTube channels, was "overwhelmed" by the volume of emails from Toll's lawyers and was not sent web links to the offending material.

Erikson said he was unfairly sacked by Toll last year when news emerged that he had been charged over a mock beheading he and two other men performed outside the City of Bendigo offices in October 2015, in protest against plans to build a mosque in Bendigo.

But under cross-examination from Myles Tehan, for Toll, Erikson conceded he had provided Toll with false information when he was hired, including denying he had a prior criminal conviction [for stalking, in 2014] and that he had been charged over the Bendigo protest.

Erikson and United Patriots Front colleagues Blair Cottrell and Christopher Shortis were last year found guilty in Melbourne Magistrates Court of inciting contempt, revulsion and ridicule of Muslims. All three men were fined $2000.

​Justice Jones said Erikson was "travelling close" to breaching court orders over the video filmed on Monday morning, which was uploaded to the Nationalists Uprising Facebook page.

The judge also chastised three of Erikson's supporters in court, who sniggered when he explained what the acronym LMFAO referred to. The acronym was a Facebook post attached to a news report about Erikson breaching court orders. Justice Jones said the post was an insult to her.

She told Erikson he had the right to air his views, but not while wearing Toll uniform that purported he worked there.

"The fact is Toll don't want to be associated with your views," she said.

In a statement of claim previously lodged, Toll has asked the court to permanently ban Erikson from publishing "injurious falsehoods" about the company, and is seeking damages.

Mr Tehan said none of Erikson's evidence to court stacked up and he had not provided an adequate explanation for throwing out the uniform rather than returning it to Toll.

Justice Jones reserved her judgment on the contempt case.

with AAP