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Διεθνή / Αριστερά / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Friday September 22, 2017 19:57 by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία   image 1 image
Για να τελειώνουμε. Τις διαφορές μας με τον Σταλινισμό, τον Λενινισμό και τα μη αναρχικα ρεύματα που αναφέρονται στην επανάσταση θα τις λύσουμε εκεί που πρέπει, μέσα στους κοινωνικούς αγώνες. Με την διαπάλη, όσο σκληρή κι αν χρειαστεί να γίνει, στους κόλπους της κοινωνικής βάσης. Η ιστορία μας δίδαξε πολλά, γνωρίζουμε τα λάθη και την αφέλεια των πολιτικών μας προγόνων. Δεν ξεχνάμε τίποτα. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αντιφασισμός / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday September 13, 2017 20:51 by Δημήτρης Κωτσάκης   image 1 image
Έχει ιδιαίτερη σημασία στο σημερινό πολιτισμικό πλαίσιο να τονιστεί η δυνα­μική της φυλετικής διάστασης του εθνικού φασισμού: ο βιολογικός αναγωγισμός της δεν έχει δεσμεύσεις, δεν έχει λόγο να περιορίζεται στο κοινωνικό σύνολο και στο σύστημα των κοινωνικών σχέσεων, εκτείνεται θεωρητικά σε κάθε άνθρωπο α­τομικά και στην κάθε προσωπική του σχέση. Το θεωρούμενο ότι μεταφέρεται με το «αίμα», είναι ένα βιολογικό σχέδιο, καθολικό για τη φυλή και ατομικό για το κάθε μέλος της. Εάν η δυναμική του νέου κρατικού-πολιτισμικού φασισμού συνδέεται με το εγγενές της κρατικής του υπόστασης, εθνικής και υπερεθνικής, η δυναμική του νέου εθνικού-φυλετικού φασισμού συνδέεται με την καθολικότητα του βιολογικού του αναγωγισμού. Ο εθνικός φασισμός σήμερα ολοκληρώνεται ως γενικά βιολογι­κός και όχι μόνο φυλετικός. read full story / add a comment
internacional / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Saturday September 09, 2017 13:27 by BrunoL
Através do Departamento de Justiça (DoJ, equivalente ao Ministério da Justiça, MJ nacional) e em estreita coordenação com os departamentos de Estado e Defesa, além de integração interagências, o ainda país mais rico do mundo exerce sua influência jurídico-criminal de forma seletiva e discricionária em escala planetária. read full story / add a comment
internacional / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Thursday August 31, 2017 05:20 by BrunoL   image 1 image
Em declarações públicas, se disse arrependido de seus atos, vindo a desertar. A crise de consciência de Snowden, somado ao esforço de jornalistas capitaneados pelo periódico inglês The Guardian, propiciou ao mundo o conhecimento das capacidades da Superpotência no ato de vigilância global em tempo real de praticamente todas as conexões cibernéticas e linguagens de sinais do planeta. A inteligência de sinais – sigint na sigla em inglês – coordenada pela NSA (também denominado de CSS, Serviço Central de Segurança na sigla em inglês) – abarca a capacidade de interceptação das comunicações eletrônicas e recebe um orçamento anual maior do que o Departamento de Comércio dos EUA. A NSA/CSS é a maior rubrica orçamentária de um total de investimentos de Usd 70.7 bilhões de dólares (ver read full story / add a comment
internazionale / migrazione / razzismo / comunicato stampa Wednesday August 30, 2017 19:20 by Defend Mediterranea
Comunicato di DEFEND MEDITERRANEA*, rete mediterranea solidale ed antifascista contro la spedizione identitaria Defend Europe e contro il progetto di fortezza Europa
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internacional / migración / racismo / portada Thursday August 24, 2017 21:16 by Defend Mediterranea   text 1 comment (last - monday august 28, 2017 23:53)
Comunicado de la red mediterránea de solidaridad "Defend Mediterranea"* contro el fascismo de la expedición Defend Europe y el proyecto de la Europa fortaleza OSCAILTIMAGE(attachments/aug2017/accordunioneuropennelibyedefendmediterraneaeuropeantifacstar.jpg 600 500) read full story / add a comment
internacional / economia / opinião / análise Thursday August 24, 2017 04:49 by BrunoL
23 de agosto de 2017, Bruno Lima Rocha
Ao contrário da imagem mais difundida, os chamados “paraísos fiscais” não são necessariamente ilhas ou territórios isolados, mas sim soberanias vinculadas às potências globais como EUA, Grã Bretanha (e Commonwealth), Suíça, Alemanha e China. Considerando que Estados com projeção mundial são, de fato, controladoras destas “jurisdições especiais” que escoam a riqueza do planeta, seria razoável que os instrumentos e instituições de fiscalização e governança não estivessem vinculados a estes países. Mas, como forma o padrão hegemônico no Sistema Internacional (SI), ocorre justamente o oposto. Há uma sobreposição de interesses, levando a uma evidente suspeição desta arquitetura de governança financeira. read full story / add a comment
international / migration / rassismus / pressemitteilung Wednesday August 23, 2017 23:27 by Defend Mediterranea
DEFEND MEDITERRANEA* Statement, Solidarisches und antifaschistisches mitteleuropäisches Netzwerk gegen Defend Europes identitäre Expedition und das Festung Europa Projekt. read full story / add a comment
uluslararası / göç / ırkçılık / press release Wednesday August 23, 2017 23:17 by Defend Mediterranea
Avrupa Birliği’nin Türkiye ile yapmış olduğu, Türkiye’de ve Yunanistan’da içinde yaşanılamaz durumda olan, utanç verici kampların sayılarının çoğalmasıyla sonuçlanan korkunç anlaşmanın üzerinden 1,5 sene geçmişken, gezegenin en zengin kıtasının yöneticileri daha da beter bir anlaşmanın hazırlığında. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Μετανάστευση / Ρατσισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday August 23, 2017 23:09 by Defend Mediterrenea
Μύνημα της DEFEND MEDITERRANEA*, ένα μεσογειακό, αντιφασιστικό και αλληλέγγυο δίκτυο κατά της αποστολής “ταυτότητας” Defend Europe και Europe forteresse. read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racism / press release Wednesday August 23, 2017 23:05 by Defend Mediterranea
DEFEND MEDITERRANEA* statement, solidarity and antifascist mediteranean network against Defend Europe identitarian expedition and Fortress Europe Project read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racism / press release Wednesday August 23, 2017 22:46 by Defend Mediterranea

Please excuse us for the text as it appears in Arabic, we can't publish it properly on this website. An good Arabic version can be found on this website (below the french). We thought it would be good to publish it here too though and add this link. Sorry for the inconvenience ! شبكة معادية للفاشية، تضامنية للبحر الأبيض المتوسط ضد رحلة السفينة الفاشية DEFEND EUROPE
و مشروع أوروبا القلعة (L’Europe forteresse)
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international / history of anarchism / debate Wednesday August 23, 2017 21:49 by René Berthier   text 1 comment (last - friday august 25, 2017 14:02)
This text is a commentary of the contribution of Wayne Price recently published on, « The First International and the Development of Anarchism and Marxism » (
Wayne made a review of my book (among others) : "Social Democracy and Anarchism in the International Workers' Association 1864-1877" (Trans. A.W. Zurbrug.) London: Anarres Editions. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday August 23, 2017 20:43 by Dmitri (republishing)   image 1 image
Θα ‘θελα να φωνάξω εκδίκηση -μπορώ να σας πω πως θα πέθαινα ευτυχισμένος κάτω απ’ το χέρι του δημίου, αν ήξερα πως θα έπαιρναν άλλοι εκδίκηση για μένα: «οφθαλμόν αντί οφθαλμού και οδόντα αντί οδόντος… read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racisme / communiqué de presse Wednesday August 23, 2017 02:51 by Defend Mediterranea   image 1 image
Communiqué de DEFEND MEDITERRANEA*, réseau antifasciste et solidaire méditerranéen contre l’expédition identitaire Defend Europe et l’Europe forteresse read full story / add a comment
internacional / economia / opinião / análise Friday August 11, 2017 23:12 by BrunoL   image 1 image
11 de agosto de 2017 - Bruno Lima Rocha
Com este texto, em paralelo à difusão do pensamento descolonizado e de base latino-americana, além das análises de conjuntura, abro outra coletânea. Nesta pesquisa de relevo, vamos observar as interseções entre a circulação do capital financeiro, a financeirização dos países, os mecanismos centrais de governança (ou de consentimento para estas operações) e o complexo mundo das offshores e “paraísos fiscais”. A temporalidade desta pesquisa de relevo é no “ocidente” globalizado e no capitalismo avançado pós-2008.
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international / the left / review Thursday August 03, 2017 13:43 by Wayne Price   text 2 comments (last - monday august 21, 2017 03:05)
Libertarian Socialism is the brand of socialism which opposes statist, authoritarian, and oppressive varieties of socialism. It is anti-statist, radically democratic, self-managing, and humanistic. It blurs the boundaries between anarchism and Marxism, especially between class-struggle anarchist-socialism and libertarian-autonomist Marxism. These 15 essays place libertarian socialism in the context of various anarchists, syndicalists, council communists, decentralists, and libertarian communists--examining their views and histories. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Wednesday August 02, 2017 20:23 by Zaher Baher
This article points out a couple of issues that are slowing down our movement. They are single issue and individualism & lifestyle. Many of our comrades in UK an Europe work only on a single issue, in addition some of us do not try hard enough beyond our lifestyle . Of course, our weaknesses are not only these two , in fact there are many more but in this article I just concentrate on these two.
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international / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Thursday July 13, 2017 10:23 by Wayne Price   text 4 comments (last - friday september 15, 2017 08:24)
A libertarian Marxist friend sent me a reference to a report on an international gathering of “National Anarchists.” It appeared in Keith Preston’s site, “Attack the System,” at

This is my response.
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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

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En Allemagne et ailleurs, la répression ne nous fera pas taire !

El acuerdo en preparacion entre la Union Europea y Libia es un crimen de lesa humanidad

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Anarchism, Ethics and Justice: The Michael Schmidt Case

Land, law and decades of devastating douchebaggery

Democracia direta já! Barrar as reformas nas ruas e construir o Poder Popular!

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Análise da crise política do início da queda do governo Temer

Dès maintenant, passons de la défiance à la résistance sociale !

17 maggio, giornata internazionale contro l’omofobia.

Los Mártires de Chicago: historia de un crimen de clase en la tierra de la “democracia y la libertad”

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