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pays-bas / allemagne / autriche / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / article de fond Thursday August 31, 2017 19:11 by Relations Internationales   image 1 image
Communiqué de la Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes, organisation membre du réseau Anarkismo, à propos de l'interdiction du site de langue allemande Linksunten Indymedia et de son logo ainsi que les perquisitions qui ont suivi. OSCAILTIMAGE(attachments/aug2017/accordunioneuropennelibyedefendmediterraneaeuropeantifacstar.jpg 600 500) read full story / add a comment
internacional / migración / racismo / portada Thursday August 24, 2017 21:16 by Defend Mediterranea   text 1 comment (last - monday august 28, 2017 23:53)
Comunicado de la red mediterránea de solidaridad "Defend Mediterranea"* contro el fascismo de la expedición Defend Europe y el proyecto de la Europa fortaleza OSCAILTIMAGE(attachments/aug2017/accordunioneuropennelibyedefendmediterraneaeuropeantifacstar.jpg 600 500) read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / feature Wednesday August 16, 2017 23:32 by Black Rose Anarchist Federation   image 1 image
Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation has received word about the white supremacist, fascist violence committed in Charlottesville today. We are deeply saddened by the loss of our comrade in struggle. Our hearts and minds go out to their loved ones. We stand in solidarity with anti-racist activists in Charlottesville today, their families, the IWW and DSA members present, and all those involved in the struggle against the rising tide of fascism worldwide. [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Français] See also: [IWW's statement] [Français] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
Credit: eNCA / Xoli Mngambi
southern africa / workplace struggles / feature Tuesday June 27, 2017 23:19 by Mandy Moussouris   image 1 image
The labour movement has been unable to de-link itself from its archenemy: capital. As its structures bureaucratise, as its leaders become career unionists, as it opens investment companies and pays staff increasingly inequitable salaries, it increasingly mirrors the very thing it is fighting. If the South African Federation of Trade Unions is to meet its promise, it must be fundamentally different from the organisation it was born out of. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / feature Thursday June 22, 2017 23:55 by Anarkismo Network   text 39 comments (last - thursday july 13, 2017 21:57)   image 3 images
When we have to deal with disagreements, conflicts and faults, these problems must be solved with a justice that is based on our libertarian ethical values. What does this concretely mean? That we have to hear all the parties involved and make sure to provide physical and psychological protection too all, especially if someone has – at least presumably – been hurt. In cases of sexual violence – for instance – we should not reproduce the bias of bourgeois patriarchal so-called “justice” that too frequently isolates (female) survivors and dismisses their feelings and words. It means that we have to establish means to examine the different positions and eliminate any doubts. That we have to have democratic and collective processes to deal with that and to take decisions and make recommendations. And, mainly, that we must first try to reeducate people instead of punishing or isolating them. Not that in some cases punishment or isolation couldn’t be the only solution, but, at least, we have to make (re)education a priority over punishment and isolation, which should be last resorts. To deal with these problems within our movement instances of ethical justice that aim to resolve major disagreements, conflicts and faults are necessary. These instance, such as an “ethics commission” for example, could be convened and articulated whenever one or more militants within our movement or organizations identify a problem of this kind and ask formally for the establishment of a commission. The establishment of a commission (or the denial) would be the result of a collective decision made by the deliberative and decision-making bodies of the respective organizations. If a commission is established, then a certain number of militants not involved with the case could be mandated to constitute the commission and be given a deadline to listen to the different parties involved, to develop positions, eliminate doubts and then to produce a written document with a position and recommendations to the respective organization.
To “solve the problem” means, here, to find ways to reach agreements, to find solutions to conflicts, to deal with faults and to eliminate doubts. Although giving preference to (re)education, the commission could decide for issuing a warning, suspension, sanction or even expulsion or "excommunication".

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Women constructing a shelter on occupied land at Bush Koppies. Photo: Lekhetho Mtetwa (ZACF)
southern africa / community struggles / feature Thursday June 08, 2017 02:20 by Jonathan Payn   image 1 image
The struggle of the black working class majority of Freedom Park, South Africa, is not just for land on which to build housing – although that is obviously a central issue and key demand; nor is it just against the accompanying political and police violence and intimidation. It is a struggle against the injustice, violence and corruption of a system that puts the power, privileges and profits of a few before the lives and wellbeing of the majority.

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Corte de rua e barricada no estado do Paraná.
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / feature Tuesday May 30, 2017 06:32 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira   text 1 comment (last - saturday may 27, 2017 22:20)   image 1 image
O Brasil vive um terremoto político, escancarando a podridão das elites do país e fragilizando ainda mais os laços que as sustentam no poder. A operação orquestrada que possibilitou a gravação entre o presidente Michel Temer e o dono da JBS, maior empresa de carnes do mundo, altera a correlação de forças no país e joga gasolina na crise política e social. Com a instabilidade política, o governo tem mais dificuldade para mobilizar sua base e avançar com as Reformas da Previdência e Trabalhista, os maiores ataques à classe oprimida. Isso não é motivo para se comemorar, não devemos tirar peso destas lutas. Agora é a hora de partir pra cima, massificar as mobilizações com o trancamento das ruas, paralisações rumo à greve geral para barrar os cortes sociais e as reformas. Devemos aprofundar a democracia, mas a democracia direta, onde as/os trabalhadoras/es nos seus locais de trabalho, estudo e moradia decidam o rumo do país. O momento é desfavorável para nós oprimidos e oprimidas, mas a crise e a disputa entre as elites abrem margem para outros projetos. [Castellano] [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
iberia / historia del anarquismo / portada Wednesday May 24, 2017 16:46 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 2 images
El libro de Carretero Miramar es corto, pero está repleto de ideas para ayudar en ese camino. Cada capítulo abre mil interrogantes, estimula mil ideas, abre cientos de puertas a reflexiones en particular. Es un libro, que más que desarrollar ideas acabadas, incita al pensamiento crítico del lector. Y eso es lo que más se agradece de un libro en estos momentos. read full story / add a comment
O ex-deputador federal Eduardo Cunha e o futuro ex-presidente Michel Temer
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / feature Monday May 22, 2017 00:19 by Bruno Lima Rocha   image 1 image
Como o país inteiro sabe, às 19.30 no sítio eletrônico do Jornal O Globo, o colunista Lauro Jardim deu a mãe de todos os furos (ver: Imediatamente a emissora líder entrou de plantão, a nota chegou ao Congresso nacional, as duas sessões (Câmara e Senado) foram suspensas e o Planalto chamou uma reunião de emergência, com a presença dos ministros de confiança do presidente Michel Temer e do presidente da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ). Nesta reportagem bombástica, haveria evidência o suficiente para imputar ação criminosa do presidente da República no exercício do cargo, assim como uma compra de “ajuda financeira” para a defesa legal do senador Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG) com lavagem na sequência, através de empresa do também senador tucano e mineiro, Zezé Perrella.
A delação dos irmãos Joesley e Wesley Batista foi uma ação coordenada, com orientação direta da Polícia Federal, com altíssimo critério na produção de provas materiais irrefutáveis e com o estilo e padrão do FBI, a polícia federal dos EUA. Microchips em mochilas contendo dinheiro, notas seriadas e fotografadas, microfones de bolso ou discretos para induzir os alvos a falar, cometendo revelações criminosas. Quem conhece um pouco desse padrão sabe sua origem e a capacidade devastadora no ambiente político.

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france / belgique / luxembourg / divers / article de fond Thursday May 18, 2017 22:36 by Relations Extérieures de la CGA   text 1 comment (last - thursday may 18, 2017 18:25)   image 1 image
Communiqué de la Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes suite à l'élection présidentielle en France read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / genero / editoriale Saturday May 13, 2017 00:40 by Alternativa Libertaria/fdca   image 1 image
Solidarietà con le vittime di omofobia in Cecenia e non solo [English][Français] read full story / add a comment
Fotografía de Los Mártires de Chicago de 1887
américa del norte / méxico / historia del anarquismo / portada Monday May 01, 2017 17:33 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 1 comment (last - friday may 05, 2017 19:13)   image 3 images
Este documento fue escrito en el 2010 como introducción al libro "Los Orígenes Libertarios del Primero de Mayo: de Chicago a América Latina" (Ed. Quimantú, Hombre y Sociedad, Libre Iniciativa), volumen que recogía contribuciones históricas sobre los orígenes del Primero de Mayo como día de protesta obrera y sus vínculos con el movimiento anarquista de comienzos del siglo XX en América Latina*. Esta introducción ponía los sucesos de Chicago de 1886 en el contexto de un movimiento de matriz libertaria, obrero, que se convirtió en una amenaza para la clase capitalista en los EEUU, y explora cómo este evento logró capturar el espíritu de toda una época de luchas y cómo estos sucesos fueron parte de un movimiento internacional muchísimo más amplio. Al difundir este documento, espero no sólo hacer un homenaje a estos luchadores de hace más de un siglo, sino también entregar algunas reflexiones sobre su experiencia histórica concreta, en la esperanza que puedan ser de utilidad para las nuevas generaciones de luchadores.
José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
1o. de Mayo 2017

*Este libro no se habría podido editar sin la ayuda económica del Centro de Documentación "Franco Salomone". read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / workplace struggles / feature Wednesday April 26, 2017 16:43 by Municipal Workers’ Union of Cachoeirinha, Rio Grande do Sul,   image 1 image
The Municipal Workers’ Union of Cachoeirinha (Sindicato dos Municipários de Cachoeirinha – SIMCA) is a union that fights for workers’ rights in class-based struggles in Brazil. Founded on June 20, 1989, it has consistently been a protagonist in struggles both initiated by the Union and by other social movements. The municipal workers of Cachoeirinha have been leaders in the organization and mobilization of these struggles, refusing to stay quiet in the face of arbitrary and authoritarian exploitation of labor, mismanagement on the part of bosses and government officials, and the injustices imposed “from above.” read full story / add a comment
rusia / ucrania / bielorrusia / movimiento anarquista / portada Thursday April 20, 2017 18:53 by Revolución Internacional / World Revolution   text 1 comment (last - tuesday april 11, 2017 22:34)   image 1 image
Mikola Dziadok es un joven militante libertario, abogado y escritor de Bielorrusia. Es parte de la alianza "Revolución Internacional / World Revolution - Прамень 'Pramen'" y colabora con nosotr@s traduciendo textos y ensayos al ruso y bielorruso sobre autogobiernos, procesos comunitarios y movimientos sociales en el mundo, así como de historia, ciencias sociales y pensamiento crítico, temáticas que han atraído desde Latinoamérica el interés de muchas organizaciones y compañeros de Europa. [Français][Italiano] read full story / add a comment
oy vermek birşeyleri değiştirseydi
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / feature Monday April 17, 2017 00:50 by DAF   image 1 image
Seçimli sistemlerin tümünde, çoğunluk olan iktidar olur. Demokraside, çoğunluğun iktidarı demokratiktir. Çoğunluk olan iktidardır, azınlık olan ise iktidar olamamıştır. Çoğunluğun ve azınlığın ilişkisi, seçimler sürecince iki ayrı yöntemin tartışması şeklinde sürmüştür. Tartışmadıkları tek şey ise seçimlerdir. Seçimler bir grubun toplumu “ben-biz yönetmek istiyoruz” sözüyle başlayan, diğer grubun ise “hayır ben-biz yönetmek istiyoruz” sözüyle karşılık bulduğu bir iddiadır. Seçimler, iddianın taraflarının anlaşarak başlattığı seçmen sayma sürecidir ve seçmenler olmadan gerçekleşemez. Hangi tarafın seçmeni diğerinden çoksa, toplumun yönetimi de o tarafta olacaktır. Seçmen, bu iddialaşmada sadece sayısal bir değerdir. Bu sayısal değer gündelik yaşamında birçok sorunu çözmeye çalışarak yaşayan vatandaş için önemsenecek bir değer değildir. İddialaşmanın tarafları seçimlerdeki katılımı arttırmak için, vatandaşı, sayılan seçmen sıfatından çıkarıp iddianın içine sokmak isterler. Böylece iddiaya katılım artacaktır. Katılımın artması, bir sayı olan seçmenin, öncelikle iddiayı ve sonrasında ise seçimleri ve daha da sonrasında seçimlerin sonucunda oluşacak iktidarı içselleştirmesini sağlayacaktır. Seçmen kazansa da kaybetse de seçimin sonucunu ve seçilmiş tarafın iktidarını kabullenecektir. Vatandaşın bu kabullenmesi, seçimlerde iddialaşan her grubun kazanımıdır. Seçimi kazanan hükümetini sürdürdükçe, kaybeden de muhalefetini sürdürecek ve her iki taraf da bir dahaki seçimleri bekleyeceklerdir. [Français] [English][Ελληνικά] Also read Regarding Referendum 2 DAF Referanduma Dair 2 DAF read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / community struggles / portada Thursday March 30, 2017 15:54 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
El día domingo 26 de Marzo se celebró la tan esperada consulta minera sobre la explotación del oro en la mina de oro de La Colosa, en Cajamarca (Tolima). 6.241 habitantes de Cajamarca salieron ese día a votar ante una sencilla pregunta “¿Está usted de acuerdo Sí o No que en el municipio de Cajamarca se ejecuten proyectos y actividades mineras?”. El resultado fue contundente: 98% de los votantes se expresaron a favor del NO a la megaminería. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / feature Tuesday March 28, 2017 18:50 by Anarkismo   text 6 comments (last - thursday april 13, 2017 06:25)   image 1 image
In our last statement on the Michael Schmidt case and accusations by journalists Alexander Reid Ross and Joshua Stephens that he is a fascist and white nationalist that attempted to infiltrate the anarchist movement, we said that the Anarkismo network had decided “to call for a commission of enquiry to investigate more closely both the accusations and the defence, and to make recommendations to the broader anarchist movement based on their findings”. Regrettably it has been over a year since we announced our intention to convene a commission of inquiry and it has not yet materialised. While we have recently started making progress once again on the call for a commission and will continue to work towards finalizing our proposal and framework, however, we have also had enough time now to debate aspects of the case both within and between some of the organisations in the network. New developments and information concerning the case have also come to our attention that must be addressed immediately. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / feature Saturday March 18, 2017 02:25 by Tomás Lynch   image 1 image
Aodhan Ó Ríordáin jets off to the States this week to try and crack America with his unique brand of hypocritical liberalism, trumpeting himself as an anti-racist icon in contrast to Trump’s policies of detention and deportation of undocumented migrants. Tómas Lynch takes a look at his record on the homefront. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / gênero / feature Thursday March 09, 2017 14:57 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira   image 2 images
As mulheres da Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira aproveitam a data de 8 de março para lembrar uma vez mais que tal dia é um dia de luta e memória; assim como tem sido todo o tempo, mulheres se rebelam! Contra o patriarcado, contra o machismo, contra a falta de direitos, contra o Estado, contra o capitalismo, mulheres têm se revoltado sempre! read full story / add a comment
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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

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Loi travail 2017 : Tout le pouvoir aux patrons !

En Allemagne et ailleurs, la répression ne nous fera pas taire !

El acuerdo en preparacion entre la Union Europea y Libia es un crimen de lesa humanidad

Mourn the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living

SAFTU: The tragedy and (hopefully not) the farce

Anarchism, Ethics and Justice: The Michael Schmidt Case

Land, law and decades of devastating douchebaggery

Democracia direta já! Barrar as reformas nas ruas e construir o Poder Popular!

Reseña del libro de José Luis Carretero Miramar “Eduardo Barriobero: Las Luchas de un Jabalí” (Queimada Ediciones, 2017)

Análise da crise política do início da queda do governo Temer

Dès maintenant, passons de la défiance à la résistance sociale !

17 maggio, giornata internazionale contro l’omofobia.

Los Mártires de Chicago: historia de un crimen de clase en la tierra de la “democracia y la libertad”

Strike in Cachoeirinha

(Bielorrusia) ¡Libertad inmediata a nuestro compañero Mikola Dziadok!

DAF’ın Referandum Üzerine Birinci Bildirisi:

Cajamarca, Tolima: consulta popular y disputa por el territorio

Statement on the Schmidt Case and Proposed Commission of Inquiry

Aodhan Ó Ríordáin: Playing The Big Man in America

Nós anarquistas saudamos o 8 de março: dia internacional de luta e resistência das mulheres!

Özgürlüğümüz Mücadelemizdedir

IWD 2017: Celebrating a new revolution

Solidarité avec Théo et toutes les victimes des violences policières ! Non à la loi « Sécurité Publique » !

Solidaridad y Defensa de las Comunidades Frente al Avance del Paramilitarismo en el Cauca

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