Recent Articles

  • Paying it forward at Global Diversity CFP Day

    Global Diversity CFP Day takes place on Saturday, February 3, 2018. It’s a decentralized, locally organized free event that's a safe space for people to get started as technical conference speakers. The workshop is designed to help you craft and submit a talk proposal to an event with an open CFP and a stated Code of Conduct. Especially designed for people who are typically under-represented at tech events, free workshops will take place on the same day at dozens of locations all over the planet

  • Oxidizing Source Maps with Rust and WebAssembly

    A detailed look at how we replaced the most performance-sensitive portions of the source-map JavaScript Library’s source map parser with Rust code that is compiled to WebAssembly. The results: The WebAssembly is up to 5.89 times faster than the JavaScript implementation on realistic benchmarks operating on real world source maps! Additionally, performance is also more consistent: relative standard deviations decreased. We hope that, by sharing our experience, we inspire others rewrite performance-sensitive JavaScript in Rust via WebAssembly.

  • Making WebAssembly even faster: Firefox’s new streaming and tiering compiler

    People call WebAssembly a game changer because it makes it possible to run code on the web faster. Some speedups are already present, and some are yet to come. With streaming compilation, the browser compiles the code while the code is still being downloaded. Up until now, this was just a potential future speedup. But with the release of Firefox 58 next week, it becomes a reality. Firefox 58 also includes a new 2-tiered compiler. The new baseline compiler compiles code 10–15 times faster than the optimizing compiler. Combined, these two changes mean we compile code faster than it comes in from the network.

  • Using Hardware Token-based 2FA with the WebAuthn API

    To provide higher security for logins, websites are deploying two-factor authentication (2FA), often using a smartphone application or text messages. Those mechanisms make phishing harder but fail to prevent it entirely. Firefox 60 will ship with the WebAuthn API enabled by default, providing two-factor authentication built on public-key cryptography immune to phishing as we know it today. The API is available today in Firefox Nightly, and it's not too soon to start learning how to secure millions of users already in possession of FIDO U2F USB tokens.

  • New flexbox guides on MDN

    With Flexbox and Grid, plus the related specifications of Box Alignment and Writing Modes, we have new layout models for the web, which have been designed to enable the types of layouts we need to create. Whether your interest is in being able to implement more creative designs, or simply to streamline development of complex user interfaces Rachel Andrews' thoughtful materials will help you to gain a thorough understanding of the power of Flexbox and Grid working together.

  • Actual Input Latency: cross-browser measurement and the Hasal testing framework

    Editor’s Note: This post is also featured on the 2017 Performance Calendar. This is a story about an engineering team at Mozilla, based in Taipei, that was tasked with measuring performance and solving some specific performance bottlenecks in Firefox. It is also a story about user-reported performance issues that were turned into actionable insights. It […]

  • A Classic Extension Reborn: Tree Style Tab

    Yuki “Piro” Hiroshi is a trailblazer and a true do-it-yourselfer. Whenever the Tokyo-based programmer gets irritated with any aspect of his browsing experience, he builds a workaround for himself and shares it with others. After authoring nearly 100 browser extensions, Piro recently took on his biggest challenge yet: migrating the legacy Tree Style Tab (TST) extension to work with the new WebExtensions API and Firefox Quantum.

  • Using Headless Mode in Firefox

    Browser automation is not a new idea, but is an increasingly important part of how modern websites are built, tested, and deployed. Firefox now has support for headless mode, making it easier to use as a backend to automated tools. Learn how to work with headless mode in Firefox.

  • Using the new theming API in Firefox

    Explore the new theming API for Firefox Quantum, and see what you can do with lightweight theming, dynamic themes, per-window themes, and a quick look at what's next for themes in 2018.

  • A Journey to <10% Word Error Rate

    At Mozilla, we believe speech interfaces will be a big part of how people interact with their devices in the future. Today we are excited to announce the initial release of our open source speech recognition model so that anyone can develop compelling speech experiences.

  • DASH playback of AV1 video in Firefox

    Bitmovin and Mozilla, both members of the Alliance for Open Media (AOM), are partnering to bring AV1 playback with HTML5 to Firefox as the first browser to play AV1 MPEG-DASH/HLS streams. To make playback possible while the AV1 bitstream is still being finalized, we just need to ensure that the encoder and decoder use the same version of the bitstream. Bitmovin and Mozilla agreed on a simple, but for the time being useful, codec string, to ensure compatibility - check out the playback demo to see for yourself.

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